
My Adventure in the Multiverse with Gacha (SI)

So I died, meet God, got wishes, and now I am reincarnating. I can't wait for my adventure to begin. MW: One Piece I own nothing but my OC please support the original works Tags: HAREM, Large harem, Multiverse, Gacha, System, One Piece, Naruto, Harry Potter, Marvel etc, Anime, Books, Movies, TV, Fanfiction, Smut

ShadowRose13 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

14 The Talk

With the draws done with I continue my day. Honestly the day was mostly boring. I tried attending classes but it was stupid since I already knew the spells and my potions weren't graded fairly either. Snape would accuse me of cheating no matter how perfect my potion was. So I decided from now on I won't go to the classes I don't like.

Speaking of Potions, after I turned in my perfect potion I got called out to take wand weighing ceremony with the other champions. I know Snape is secretly a good guy who was watching out for me but damn did his bias against me make me want to hex the man.

"So Harry what's it like being the champion?" asked Collin Crevey who was guiding me to the other champions for the wand weighing ceremony

"I've only been Champion a day Collin. But if you ask I will say that it feels freeing."

"Really?" he said excitedly. I forgot how much of a Harry Potter fan this boy was.

"Really really" I say to him with a soft smile at his excitement. We spoke for several minutes before getting to the room of the Champions

"See you later Harry"

"You too Collin"

After having said our goodbyes I enter the room. I see my fellow champions are all here already. "Heya Fleur, Krum"

"Ello Arry" said Fleur with her French accent

"Aye Hello Harry" Said Krum

"So in the spirit of school unity I would like to invite you both to a study session with me"

"But it is competition" Krum

"Yes but it is also supposed to provide unity for our schools."

"I am fine with a study session Arry"

"I will also accept"

"Good trust me this will be eye opening"

"Good all our champions are here" the jovial tone of Ludo Bagman came up causing us to all turn and look at him. "Now we have invited reporter Rita Skeeter to have a short interview with our champions

"Maybe not so short" She said staring at me directly as if I were meat. She gives me the creeps. I am going to tell Amelia Bones about her Animagus form as soon as I can.

I then spot Ollivander coming in "Looks like we can finally start this session"

Ollivander chuckles "Indeed Mister Potter. Let's start with Viktor Krums wand." He holds his hand out to Krum "If you would please" Viktor hands over his wand "Ah this is not one of mine. Ah I see Gregorovitch"

"Yes it was one of his last" said Krum

"Yes 10 ¼ Long made of Hornbeam and dragon heartstring. It's a little thicker than normal and quite rigid" He hands the wand back to Krum. Then gestures for Fleurs "9.5 inches made of rosewood and oh my a veela hair core."

"It was my grandmothers" said Fleur

"Yes well I try not to make use of veela hair it makes a wand a bit unstable. It's inflexible but in good condition." He hands the wand back then gestures to myself and I hand over my wand "Ah yes one of mine. Holly and phoenix feather 11 inches and nice and supple. You take good care of your wand Harry"

"Thank you Mr Ollivander" I say as he hands my wand back only for me to be pulled into a closet with Skeeter. I have to say my interview with her did not go any better than cannon. With her quick quotes quill plus I played my part politely as I didn't want to give her a chance to run.

I look at my fellow Champions with pity as it was now their turn with the bug woman. Soon it was all finished up with us all taking a picture together for the Prophet. I think I remember Skeeter made a point of putting me in the spotlight and bad mouthing Fleur in the series.

Before I can leave Dumbledore interrupts me "Ah Harry my boy could you come with me for a bit. I just want to ask a few questions"

I hesitate briefly before I remember this one isn't a manipulative prick. "Sure thing Headmaster" with that agreement I follow him to the headmasters quarters. "Hello again Fawkes" The phoenix trills causing me to feel warmth in my soul. "Hello Hat" I greet the hat as well. The hat just does a weird bow nod thing. It's a hat.

"So Harry, I wanted to know how long you have been a metamorphmagus?"

"Well I learned about the ability when I was 9 and have hidden it ever since."

"Why would you have to hide your marvelous ability even from your friends?"

"To be frank sir I couldn't show it at the Dursleys as they hate anything… abnormal. Secondly I thought you were out for my life"

"What?" He says looking shocked that I would believe something so horrible

"Well I kept it secret in my first year because of the Dursleys 'teachings' and I put that in the harshest way possible. Also the philosophers stone incident made me think you were out to get me."

"I will get back to the Dursleys later for now though tell me why that incident, as you put it, made you think I was out to get you."

"They were too easy. The hardest part was Fluffy and the Mirror of Erised. We three first years managed to overcome traps that seemed made for us. We just learned about devils snare in herbology, the chess set was for Ron, the flying keys were for me, the troll would have been simple as we already beat one, and the logic puzzle was for Hermoine who is the smartest witch in school."

"I see, it does paint a not so good picture on me doesn't it."

"It did but I now know you are a good man who is only trying to protect his students the best way you can. It was when you came to me full of worry and concern over my name being chosen I knew you weren't out to get me. So I decided to no longer hide my true self" I lied. I knew he was a good Dumbledore because I made it so in the background creation those things have OP power I tell you.

"Well I am glad you are now feeling safe enough to be yourself here. But let's go back to the Dursleys. Do you have issues with them"

"Well if you count abuse as an issue then yes"

"A-abuse" he sputters seemingly not believing it so I took off my robe and undershirt then turn around to show him all the scars on my back from their 'teachings'

"They would whip me for anything. I turn my teachers hair blue I got whipped. Uncle didn't get the promotion he wanted I got whipped. Doing better than their son in school I got whipped. Thinking my name was freak, because that's all they ever called me, in school got me whipped. I would say that whip is the only thing they ever bought for me. The only good thing is they let me eat enough so I'm not malnourished."

Honestly I am disappointed in myself. I thought it would be mostly cannon were he was neglected but not outright abused like this.

"Harry I am so sorry for this. I know you would live a good life while in their care but I never thought family would treat one another this cruelly. Obviously I can't put you back in that environment. I will find alternative placing for you. I promise you will never have to return to them"

"Thank you Dumbledore thank you" I hadn't realized it at that moment but silent tears were coming from my eyes.

"Oh Harry" He says sadly noticing my tears but not mentioning them. "Anyway I believe it is time for Lunch so why don't you run along and fill your stomach" I nod and get dressed once again before leaving the office.

"Fawkes what have I done?" He says sadly after I leave. His tone full of regret and remorse. The Phoenix also chirps sadly.