
Mha: The Hunter

A Hero Saves people, A Villain kills people and a Hunter hunts monsters. That’s the simple rule of this new world. Mha with AU elements, Pairings to be decided.

Lugh_Zero · Komik
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3 Chs

Loud Cloud's Club

"We've just received some new information, according to our source a group of villains was using this place to conduct human experiments, fortunately for this timely dungeon break the group was apprehended, but we also heard of some testimony that a young victim of the villain group was retrieved. We don't know his current status but we know the kid was about eight years old an-"

The tv turned off as the mouse/bear hybrid sitting on the desk clicked his tongue.

"Humans… They can't keep a single secret can't they?"

He scoffed before calming down, looking at the other people in the room he sighed.

"Now, All Might, could you explain yourself once again?"

Nezu, the principal of U.A. University asked the number one hero.

"You see… I knew the kid was going to get taken in by the Hunter association or worse by the Hero Association so I decided to bring him here."

Sighing at the bad explanation the hero gave him he considered giving up and returning to his work but after seeing the report on tv he now knew why All Might brought the kid in.

'He's just like me…'

Getting experimented on for quirks and finally getting freed by that hell by heroes, those were the first memories of the hybrid principal and those will probably be the first memories of the kid who now was resting in a separate room looked by Recovery Girl and a couple of robots in case the kid turned aggressive.

"You did the right thing, I've heard the last hunting dog of the hero and hunter association died a couple of days ago so the thought of getting a new kid to indoctrinate is surely making those geezer salivate."

Saying that he started to make plans in his head as the number one hero was still shocked by the previous statement.

"Crimson Hound is dead?"

Ignoring his question he continued to think.

"I can't let him go through the normal adopting procedure since the association will immediately strike that, even him going out of the campus will be dangerous as they won't stop trying to get him legally… No, maybe if I can make him a public figure so important that even the association won't be able to touch him lightly… Yes, that could work!"

"Huh Nezu? Have you thought of something?"

Lifting up his tea cup, which was still warm even after spending a long time in the meeting already, he smiled before taking a sip.

"That's right, for now you can go back as for the kid… If you find a reporter, have a public interview and say that the kid is now at U.A. currently recovering. Hu Hu Hu, this could be a fun little side project…"

All Might was still a little confused but still nodded, after years of knowing Nezu he gave up trying to understand him.

<<<§ >>>

Opening his eyes for the first time in years he saw rays of sunshine coming through the window, for the first time in years he felt the softness of a bed and the warmth of a blanket.

"Oh you've woken up.."

Hearing a voice, the kid turned to his left as his body froze, while the voice was warm and the owner herself seemed like a good person. His eyes could only focus on the white lab coat she was wearing.

Slowly moving he started to take in the surroundings, the dagger he stole form the monster was gone, the energy he stole from the dungeon was so low he didn't want to use unless it was for healing so this left him only with his weight controlling quirk and the new quirks he gained during the incident.

"How are you feeling? Does it hurt anywhere?"

The old woman continued approaching a little as she showed care and goodwill, but the more she approached the more his mind contemplated what he could use to escape from this place, looking back he saw the same window from where sunshine arrived.

Ignoring the question of the old woman he first reduced his weight before activating both 'Enhanced Strike' and 'Cut' on his right hand, noticing something was wrong the woman stepped back as a robot entered the room, that was enough reason for him to act.

Jumping toward the window he touched the glass with his right hand as the glass formed countless cuts all around before breaking into even more countries' pieces.


He heard another shout from behind but he didn't care, moving quickly he kicked the corner of the window with his foot launching himself into the air, the weight reducing quirk letting him float through the air easily.

Looking around he saw that he just left a big building, he also noticed several other people on the ground looking at him. It is worth mentioning that almost all of them were young, far younger than any person he saw in these years.

As he was observing the place an azure cloud got closer to him.

"Heeeeey! Little listeneeeeer!"

On top of the cloud he could see four people looking at him in confusion and worry, of the four one, who had blonde hairs along with yellow sunglasses, shouted to him making him wince at the loud shout before he received a slap on the back of the head by the only girl in the group.

