
Mha: The Hunter

A Hero Saves people, A Villain kills people and a Hunter hunts monsters. That’s the simple rule of this new world. Mha with AU elements, Pairings to be decided.

Lugh_Zero · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Taste of Freedom

<<<§ >>>

"Commencing experiment number 87…"

A monotone voice echoed in a dark room before the lights turned on. On the ground a small kid, about eight years old, lifted his head.

His body was small and frail looking with long blonde hair and bright blue eyes, the kid looked forward cautiously as a white fire-like energy started to surround his body, his blue eyes started to shine brightly emitting even more light than the already dim lamps in the room.

"Opening Dungeon…"

As the sound of heavy metal moving sounded out, the kid crouched down as his hands touched the ground, bright white veins appeared around his body, they started from the ground as they moved some unknown energy around his body.

On the other side of the room a metal curtain moved as it showed an even bigger room, vegetation around it making a perfect replica of a forest, the kid looked confused as he saw for the first time in his life trees and plants.

Just as the kid planned to stay in his room the wall behind started to close in, panicking he ran directly toward the now only open door as he got out of the small room just as the walls completely closed in themselves.

Now stranded in the replica of the forest the kid started to move, since they wanted him to move inside then he needed to move, he already knew not to question or refuse the men in white lab coats or they will call the men in black armors.

Traversing the unknown forest the kid quickly adapted to the new terrain as more and more of that same white energy appeared in his body, normally the energy would be limited but for some reason in this forest the more he walked the more energy surged in his body.

Just as the kid was starting to enjoy himself he heard the sound of dirt being stepped on coming from behind him, turning around he didn't even hesitate to blast the energy around his body forward as a small orb of white fire left his hand and shot forward.

The plants that came in contact with the fire met a horrible end as they quickly turned to ash but as the orb finally touched the ground the kid furrowed his brows as he saw nothing there.

Accompanied by the sound of whistling air a small rock appeared from behind the kid hitting him right on the back of his head.


Screaming in pain the kid turned around as he started to shoot more and more orbs of fire, the bleeding wound on the back of his head quickly healing and closing as more white fire surrounded it.

Hearing something step on his right he turned his body, his eyes caught a small black shadow moving upward approaching fast, gathering the fire in his mouth he gave a strong and loud shout as a fire beam was shot from there, the shadow easily moved between tree branches before dodging the beam just as easily.

The kid's eyes widened as he finally saw what the shadow was, there in the air a small kid just like him was quickly falling toward him, long black hair and shiny gold eyes, the kid had an expressionless face almost bored as he rapidly descended.

Moving his mouth he brought the beam toward him but the black haired kid simply twisted his body as he moved through the beam like a leaf dodging an air current, just as the beam ended the black haired kid was already on the blond kid as he jumped on him, at first the blonde felt no weight on him but after just a second his body crumbled as more weight than what a small kid should have crushed him.

'He can control his weight!'

At the sudden realization he stopped trying to get him off himself instead he started to gather more fire in his mouth to spit another beam, his chest felt heavy as he barely breathed in, two hands slid to his neck as his bright blue eyes met golden one.


Feeling the pressure on his neck increase he decided to shoot his beam, white fire covered the black haired boy but only for a second, unfortunately for the blonde he didn't gather enough energy to make a difference. His body finally hit his limit as blue eyes lost their shine for one last time.

Seeing his hands go limp on the ground the black haired kid stayed in position for a couple more seconds, unknowingly from the scientist watching the scene an azure panel appeared in front of the black haired kid.

[Prey Successfully Hunted!]

[New Quirk gained, "Xeno'jiva's Hearts".]

Ignoring the panel the kid stood up, all of this already way too familiar, looking at his hands covered in blood he started with the same apathetic eyes before white fire covered them turning the blood into ashes.

"Test terminated, Subject 14 eliminated Subject 13. Commencing transfer…"

Just as usual a strange gas filled the place as the black haired kid didn't even try to hold his breath, he already knew it was pointless anyway instead he took a comfortable position laying down on the ground with his hands at his side before closing his eyes.

"What should we do now?"

While the black haired kid laid down on the ground in a separate room a group of scientists were watching the scene from various monitors showing different cam footage.

"Wait three minutes then send a group to move him to Subject 13's cell, the boss will be here later this week to take his quirk until then keep him in there, give some food and water so now that he's asleep so we don't have to enter his room later on when he's awake."

A single man that seemed like the head scientist answered another scientist's question before turning his focus on a pc in front of him with a frown. On the screen a small list of abilities could be seen and as the scientist read through them he hesitated a little before adding a few lines.

<<<§ >>>

Opening his eyes he saw a ceiling he didn't recognized but even that was normal at this point, it was at least once a month that those men in white lab coat would take him to a prearranged terrain and make him hunt something, at least it was like this since four years ago when he awakened his quirk, his mother which showered him love started to look at him with disgust as even his father who once smiled at him couldn't even look at him in the eyes.

The Hunter, that was the name the scientist gave to his quirk. Among other abilities there was the ability to steal someone's quirks after successfully hunting him.

