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Read ‘THE SUMMONED MONSTER THAT IS SUMMONING ANOTHER MONSTER’ Online for Free, written by the author SHADOWSLASH, This book is a Fantasy Novel, covering ACTION Fiction, ROMANCE Light Novel, ADVENTURE Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Have you ever thought a monster that has a job of a summoner and a tamerwhat should it call itself Monster Summoner? Mon...


Have you ever thought a monster that has a job of a summoner and a tamer what should it call itself Monster Summoner? Monster Tamer? but he itself was a monster too Watch as our mc travels the world as an reincarnated human who turn into a monster (Cover not mine)

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This is hard to read. The story itself has potential, but the grammar, spelling, and overall continuity of the story needs work. Id recommend getting someone to help edit your chapters or spending more time editing them yourself. Editing your work is how you improve as a writer, so i encourage you to do so. Till then sorry but dropped.


This is one of, if not, the worst thing I have ever read. First off, the MCs name. I know it seems like I'm nitpicking, but really? His actual name is Shadowslash? That is literally the first name that pops into my mind when i think ****ty Sonic the Hedgehog OC. Secondly, the total lack of grammatical anything. If you came here expecting a story with basic things such as punctuation, well sorry to say but you're **** outta luck. Misspellings are also very common. Thirdly, the plot. It's a very generic isekai monster reincarnation. On top of being very generic it's also very forced. Things happen because the plot needs to progress, so don't expect fantastical things such as common sense or logic. Finally, the style. It's dead and dry. Things happen so quickly you could blink and miss it (e.g., he went to the forest to hunt and then he came back). The dialogue (and monologue) is emotionless (e.g., "I found this piece of monster meat but I didn't kill it" "Ok"). Also, you should never use abbreviations such as OMG in a novel as it breaks the flow of story and just plainly looks wierd.


A funny and cool novel, it is very well written and does not have so many grammar mistakes. I love the name of the skeleton, I just hope it has incest. *Wink* *wink* ;)


the mere thought of a monster being a monster tamer is a blast for me. 🤯🤯🤯🤯 loving the novel so far😍😍 this novel is one of the disregarded amazing books piece of advice: just try to read this novel and you will not regret it


Impossible to read. This author for some WEIRD INCOMPREHENSIBLE REASON uses no Full stops/periods. The grammar looks good HOWEVER, you don't know where the sentences end. Impossible to tell.


Horrible grammer. It dosn't use any full stop and very hard to read. I don't know how it got so many good reviews must be author doing something behind the scenes. it's horrible. I recommend not to read it unless author fixes it.


The idea of a monster summoning monsters is very interesting but the grammar in this novel is such a buzz kill,it just feels very badly made.


A good novel. Funny and relaxing in such a way that the characters are written in an adorably unique description. I kind of understand the release time since the author is a student so it is a given. Nevertheless, I am still looking forward to read more of this novel. 😍 More power!


Im sorry if I sound like a bad guy but this story needs some serious work on its grammar and also story, like it says it passes a whole week instantly Without giving much clue as too what happened. It instantly transfers to him adventuring without giving much explanation. Basically the story loses its interest very quickly due to how its written and doesnt sound well thought out.


The writting and grammar is shit. It looks like it was written by a 11 year old for an essay. Read the beginning of the first actual chapter and felt like throwing up


Just call it: Demon King/King of Monsters😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😑😑😑😑😑😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐


I am very desperate for exp. exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp


So, to start, if you are looking through the comments to find a review that properly explains why you should (or in this case) should not read this novel, go no further! I only went a few chapters in and already got a perfect feel for how the author writes, and it's not good. While it's probably true the authors primary language is not English that's no excuse for the complete lack of character development or any other development for that case, good writers will make each character feel alive with well thought out interactions between the Mc and said characters, and each character should have a unique personality. what this author does is just plain lazy, for example, when our Mc meets his mother all we get in terms of info is she is "tender" no proper interactions between the Mc and parent that would show any kind of proper character development, simply put we don't get any proper feeling of attachment to the mother instead all we get is pretty much "this is MCs parent she is colored white and a fox , looks at MC tenderly" then an instant time skip. long review short, MC never goes into detail about anything in the story it's just a monologue of an event happening with no further details. It might get better but that's unlikely, I really hope it does or perhaps even get a rewrite because I am interested in the premise, just not the current way the story is told.


Почему тэгов нет? Ааа́аааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааапапааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааааа́ааааааа


Interesting twist on having the MC as a Monster that can Summon/Tame other monsters....lol very funny some times, it begins a little rough and gets better as it progress. Keep the good work Author San.


Reveal spoiler


I noticed this has been going on for a while and no reviews but this is gold. Consistent updates and an interesting plot. New characters and dynamics along with world building. If animal reincarnation is your thing this is great.


It‘s just plain boring and the gramma is just the worst.


Reveal spoiler


I love this story it is really well thought out and characters and actions from past chapters comeback and evem though there are a lot of framer errors that can be overlooked by the length of the chapters and the awe inspiring battles.


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