"Hizashi lower your volume!"

The girl in question seemed to be the oldest of the group, for some reason she was wearing a simple open jacket that showed her front, the only thing covering her chest were two satchel bags.

"Ignore those two, they always argue about something. My name is Oboro Shirakumo, what about you?"

The guy in front of the group, a tall boy with light blue wavy hair that flew like the same clouds he was standing on, said as he smiled. The kid looked at him for a moment before opening his mouth, which made the other two also shut up.

"I don't have a name anymore."

He clearly remembered his name but the moment he reached four years old was also the moment his old self died, it was the moment his parents killed him so there was no need to remember it.


While the other three remained in silence at his declaration the guy with cloud hair shouted that word while making a grimace, before shaking his head and smiling even more brightly.

"You know everyone needs a name, at least with one I won't have to call you 'You' every time. So how about we think together of a name, we'll help but first let's get on in a more comfortable place, ne?"

The black haired kid stopped, it has been way too long since he conversed with someone. In fact the last time it happened he couldn't even speak properly but years passed. Looking at he smiling guy in front of him he debated whenever to follow him or not, now that his was mind was clearer he could see that he was no longer in the same place as before and even if he tried to escape after speaking with them for so long any guards or security measure would already be ready for him.

'I may as well follow them for now…'

Thinking that he sighed before nodding his head, the guy laughed as he brought a finger to the base of his nose, moving the cloud closer. The kid flinched for a moment but he didn't move.

"Then let's go! I know the perfect place, how about I give you a ride?"

Hesitating for a moment the kid looked at the guy before glancing at the other three of the group, the girl and the blonde guy smiled while the fourth continued his silence but also didn't deny him. Taking a step on the soft cloud he cautiously hovered there for a couple of seconds before deactivating his quirk.

"Alright! Loud Cloud Club is gaining a new member so let's go party!"

<<<§ >>>

Watching the kid fly toward the Grand Mess Hall, All Might sends a text to Nezu to free it from the other students as too many people in there could be bad for the kid.

"I should've expected it… You told me he was experimented on by scientists, I should've taken out the coat before entering…"

Recovery Girl clearly noticed the glance the kid gave her coat as well as how he started to move as soon as he noticed it, All Might shook his head.

"Maybe it's better like this, after all he seems to be in good hands right now. Having someone young could be a better help than us."

He had to admit that while he was a great hero even he couldn't have handled the matter as well as those young heroes, after all he was great at rescuing people at the moment but he never experienced helping people after the accident.

"For now I'll inform Nezu to prepare another room…"

<<<§ >>>

Drinking a warm choco-milk the kid closed his eyes in bliss, he forgot how good food could be, after all the only thing he ate in these years were packets containing a strange semi-liquid mix that those scientists threw at him. Unknowingly to him a couple of tears started to form and fall through his cheek.

The group of four was sitting in silence observing the kid, each one with a drink of their own. While flying toward the Grand Mess Hall they received some text from Nezu explaining the basics of what happened to the kid in front of them and while it was only the most basic information they already were seething in anger at the thought of what could've been done to the kid.

"Is it good? Then you must stay here for lunch cause we have the best chef of Japan his food will make you feel like you're resting on a cloud and I say it from experience on both!"

The one to break the silence was Oboro as he talked to the kid with a smile, this brought the other three back as they also joined.

"That's right little listener, you definitely have to try the chef white rice, he's new to the place but he knows how to cook!"

The blond man started with a smile before the black haired girl interrupted him.

"Out of all the good food he makes, why would you recommend his white rice… I mean it's definitely good but there are better ones."

As the two started to argue the fourth who previously stayed silent introduced himself.

"My name is Shota Aizawa and don't mind these two fools."

"Oi Oi Shota, how could you talk about us like that! I thought we were friends!"

"That's right Shota even though I am your senpai aren't you a little rude~"

And for the first time the kid saw the girl and blonde guy fight together, hearing a small giggle from his side he looked at Oboro who was watching with a smile.

"Don't misunderstand, they might argue a lot but they sure care for each other."

