
Monster: Online

Monster Online, a game designed by the outer gods to invade earth, Noah Frost one of the highest-ranking players to ever play the game died and was sent back in time, back to even before the game was released, he will use this opportunity to save the world and to become the strongest player to ever exist.

Washuru · Game
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12 Chs

Chapter 5: Defeating the bandits

It was already close to sunset when Noah set out towards the bandit camp, Noah had waited until it was completely dark, unlike players most Npc's would require sleep usually the stronger and higher quality monster parts the Npc's had the less sleep they required.

Noah had waited for a few hours and almost all the bandits had gone to sleep.

Except for 2, the two main bandits, a level 7 and a level 8, Noah was debating with himself, defeating a level 8 and a level 7 at the same time would be very difficult especially if the other bandits woke up.

Noah's plan to take care of the bandits was actually quite simple, he could do it the hard way and fight all the bandits by himself or he could do it the smart way and have something else take care of it.

Noah was planning on luring the mini-boss towards the bandit camp, it would be a far faster way of finishing his quest, although it would still be quite dangerous.

Noah closed his eyes, many monster parts granted abilities that could be activated with mana, the claws didn't require it because it was more of a biological quality than a special ability, the monkey's eyes however granted you a very special ability, namely the monkey's senses.

The monkey's senses allowed you to see 'danger' and 'safety' at the lowest levels, the surroundings would glow with a red, orange, grey, or green color, each indicating a different level of danger, red obviously being the most dangerous, the ability would base the danger level off of your status so as Noah imbued mana into his eyes and looked at the bandits and they glowed red.

Noah decided to put his plan into action, luring the mini-boss wasn't actually as hard as it sounded, the mini-boss was a giant wolf that went around with a group of around 10 to 15 other grey wolves, you could easily lure it by using the blood of a grey wolf.

Noah ran for around 5 minutes when he saw a grey color, it was a wolf, grey indicated that your statuses were around the same level, a few of Noah's stats were higher than that of the wolf but the wolf's level was higher which caused it to be equal to each other, nevertheless Noah immediately attacked the wolf.

With a few slashes, the wolf was incapacitated and thrown over Noah's shoulder.

All Noah had to do now was find a sign of the mini-boss, which wasn't hard as he could see large claw marks appearing on trees that were glowing red, Noah was nearing the mini-boss.

Noah cut open a few smaller wounds on the wolf trying to do as little damage as possible and threw the wolf to the ground causing it to growl in pain, almost as if it knew something powerful was nearby, it howled.

Noah smiled, after just a few seconds of waiting he could hear a multitude of howls echo through the night, one sounding far scarier than the others, Noah stabbed the wolf at his feet a few more times and doused his hands and shirt in the blood of the wolf.

Now came the part where he had to run as fast as he could, Noah turned around and sprinted away, he was around 20 minutes of running away from the bandit camp, the wolves were obviously quite a bit faster than Noah so he had to really run for his life now, defeating a level 10 min-boss would be pretty much impossible unless Noah used some very questionable tactics which he would rather not want to use so he ran as fast as he could.

By some miracle or perhaps curse the wolves followed behind Noah, slowly encircling him, it seemed that they wanted to play with their prey before they killed him, luckily this worked out perfectly for Noah.

Noah was back at the bandit camp and sneakily ran behind one of the tents so that the two high-level bandits wouldn't see him, he took off his shirt and threw it into one of the makeshift windows on the tent, there was barely any blood left on him and he was quite confident in being able to mask the smell of any remaining blood, all he had to do now was wait some more and reap all the benefits.

Noah quickly climbed into a tree and watched, the mini-boss showed up after a few seconds, it seemed like Noah had made it just on time.

[Giant Grey wolf, lvl: 10]

[Bandit leader, lvl: 8]

Two high-level opponents stood across from each other, the bandit leader cursed and grabbed a scimitar-like sword that had a small red rope on its handle, Noah watched as the bandit leader slowly changed, his already imposing 6'4 figure became even larger, dark brown fur sprouted along his hands and his legs became far larger and thicker than before, with a mighty shout the bandit leader charged at the wolf with the level 7 bandit following him.

