
Monster: Online

Penulis: Washuru
Video Games
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What is Monster: Online

Baca novel Monster: Online yang ditulis oleh penulis Washuru yang diterbitkan di WebNovel. Monster Online, a game designed by the outer gods to invade earth, Noah Frost one of the highest-ranking players to ever play the game died and was sent back in time, back to even before the game was ...


Monster Online, a game designed by the outer gods to invade earth, Noah Frost one of the highest-ranking players to ever play the game died and was sent back in time, back to even before the game was released, he will use this opportunity to save the world and to become the strongest player to ever exist.

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The Songs Only I Hear

!!ANNOUNCEMENT!! - I will have slightly worse upload schedule during the summer, due to a lot of vacations my family and I have planed. I'm only human, I need my breaks too! Thank you for understanding, and to those who are following this series, please don't be alarmed when I miss a few upload dates. My approximate timing will probably slow, to every 4 - 7 days. I know. It's bad. This however, is the only way I can post, while spending time with my family. I will go back to regular uploads by the end of the summer. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Being blind is just how Lucus sees the world. Nothing seems to be wrong with this. After growing up in an orphanage, he takes his first steps into a real school when he enters high school. Making friends, and changing the world. They both seem to be equally hard. While he might not be able to see, the world feels more blind to him, than he is to them. Gonna be really honest here. I don't have a great upload schedule. I'm a bit too lazy for that. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Uploads every 2 - 3 days. Sometimes I might do 2 at a time if I'm feeling productive. I wish I could say I'm going to make this the best book you'll ever read, but I'm still very amateur. Give me a chance, however, and I promise to surprise you. This is a tale of friendship, a bit of romance, overcoming life's obstacles, and working hard to surpass them. Join Lucus, Ben, and Allicia in their quest to find, or make, a life of their own. Thank you for reading, hope you enjoy. ; )

ASIAN_PECAN · Realistis
Peringkat tidak cukup
44 Chs

King of the Three Kingdom -Lucia Series-

Lucia Ishana gadis yatim piatu yang hidup di pinggiran kota kecil tepatnya di sebuah pedesaan.Lucia yang kala itu sedang mencari kayu bakar untuk persiapan musim dingin tiba tiba tersesat di hutan di belakang rumahnya. Lucia tak tau harus kemana,dia benar benar tersesat.semakin dia masuk ke dalam hutan,semakin hutan ini tampak seperti bukan hutan di belakang rumahnya.entah mimpi apa lucia semalam hingga kesialan begitu menimpanya kini hujan turun dengan lebatnya. Sebuah gua tampak tak jauh dari tempat Lucia berdiri,dengan sedikit tertatih akibat dari tanah yang licin dan sedikit berlumpur karena hujan.lucia menatap gua tersebut dengan takut,lucia sangat tau seperti apa isi hutan di belakang rumahnya,dan kini hutan ini sangat berbeda.hanya firasat atau apa,lucia merasa dia kini sedang tak berada di hutan belakang rumahnya. rasa penasaran timbul di benak lucia,dengan perlahan dia mulai masuk gua lebih dalam.aroma lembab begitu menusuk penciuman lucia,setelah berjalan menelusuri gua tersebut kini tampak di depan lucia cahaya terang di ujung mulut gua.lucia melanjutkan jalannya dan ketika tiba di ujung gua,aroma pepohonan segar serta cahaya yang semakin menusuk matanya membuat lucia menutup erat kedua matanya. aroma segar pepohonan semakin tercium di penciuman lucia,dengan perlahan lucia membuka matanya.pohon rindang kini ada di hadapannya,rumput hijau dengan sedikit embun diujungnya,bunga bunga warna warni dengan beberapa kupu kupu yang hinggap di atasnya,tupai yang berjalan dari satu pohon ke pohon yang lainnya,kelinci yang melompat riang,serta kicauan burung yang melintas.suasana yang sangat menakjubkan,lucia merasa seperti sedang di hutan negeri dongeng. benak lucia mengatakan "DIMANA AKU?"