The kid took another sip of his drink as he continued to watch the trio fight between themselves, a warm feeling spreading through his chest.

"Anyway since we came here for it, how about thinking of a name for you? Any idea?"

The trio stopped arguing as they started to think, the kid in question also thought about it before saying.

"Is it even important can't I just get a random name?"

"What are you saying, you know that not everyone has the privilege to choose a name for themselves? Since you're getting a new one, how about choosing one that describes yourself?"

Oboro said before Shota continued.

"As a Hero in training we also went through having to choose a name for yourself and trust me I hated it as much as you probably do now, that's why I simply left it to him."

"My name is Nemuri Kayama while my Hero name is Midnight. As for why I chose that name is because of my quirk. My quirk lets me emit a gas that puts people to sleep…"

She stopped when she noticed the kid go into defensive mode before Hizashi interrupted sensing things starting to go badly.

"My name is Hizashi Yamada, my hero name is Present Mic, I also chose it because of my quirk, so how about we start from there."

The kid gripped the cup tightly as he thought back to his quirk or well quirks.

"I don't want it to be related to my quirk…"

"Then how about what you want to be?"

Oboro chimed in with his smile. The kid turned his focus from the two toward the guy with cloud hair, looking upward he saw the sun shining in the sky.

"I want to be like that, I want to be light, bright and freely fly in the sky. Able to go whenever I want when I want…"

"Mh~ Then what about Haruto!"

Turning to Oboro the kid tilted his head.


Nodding he puffed his chest proudly at the idea.

"Yeah! 'Haru' likes light/sun and 'to' as soar/fly! It's perfect, beside we can call you Haru for short."

"Ohhh~ I like it! It gives off that youthful energy you know!"

"It's good…"

"Ye ye little listener you certainly look like a Haruto!"

Seeing the group excited for his new name Haru couldn't help but feel warm as the smallest of smiles appeared on his lips, quickly hiding it with the cup on his hands he took another sip before nodding.

"It sounds good."

At the small affirmation the group smiled.

"Then let's cheer at the new addiction of the Loud Cloud Club!"

At that Haru tilted his head questioning him.

"I mean to ask but what's this club and why is it called after you?"

"Actually he's right I never agreed to take part in your group, and if we made a group it should be called The Midnights something!"

Nemuri announced proudly as Hizashi interrupted her.

"No no, it should be more like the Radio announcers!"

"Your naming sense hasn't gotten any better Hizashi…"

As the three started arguing once again Oboro turned to Haru.

"It's mostly for the future, we all want to be heroes so I proposed to make an agency together when we leave school."


"Yes, a place where we will be working together as heroes to help people, actually since you are here anyway how about working to become one together? We can definitely help you train!"

Haru placed the cup down on the table as he turned his focus fully on Oboro, memories of his old self resurfacing as he remembered wanting to become one before he activated his quirk, before all of this started.

"I want to…"

Oboro smiled but before he could say anything Hizashi interrupted him.

"That's great! Then little listener from today on you'll be under our training regime!"

Nemuri gave him another hard slap on the back of the head, before smiling at Haru.

"It's a shame that I have only one year remaining here but maybe it's better like this, when you start your Hero-Work studies you'll be able to join me, I'll leave a position open just for you!"

As the three continued to talk a certain mouse/bear was watching through security cam what was happening lots of plans going on in his head.

'This could work..'

<<<§ >>>

Weeks went by as the group warmed to each other, right after the incident Haru went back together with the group to apologies to Recovery Girl and Nezu thankfully for him they didn't seems angry about it and let it slide but because of the broken window he was moved quickly to another room and there Nezu decided to simply move him in the free room of the dormitory of 2-A the current class of Oboro, Shota and Hizashi to keep the four close.

From there the daily life of Haru changed drastically, from being experimented on and having to fight other people to death he was able to take it easy and relax, spending the mornings lazing around in his room waiting for Oboro's morning class to end so that he could join in their training.

Nezu already gave full access to any campus place to Haru as long as he was accompanied by one of his group or a teacher, which meant that he spent most time around Oboro and Shota.

