
Monster: Online

Monster Online, a game designed by the outer gods to invade earth, Noah Frost one of the highest-ranking players to ever play the game died and was sent back in time, back to even before the game was released, he will use this opportunity to save the world and to become the strongest player to ever exist.

Washuru · Games
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12 Chs

Chapter 4: First enemy

[Training: step 3

Description: Instructor Gerald has given you the task of eliminating the bandits that are in the forest, kill all the bandits, and go back to Instructor Gerald.

Rewards: 100 Exp, 10 bronze coins, Skill Book]

Noah looked at the quest he was given as he walked towards the entrance of the village, the village was surrounded by large stone walls, the entrance was a large wooden gate that was protected by a few guards.

The city itself had its own army of guards that protected it from bandits and monsters, you could go through the gate without doing anything special like a ID check, so Noah managed to quickly leave the village.

Noah went on the road that would lead him through the open plains that the village was in, in the distance Noah could see a few players fighting the most basic monsters around, slimes, they were small blue blobs that you had to kill by hitting their mana core, they only gave 5 points of Exp and there was 50 total in 1 area with the number of people that were currently online there would basically be 4 people on a single slime, of course, there were multiple areas where they spawned but with the amount of players each area that spawned slimes would be filled with players.

But Noah had a different objective at the moment, he had to go into the forest, find and, eliminate the bandits that should be there.

He started walking in the direction of the bandit camp and entered the forest.

Beginners were warned of the forest, it was filled with monsters at least level 3 or higher, if you were unlucky you could even meet a miniboss that was level 10 so even Noah had to watch out.

The forest was quite creepy, in many places the trees were packed so tightly that their leaves blocked out the sun causing many spots to be very dark, Noah cautiously walked through the forest watching his surroundings so he didn't get ambushed.

Noah heard some rustling in a bush not too far from him and hid behind a tree, from the bush a medium-sized gray wolf appeared.

[Grey Wolf, lvl: 3]

Grey Wolves were the most common monsters in the forest, they were often in groups of two or three but could also be found by their lonesome.

Noah looked at the wolf and decided to fight it, there were no signs of there being other monsters nearby so it would be a good opportunity to gain some Exp.

The wolf walked away from the bush it came out of and walked towards the tree that Noah was hiding behind, after years of battling enemies Noah had learned how to hide his presence quite well, he knew how to slow his heart rate and make his breathing slow to a crawl, even the acute senses of the wolf couldn't locate him, his body didn't even give off a sense of smell that the wolf could use to locate him.

The wolf was now sniffing around with its back turned to Noah, Noah grabbed his sword from his inventory and approached the wolf with a cold look.

Without creating a single sound Noah crept up behind the still clueless wolf and stabbed the sword into the wolf's back.

Noah had spent a lot of time perfecting his movements, paired with the knowledge he had of the monster's anatomy he successfully pierced the wolf's heart, the game was quite realistic as attacking a vital organ would give you critical damage but it wouldn't immediately kill your opponent, or yourself for that matter.

[Critical Hit! 60 Dmg!]

Noah quickly followed up with another attack.

[30 dmg.]

The wolf growled in pain as it turned around and jumped at Noah, Noah quickly rolled to the side and stabbed his sword into the monster's side.

With just his physical strength Noah would deal 20 damage on average, the sword dealth 15 damage, and when you took away the Physical defense of the wolf Noah would deal 30 damage with a normal attack and 60 with a critical since Noah managed to once again hit a critical point he dealt another 60.

A few seconds after Noah stabbed the wolf, the wolf glowed and disappeared into small particles of light, in its place a piece of hide and a claw was left over.

[You have killed a grey wolf!]

[You have gained 20 Exp and 1 bronze coin!]

[Grey wolf has been added to the bestiary.]

Noah looked at the claw with surprise, he had actually gotten a monster part on his first kill, a monster part usually had a 1 to 10 percent chance of dropping and depending on the rarity of the monster it would be even lower.

Noah picked up the wolf hide and the claw.

Noah tapped on the claw and a screen with information appeared.

[Claw of a grey wolf

Rank: F

Description: You can gain the nails of a wolf, your nails will become far stronger than before and you will gain a point of vitality and a point of strength, this monster part can be used as crafting material.]

Noah decided to imbue it, while it was quite a weak monster part it granted a point of Vitality and a point of strength which would always be helpful.

Noah's nails changed slightly, they became more robust and Noah could make them longer and shorter on command as if his hands were paws that could pull back claws and eject them when needed.

With this, he would have a weapon even if he lost his sword, although it wouldn't be very useful in many situations.

Noah continued walking through the forest, on the way he met a group of four grey wolves, they were a bit harder to fight than the single grey wolf but Noah took care of them swiftly gaining 80 more Exp.

Noah was quickly approaching the bandit camp, he could already see signs of the grass being pressed down meaning that this route was often used by someone, after 5 more minutes of walking Noah saw smoke rising into the air in the distance, likely from a campfire.

Noah approached the bandit camp by climbing into the trees and using their branches and leaves as cover.

Noah then saw the bandit camp, with just a quick headcount Noah counted a total of 15 enemies, there would likely be more as there were multiple tents that he could hear faint movement from.

The bandits seemed to be in a good mood as they were going through many bags of loot, most bandits were around level 5 with a few being level 6 and one of them who had a large scar running down his face was level 7.

Noah decided to observe the bandits for some time before attacking, in the original timeline someone else had dealt with these bandits and unlocked the bandit dungeon so Noah didn't have all the information about them.

While there were a few bandit camps around they would always be taken care of by either guards or other players, Noah doubted that they would pose an actual challenge to him but with the prospect of there being multiple high-level enemies, he didn't want to risk dying and losing half of the Exp he had gained.

Noah waited and the opportunity to attack eventually showed itself.

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