El_Franza · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs

The Vampire Prince's Blindfolded Bride

"You are my salvation and an answer to my cursed eyes." ------ In a world of vampires, werewolves, and witches, a girl is born to be the bride of the vicious and bloodthirsty 300-year-old immortal Vampire Prince. The man who could never be enticed by any ethereal beauty till now suddenly has shown interest in a woman with a curse whom everyone abandoned. Alora Wilson, the eldest daughter of a high-noble human family, is born with the curse of an old powerful witch. It is the curse that burns the person into ashes if the person looks directly into her eyes. A curse that forces her to wear the blindfold since the moment she was born in this world. When the kids of her age enjoyed every small moment of their lives, she couldn't. No one loves to befriend her. Even her own father and siblings despise her. One day Magnus Lukeson, the Vampire Prince, enters her life– The man whom the entire kingdom is scared of. A man with only foes and no friends. A man who ventures his territory at night to take the fresh blood out of humans irrespective of the age or gender to quench his thirst. ~~~~~ The blindfold cascaded off Alora's eyes and her enchanted blue eyes met with Magnus' blood-red eyes. "You have enchanting eyes, Alora," Magnus pronounced. No one ever said that to her. But no one could look into her eyes either. Only Magnus was the exception. The reason was still unknown to her. "Shall we begin the night?" Magnus asked for her permission. "Will His Highness give me love?" Alora asked. She was desperate to be loved. The feeling she could never get from her family and only heard in the words. "And how am I supposed to provide love to you?" Magnus queried since he was curious to know her thoughts. "Holding hands, hugging each other, sleeping together, and sharing thoughts. Isn't that how you shower love?" Alora innocently asked. Magnus ended up smiling to hear her explanation of love. He leaned down and kissed her lips, causing her to shiver from that sudden feeling. "This is the way I shower love," Magnus pronounced, gazing into Alora's charming blue eyes. ~~~~~ This story has participated in WSA 2024. Your votes, comments and gifts will mean a lot to me. Follow me on Instagram: rayoflight_pcy

Light_ray · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
268 Chs

For Jihun

Dear Sophia, I hope you are doing all well up there in heaven. I miss you a lot. Our son, Jihun misses you too. Your sudden death shocked us and left a dark void in our lives that could never be filled. I am sorry I couldn't protect you. I am sorry I couldn't save you. You said you didn't trust her but I didn't listen to you. It's all my fault. But, now if I stop my life your being guilty, what will happen to our son? I have a career. How am I supposed to raise our son into a good man without you? Before leaving this beautiful world, you said, "Find the love of your life, someone you can trust with your whole heart, someone who will love our Jihun just like I did." But, you were the love of my life. It might have taken me a long time to realize but, you were the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with until death pulls us apart. I love you a lot Sophia, I love you more than my dear life. Why did you leave me all alone with a son to raise? I am lost without you. But no matter what, I will stay strong. I can never love another woman except you, but I will try for your sake, for our son's sake. Please don't get upset on me. I will try my best! Just watch over us from heaven. I will never let our Jihun feel your absence. He might be too young now to understand but, what will I do when he asks me about you? I know what you will say me now, "You have figure it out." It's okay jagiya, I will find a way. I will not let the symbol of our love to cry and miss your presence, never. I can do anything and everything for our son. I love you and you only Sophia Love, Your Jimin~ *discontinued

Galazxxy · Derivasi dari karya
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs


  • Rata-rata Keseluruhan
  • Kualitas penulisan
  • Memperbarui stabilitas
  • Pengembangan Cerita
  • Desain Karakter
  • latar belakang dunia

um it's really annoying when mc expose their secret Just think of a person who survived to the top he must have been through many things. he had seen betrayal, good becoming evil and so on that person will definitely take his secret to his grave but nah mc just tells his friend that he is a beta tester and knows ways to grind, really! it's really something a person who fought against god would do.


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