Funnily enough for the principal of the university this also helped in his plan to make Haru famous after all leaving a kid like that in a campus with hundreds of students was a recipe for gossip and words of him living there spread fast.

Looking over a post on the 'U.A. Prodigal Son' Nazu giggled as he prepared another video on his second monitor.

Testing his quirks came in only later after Haru was fully accustomed to the campus life, which also meant that the group came to know about his main quirks, thinking back to that moment Nezu remembered the group reaction.

"That's so cool! Does it mean you can take the ability from the monster you kill?"

"Hey that's cheating pls nerf!"

Obororo and Hizashi exclaimed as they listened to Nezu and Haru explain about his quirk, while Shota stayed silent obviously thinking what the other two didn't want to think at the moment.

"That's a great quirk but it surely will bring lots of rumors from those journalists…"

Nemuri said in a low voice to Nezu as Oboro and Hizashi kept Haru occupied. The hybrid nodded his head.

"I've already worked on that, his quirk will stay secret for the most part but since I have to register it to the government I've also made sure that on the register it comes out only as him being able to take monsters' quirks and don't worry it was already confirmed that he can easily take monsters quirks."

Shaking those memories he watched a video of Haru Transforming into a Cat much to the delight of Nemuri and Oboro.

Out of all the quirks he took during the incident Werecat was an important one to make sure his fame increased, publishing a video of Haru being petted in cat form he prepared for the complaint of the kid in the future but smiled as he saw the post quickly gaining views.

"Sorry Haru but this is for your future… I'll definitely make it up to you."

While Nezu was apologizing to future Haru, present Haru was occupied dodging a certain Hero in training attacks.

Jumping in the air Haru looked over the cloud which passed right through the place he was standing before but as he sighed in relief he heard a shout.

"Don't get distracted!"

Looking in front of himself he saw another cloud quickly approaching him, thinking fast he opened his right hand as its fingernails increased in size, swinging the hand his nails touched the cloud as the cloud was immediately cut in five places.

This was something he learned through Oboro and after hours of practice, after making sure he could use more quirks together he also learned that certain quirks that had some good compatibility could increase each other's effects.

In this case using Werecat he increases his fingernails then he uses Enhanced Strike to increase the power of his swing only to finally add Cut to his attack actually creating five moderates cut through his attack.

'Just like Hizashi said, quirks are really a cheat.'

While he was occupied in his own thoughts two white cloths approached him from behind before surrounding his body and successfully tying him up.

"Haru, do you need a break? Why are you so distracted today?"

As he hung upside down fully tied down Oboro descended on top of his cloud with a little concern on his face.

"I'm just hungry…"

"Finally someone said it! Good Job Little listener, because I'm starving so let's go eat already!"

Lying, he was glad that Hizashi took the bait changing the subject as the group made their way to the Grand Mess Hall while Haru hid from Oboro questioning gaze.

'How does he know every time I lie…'

Transforming into a cat he jumped onto Shota's head further hiding from Oboro, thankful for the normally silent guy's acceptance.

Finding Nemuri along the way the group quickly made their way to the Hall before taking some food and making their way toward the rooftop, while it was already a normal thing for the group to eat on the rooftop Haru was even more glad that it was so because of the various gases he gathered every time he entered the Hall, he wasn't sure when it started but soon every time he entered a public place most studded gaze would find their way toward him.

"Anyway, are you ready for the Hero-Work Study! It'll be sad not seeing each other for a couple of weeks but I can't wait! You three are all going into His Purple Highness agency right?"

Hizashi started talking to the three as Haru froze for a moment, 'out of all the things he could've talked about…' thinking that he resumed eating as his cat ears swung a little more toward him to listen better to the conversation.

"Yes, we're returning after the small break, I've learned a lot since last time so I'm ready to show him my improvements!"

Oboro said excitedly as Shota nodded, Midnight smile as she moved from her seat to get closer to Haru.

"Well I'm glad that my recommendation worked but it's already that time huh… This will probably be my last Hero-Work study before graduating…"

Sitting at Haru's side her hands directly moved toward his cat ears as she started to touch them with a blissful face.