Using the newly acquired quirk he wondered when the man in a black mask would come to take it from him like he did from his previous hunts because he knew it would happen, the only time it didn't happen was when he completed his first hunt.

Looking at the panel showing a description of the new quirks he activated the white fire as he started to heal his body, healing quirks were rare even among the monsters they made him hunt, but looking at the description he wondered how far they knew this quirk worked, because for the first time in years he could actually see a way out of this hell.

Glancing at his side he saw the red dot of a camera looking over him, if he acted he didn't have much time but he couldn't help but hesitate. For now, except from the monthly hunts he lived well, those scientist stopped coming to make test on him, they stopped with those chirurgical operations, they stopped with the torture but again how long will that last?

Even his hunt started with him simply hunting animals but now they started making him hunt other humans, even after these years of hell killing other humans gave him nightmares but if he continued living here how long will that be? How long until he became a completely emotionless killing machine.

Closing his eyes he made his decision, if he died trying so be it. 

White veins appeared on the ground as the camera started to zoom more on him showing that they already noticed his movements but he didn't stop, sighing he started to gather that white-fire energy in his body, the same smoke started to enter his room but he didn't care taking a deep gulp of air he sat up as the veins on the ground increased…

<<<§ >>>

Loud ringing could be heard among the shouting as bright red light shone through the room, at that moment the same scientist from before entered the room with anger and confusion on his face.

"What the hell is happening!?"

Shouting he looked over the group as they remained silent before looking over the screen, there he Subject 14 surrounded by white fire as the whole room he was staying in was covered in sleeping gas and white shiny veins.

"We don't know how but Subject 14 is using Subject 13 quirk making the whole dungeon tremble."

Dungeons, while they came much later than quirks they still brought an impact as big if not bigger for humanity and their group just so happen to be working inside of a low level controlled one.

'Subject 13 quirk lets him take in Dungeon energy in his body to empower himself, attack and heal his wounds but normally he could barely take as much as his veins spread…'

"How much did his veins spread?"

Asking that he moved near his computer as he started to type something.

"At first it was only his room but by now the veins are covering the whole corridor C and are approaching corridor B!"

He stopped typing for a second before continuing, his face solemn as his heart started beating more rapidly.

'This dungeon was already on the verge of collapsing, we were barely able to keep it from breaking and planned to use it for a little more than a couple of years but if he found a way to control the remaining energy he may bring this whole place down…'

Seeing a download starting he looked over another monitor.

'The others still haven't noticed but monsters have already started to spawn in here… at this point as soon as the boss spawn the dungeon will break and we will all find ourselves outside surrounded by monsters…'

"Send a group toward Corridor A, he will soon break free and escape through there, also prepare to leave this place. This energy will not go unnoticed toward the Hunter Association…"

Whispering the last part he smiled as the download finished taking an usb-pen drive that was connected he turned and started leaving as the other scientist looked at him in confusion.

"Leader, where are you going!?"

One of the scientists immediately shouted but received no answer as the leader left the room not looking back.

<<<§ >>>

More time passed and as the whole building continued to panic the bright azure portal from outside started to tremble. In an abandoned underground parking lot the shine of the portal trembling was the only thing giving light meanwhile outside the territory a group of people arrived.

"Are you sure this is the place?"

A tall buff man with blonde hair said as he looked over the abandoned building.

"Yes they already sensed some dungeon activity in these last months but just a couple of minutes ago they sensed a really big energy surge, some other heroes have been called but we seem to be the first to arrive…"

At his side an even taller man with a lean muscular build said as he brought up his glasses making shine from the reflection.

Just as the two Heroes were talking the ground shook as they heard an explosion go off from the building.

The two shared a glance before nodding to each other.

"All Might I will inform the association."

The buff man barely gave him an answer before jumping toward the building.

"Sir Nighteye I'll see you inside."

His shout reached the ears of the lean man even as he lost sight of All Might.

<<<§ >>>

As the room exploded in a white light his head shook, vertigo coming to him as he felt his body fall through space.

Looking up, his eyes took some time to adjust before they widened at the scene, the metal walls gone, replaced by a large barren space with other men with white lab coats around him as they also started to stand up, but he also noticed how they froze up as they saw him.

His body unconsciously tried to gather more fire but failed, the realization making him smile. From the description given by his quirk this new quirk gave him the ability to gather the energy of dungeons as long as he was inside of one so the inability of gathering more energy meant that his first step was successful.

"I'm out…"

Mumbling he saw them standing up as they started to run, immediately his instincts yelled at him to move as he dashed forward, his other quirk flaring as his body became as light as a feather.


One of the scientists was unfortunately tackled by the kid before he felt the weight of a car descend upon him, while his body was more durable than the blonde kid his quirk didn't give him an enhanced endurance, because of that the man quickly emitted his last breath.

[Prey Successfully Hunted!]

[New Quirk gained, "Cut".]

Ignoring the panel his eyes turned toward the other three scientists running, quickly decreasing his weight he jumped once again, reaching the slowest of the three he used the new quirk scoffing as the cut he created could barely counted as a wound.