The wolf howled and from the surrounding forest around 15 wolves jumped out, the bandit leader's shout seemed to wake up all the other bandits who came out rushing with weapons in their hands, some partially transformed into some kind of monster.

It was 25 bandits versus 16 wolves, Noah watched the chaos he had created, all he had to do now was sneak up on them and reap the benefits, many players complained about a certain aspect of this game, kill and loot stealing, you didn't have to be the one to kill your enemy to claim loot, you could simply steal it while they weren't paying attention, many players had this happen to them, even Noah a few times in the past.

This was the reason why players with stealth class monster parts were hated the most, as everyone immediately assumed that they were simply loot stealers.

Noah jumped through the trees and arrived behind the two main fighters, just as he arrived the level seven bandit got hit by a swipe of the wolf's claws across his chest.

The bandit was thrown backward and impacted a tree, just coincidentally it was the tree that Noah was in.

The bandit groaned and with great difficulty stood up with the support of his sword.

This was the perfect opportunity for Noah, he jumped down from the tree and stabbed the bandit through his neck from above.

Blood spurted and the bandit fell over, dead.

[Critical hit! 52 Dmg!]

[You have killed a level 7 bandit!]

[You have gained 250 Exp, 10 bronze coins, bandit sword.]

Noah grinned, the bandit sword was quite a good weapon, it dealt 30 Physical Damage and granted you 2 points of strength.

One of the best things about the game was that weapons under B rank did not have a level requirement, the reason for that was that most weapons under B rank did not have any special qualities like being a divine or demonic sword, many swords at the higher level were infused with mana during its crafting making them too strong for a weak player's body to handle.

Noah didn't have much time to think though, both the bandit leader and mini-boss looked to be in bad shape, the bandit leader far more so.

Noah dashed forward heading towards the bandit leader who was too preoccupied with the mini-boss to notice Noah.

Noah successfully crept up behind the bandit leader and sneak attacked him.

The bandit leader's armor had long become useless so Noah managed to stab right into his flesh, with much difficulty Noah pierced the bandit leader's heart.

[Critical Hit! 75 Dmg!]

The bandit leader's eyes widened, he didn't expect to be stabbed in the back so he quickly turned around.

"H-How?" The bandit leader shouted out.

Unfortunately for him, this seemed to be a fatal mistake as the wolf's claws stabbed through his back.

"Argh!" The bandit leader roared in pain.

Noah stabbed forward stabbing through the bandit leader's chest once more, he was quite lucky as he once again got the kill.

[You have killed level 8 bandit leader!]

[You have gained 350 Exp! you have gained 25 bronze coins and you have gained dark bear transformation!]

The wolf growled at Noah, it was angry, it recognized the smell of the human that had killed one of its brethren and it wanted to kill him.

The wolf pounced at Noah who skillfully dodged and slashed the wolf's hind legs as he rolled past the wolf.

What ensued was a battle that lasted a total of 5 minutes, the wolf had been slowed down due to the injuries it had gained from the bandit leader making it easy for Noah to dodge all his attacks.

[You have killed a level 10 mini-boss!]

[You have gained 500 Exp, 1 silver coin.]

[You are the first player to ever kill a mini-boss, your achievements will be announced to the world, do you wish to keep your name anonymous?]



[Congratulation to player {Noah} for being the first one to kill a mini-boss!]

This message was repeated three more times in front of everyone that was online.

Noah had contemplated staying anonymous but there was no use in doing so, he planned on creating his own guild later on and for that he needed fame, also when he progressed far enough there would be rank rewards and he wanted to get those since they gave you some of the best items and recourses in-game.

[Since you are the first person to kill a mini-boss you have been granted 1 gold coin, and 1 random C rank skill book.]

Noah was very satisfied with these rewards, in the other time line he had only gotten a first-time reward a few times so being the first person to ever get one was quite an achievement for him, although it was kind of cheating, his knowledge of the future made things far too easy.

Noah now only had to finish off a few more bandits and wolves, quite a few had already died so he only gained 400 exp from them.

in total Noah had gained 1500 Exp, 1 gold coin, a silver coin, and 35 bronze coins.

Noah smiled in satisfaction, this had turned out far better than he expected.

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