"Man, maybe I'll move over to His Purple Highness next year even if it's just to experience a Hero-Work together…"

"Yeah you definitely should Hizashi!"

Haru continued to listen to the group with difficult emotions and not because of the constant attack on his ears by Midnight, While he was happy for them and knew they would one day leave the school he really wanted these days to last just a little bit longer.

As the group finished eating the bell rang signaling the end of their lunch break and the start of their afternoon classes.

"Oh shoot, gotta go see you later guys, see you later Haru~"

Midnight hearing the bell let go of Haru before standing up, picking up her lunch box and she darted toward the stairs. As a third year, their own afternoon classes were much more intensive so she couldn't be late.

"Well it's time to go I guess, what do we have now?"

"Rescue training…"

"Maaaan, well see you later little listener!"

"See you Haru."

Shota and Hizashi left as they discussed the classes, the only remaining now were Oboro and Haru.

"Ne, mind telling me what's wrong?"

As always Oboro didn't pull any punches in saying what he was thinking, sitting down with his back on the wall Haru looked down as he answered.

"I was just thinking…"

"Is that so~"

Going to sit down near Haru, Oboro smiled as he looked toward the sky.

"Is it because of the Hero-Work Studies?"

Receiving a nod he continued.

"You know we won't stay there a long time, while we are going to get some experiences we are still in need of training after all."

Seeing as Haru didn't look up, Oboro laughed lightly before placing his hand on top of his head.

"Don't worry, we still have all the time in the world to have fun all of us together! Besides, after this work study is done we will be here preparing for the festival. It will be your first here right? You really have to see it, they make this really big fest with tons of even more delicious food and games."

"No matter how much food there will be, you will end up only eating sushi anyway.."

Haru finally looked up as he smiled at Oboro antics.

"Hey I also eat other food other than sushi, like nigiri or sashimi!"

"Aren't they still considered sushi?"

"Nuh-uh! After this Work studies we really gotta have a long talk about Sushi and its types, maybe I can finally convince Shota and Midnight to join us this time!"

The two looked at each other for a couple of seconds before they both burst out laughing.

"If you can convince Shota to join, I'll stop eating chocolate for a month!"

Haru announced as Oboro's eyes gained a certain fire in them.

"Ohhh it's a bet then, be prepared because if there's someone that can convince that guy then it's yours truly Loud Cloud Club President!"

"The club doesn't even exist…"

At that moment Oboro's phone rang, taking a look he saw the text of Shota warning him that he didn't have much time to get into class.

"Oh I'm almost out of time! I can't get another detention!"

He stood up before taking a few steps toward the stairs but stopped before turning back.

"Here take this!"

Taking off his fingerless gloves he gave them to a puzzled Haru.

"I'm only lending them to you alright! At the festival I'll get them back!"

Saying so he started running toward the edge of the rooftop before jumping high, his cloud forming at his feet as he glided toward the window of his classroom.

Haru stood there with the gloves in his hands, only after a couple of seconds he decided to put them on, thanks to them being able to regulate the size he was able to fit them in his smaller hands. 

Smiling, he turned into a full cat before, thankful that his clothes magically remained intact while transformed, before jumping on top of the stairs roof.

There a small pillow was placed, a gift of Midnight and Oboro, placing himself on top of that pillow he closed his eyes deciding to take a afternoon nap under the comfortable warm sun.

<<<§ >>>

"It's really pouring hard today huh…"

Saying so under his breath Haru looked at the dark sky as he stopped doing his exercise, the rest of the group already started their own Work studies so with nothing else to do he started to train his own stamina, the perk of living in an hero training school was that he had easy access to training grounds and personal gym that would make even people who don't train jealous.

'They should only have two or so weeks before they return.'

Leaving he took a shower before changing his clothes, moving in his personal room with some food he sat down on the table in the middle of the room, while he could eat in the Hall he still wasn't accustomed to the gaze the other students gave his way and without the group protecting him, there were tons of other students that didn't hesitate in approaching him.

