
From The Used Bullet

Ryuma fell on one knee, but it was a camouflage for him to take a stone on the floor. With one handful of stone in his hand, he crushed it to bits. Only leaving dust from the stone in his hand. And then he pours it into the bullet wound. 

Ten didn't make any move as then he witnessed the bullet come out from the wound.

"I see, you manipulated the dirt and concrete using the earth magic to get the bullet out then used it to close off the bleeding. I must say that you have pretty good control over your magic. But it's a shame you were born with no attribute."

As Ten said, he stretched the arm that was holding the dagger to the back, and then...

"If you were born with an attribute, I bet you'll be at the level of apprentice of 'Magihen'." In the span of less than a second, Ten leaps to Ryuma in an instant. With the dagger in his hand, he scatch Ryuma a few times. But Ryuma already anticipated the moves, despite barely blocking them at the last second.

With a combo of dagger and the handgun, Ten marched forward, not letting Ryuma breathe for a single moment. Ryuma on the other hand, couldn't find any opening at all. The moment he blindly shoots Ten with Firefly, Ten immediately phases through the other side of Ryuma.

(Guh, my teacher told me I was a talented child in any kind of martial arts. But, if I was only categorized as the 'Talented' child, then what the hell did this 'Monster' was on then?! It's fast, It's swift, and his moves weren't like mine at all. And most importantly, It's beautiful...)

At the same time, as Ryuma thinking, Ten kept shooting him, especially in the torso part because Ryuma hid his head using his arm. Even so, the bullet barely pierced through because Ryuma covered the outer skin using earth magic. But...

"It doesn't matter, considering the bullet only penetrated the other muscle, I can see that the earth scale can only block minor damage."

As Ryuma saw, the bullet was stuck to his skin and the blood came out. Ryuma then uses his earth magic to pull the bullet out. At the same moment, Ryuma can feel that his lungs have become too cold because of the environment. With that in mind, he holds the used bullet that comes from Ten's handgun in his palm.

(I think I have enough...)

Even so, Ten has already anticipated Ryuma's moves ever since he picked up the used bullet. Like Ten thought, the bullet was spinning on the tip of Ryuma's finger. As the bullet was spinning, red fire pulsated along the bullet, causing the bullet to emanate in red color from the distance.

"Fingshot X Firefly: Red Bullet..." Ryuma's new technique, called Red Bullet, flew toward Ten in less than a second. But, Ten's pupil followed the Red Bullet movement as he evaded himself from it. But it was unexpected on Ten's side, Red Bullet deviated towards Ten the moment he tried to evade.

The time moves in slow motion, the Red Bullet almost touches Ten's left eye. And then...


For some reason, the fence in the distance was exploded. Seeing the explosion, Ryuma noticed the bullet didn't hit Ten. Ten, with no scratch or injuries at all, Ryuma then noticed the mirror on Ten's left eye. It seems Ten anticipated the area where he was about to be hit and used the mirror wormhole to defend himself.

(It's fine, I've got this!)

Thinking that, Ryuma charged to Ten while charging one more Red Bullet using Fingshot. At a distance of 5 meters, Ryuma aims the Red Bullet at Ten and then releases it. As the bullet makes its way to Ten, Ten covers himself with the mirror, preventing himself from taking any damage from the bullet.

But when the bullet was about to reach Ten, the Red Bullet then deviated itself to the ground, exploding the area with the bullet. As Ten comes out from the explosion, he realizes that some parts of his body were hit by an explosion as there were burned wounds beneath his clothes.

Ryuma saw this as an opportunity as he came in a close distance against Ten. Ten on the other hand, with the dagger and handgun, was ready to counter against his attack. At that moment, Ryuma saw deep in Ten's eyes, that there weren't any signs of fatigue or despair. Only pitch black void. 

Ryuma would expect Ten would get distracted by his pain from an explosion, but instead, he ignored those feelings of pain as the dagger reached toward the left side of Ryuma.

Ryuma could only barely block it with the side of his hand. But a second later, Ryuma can feel a piercing pain a few times. Like being hit by the small iron, it was the bullet from Ten's handgun. Five shots were fired, and then Ten kicked Ryuma's bullet wound, making Ryuma feel more pain from any of this.

But soon Ryuma could feel his pain fade, and then he realized that the blood from the bullet wounds froze as he touched it. The white breath comes out every time he's breathing. Ryuma then realized that the whole area became too cold to call it nature.

But there's nothing in Ryuma's vicinity except for Ten, Kiyo who's still unconscious, and the destroyed fence and ground caused by the Red Bullet. Ryuma could only think for 2 seconds, because Ten yet again didn't give them any moment for Ryuma to breathe.

Attack after attack, shot after shot, the more times Ryuma got hit, the more blood splattered and froze to the ground. Ryuma was confused because it looked like Ten didn't get affected by the really really cold environment.

As time goes by, people think Ten is the one who gets the advantage just because he's only injured by the explosion. But Ryuma on the other hand, was covered with the crimson, red blood. Frozen blood to be specific. He gained a lot of damage over time from Ten's attack.

At that moment, Ryuma uses the Firefly for a short distance as a last resort. The Firefly explodes the area, comes next is Ryuma is the first one to get out from the pile of smoke as he backs off. Less than a second later, Ten followed through as he charged to Ryuma from the smoke.

With a dagger and handgun, Ten was ready to finish Ryuma the moment the opportunity came. But soon, there comes the unexpected. Ten's feet were stabbed by something sharp on the ground, it took him less than a second for Ten to notice it as Ryuma blocked the dagger using his hand again, as for the handgun, for the first time Ryuma was able to touch Ten in this fight.

"This confirms it, you have no ability such as foresight... Ten..."