"We just heard the news about a new villain attack in Tasomiya Ward, the villain identified as Garvey has attacked the city causing havoc in the place. The Buster Union and His Purple Highness immediately engaged in combat but due to the Villain quirks the streets have been destroyed we still don't know the number of civilian casualties but we know some of the heroes and sidekicks who died their Names are: His Purple Highness sidekicks: Loud Cloud, Shie- …"

The single sound of a spoon hitting the ground was heard in Haru's room as the tv continued with the list of name but Haru could care less as he was still focused on the first name, soon his ears tuned out the tv itself as he could only hear the sound of rain coming from outside and a low buzz sound. He stayed there frozen on the spot, his mind still trying to comprehend what he just heard.

'It can't be…'

Finally getting a hold of himself he stood up forgetting about his meal as he opened the window jumping out, uncaring of the heavy rain outside.

White fire covered his body as he flew out of the window directly toward U.A. Main building, not bothering to enter through the door he smashed himself in the window failing to break it, preparing his fist he was ready to break it before it opened by itself.

"From your face I guess you've heard of the news, I was about to call you anyway…"

Nezu's voice sounded out as Haru simply stood there near the window, hair shadowing his eyes as he was drenched in water.

"Who was it?"

From Nezu's previous sentence he didn't even need to confirm what he just heard from the tv so he directly asked the next question he wanted to ask.

"He died protecting a group of children from some falling debris but I guess it was the counter attack of Garvey that caused the debris in the first place."

Haru fist closed tightly as blood started pouring down from his lips that he was biting.

"Can I… Can I hunt him?"

His voice came out colder and more expressionless than normal as he asked that question, Nezu immediately understood what he meant as he sighed, moving he took out a towel before placing it on top of his head barely reaching due to the difference in stature.

"And then what? Shota already defeated him, he's now going to Tartarus. If you go out and kill him the only thing you'll gain will be his place in Tartarus… I know it hurts but don't commit this mistake, don't dishonor Oboro memory with you going Vigilante."

Lifting his head he glared at Nezu's words but couldn't refuse them, his own body wanting nothing more than to jump out of the window and start hunting the villain that killed Oboro even if it meant fighting the heroes that will bring him to Tartarus.

"Even if you go out now and somehow get to Garvey before he gets to Tartarus, after killing him would that actually change something?"

Hearing Nezu words he knew that he was right but that didn't mean he had to like it.

"Then what am I supposed to do…"

"Exactly what you've been doing."

At that the glare on the mouse/bear lessened as he tilted his head in confusion

"You've been training to become a Hero have you not? Then continue that path, become the Hero Oboro wished you to become and much more."

Haru didn't feel inspired by those words, instead he turned around toward the window.

"I won't stop you from going but know that the moment you go out of U.A. with those intentions I am morally obligated to hunt you down to stop you, and you know I will reach you before you even reach Tasomiya Ward."

Scoffing his fist loosened a little.

"Just one last thing, don't say his name so lightly."

Jumping out he started to float as he went directly toward the rooftop, opening a small cabinet that was there he looked over his secret stash memories surging in his mind.

Seeing the sushi keychain that Oboro gifted him he kneeled down, seeing the photo the whole group took because Oboro begged them he closed once again his fists, seeing the azure pillow that he and Midnight gifted him he cried.

Under the pouring rain he cried hard, for the first time in his life he found someone that accepted him no matter his quirk, he found someone that understood him even in the moments he didn't want to be understood.

Under the rain he opened his mouth to scream but nothing came out, as he remembered the last conversation he had with him.

"You promised you would return… You promised you would show me around the festival… We still have to hold that sushi talk…"

Under the cold rain he could only feel the warmth of his tears staining his face as he hugged the pillow closely to his chest.

It was only later after an unknown amount of time passed that Haru would stop crying, feeling his eyes dry even under the rain he laid on the ground still holding the pillow as he looked at his hands, the same fingerless gloves Oboro gifted him on his hands.

"You liar."

Saying that he closed once again his eyes as white fire covered his body to keep him warm, unknowingly the fire took a small tinge of azure in it.

<<<§ >>>

On friday I'll post a new chapter of my other fanfic so a new chapter of this should come out on sunday or monday of next week, hope you liked~

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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