Bringing his fist up he struck the face of the man with the weight of a car as the man's head caved inside the ground.

[Prey Successfully Hunted!]

[New Quirk gained, "Werecat".]

Standing up he smiled as years of anger finally could be unleashed, he may regret killing all these people one day but not today, no today he will hunt to his heart's content.

<<<§ >>>


An enormous wind sent various monsters flying as most of them died on impact, behind the current number one a group of cowering scientists simply looked on the ground.

"What is this place?"

All Might asked, the once always smiling face now dark and frowning as he looked at a wall of monitors that showed various scenes, his sidekick typing on a pc didn't fare much better.

"It seems they experimented on kids studying their quirks… All Might they were trying to have a single human have more quirks…"

As Sir Nighteye said that All Might's face darkened even more, his fist tightly closed, crimson blood starting to drop from them.

"All Might! We need your help, a group that went to the underground floors returned wounded!"

All Might turned to them in confusion, while the heroes that arrived after them weren't all high rank the weakest was still a D-Rank even with the boss they shouldn't have a problem.

"Is it the Boss monster?"

His sidekick received a shake of denial.

"They found a kid… He's been attacking everyone that approaches him for now there were not many wounded but he seems to have gone mad… Besides, the boss monster's corpse has been spotted near him.."

At that All Might moved walking past him.

"Nighteye download everything you find here and wait for me at U.A."

<<<§ >>>

Bringing down his hand the worn out dagger in his hand stabbed the head of the small grey skinned monster in front of him.

[Prey Successfully Hunted!]

[New Quirk gained, "Poisonous Body".]

Confused, he opened the panel of the newly acquired quirk.

[Poisonous Body]

[The user will constantly emit poison from inside the body slowly turning its skin grey. The user will also lose any type of hair and emit a foul scent.]

Making a disgusted face moved his hands quickly.

[Activating 'Dismantling'.]

[Quirk destroyed!]

It was an ability he never used but he was glad that it worked, giving a glance at the bigger size grey skinned monster he stabbed once again in anger.

Sensing new people he turned around as he saw two other men freeze in front of him, his anger increase as he saw them how could it not, days after day every time he tried to escape or had to be moved to another cell he would constantly receive the abuse and beating from the men wearing those same black clothing and black mask.

"Be a good boy and stand down, we don't have much time to move."

One of the men said, gloating in his voice as he brought out a black baton.

Jumping toward them he emitted a small amount of fire from his feets increasing his speed but even that was not enough as the man was able to react by striking with his baton. With a loud sound the baton made contact with his arms which he brought up to protect himself but as they made contact a breaking sound was heard as he fell to the ground, his arms broken.

"You little shit we don't have time, if it wasn't for the bonus we will get for bringing you back we would've killed you here."

Lifting up his baton he struck down once more as an even greater impact coursed through the kid's body. His mind clouded he could only seethe in rage as the man continued to strike down on him.

"Hey stop, we can't damage him too much or they will yell at us, besides the heroes are here we can't delay anymore."

Only because of the other guard the first stopped, taking off his helmet he sighed satisfied before smiling.

"That's right… Sorry I got too into it but it's always gratifying beating him up, especially when you see him look at you with hatred after the beating. Well, let's go back"

Turning around he started walking, not bothering to put his helmet back as he left the heavy lifting to the other guard who used his four arms to lift the kid.

"Ahh I can just imagine the bonus they will give us, maybe they'll even promote me so that I won't have to stay holed up in here all year long, ahh I can't wait! What will you do with your bonus.?... Miquel?"

Not receiving an answer he turned around finding the body of his colleague on the ground, the kid standing there, another pair of arms sprouting from his side as one held what he recognized as a Warrior Imp dagger.


He couldn't continue talking as the kid launched himself at him, two hands holding his own as the third held his neck while the fourth stabbed the dagger in it.

Falling on the ground he felt the cold metal pierce and leave his neck as blood started to flow inside of it making feel like drowning.


He tried to speak but only gibberish came out, the last thing he saw was the dagger fall on one of his eyes.

[Prey Successfully Hunted!]

[New Quirk gained, "Enhanced Strike".]

Ignoring the panel he continued to stab the dagger down each time with more anger, it was only after a couple of minutes that he stopped.

Sighing heavily he used a little more of the white fire to finish healing his arms before looking at the extra two he gained.

[Activating 'Dismantling'.]

[Quirk destroyed!]

The two extra arms fell down on the ground detached from his body as his skin burned, the wounds closing up by itself without him having to do anything, as useful they might be in combat he could already feel the pain of having to order or make special clothing just for him.


Hearing another step he quickly moved his body taking up the worn out dagger as he saw a group of four arrive, each of them wore extravagant and colorful clothing and if it was a couple of years ago he wound have immediately recognized them cried of joy but on the dark underground parking lot, even with the night vision his main quirk gave him, he still launched an attack at them.

The group at first didn't notice him as they looked around, but as one of them looked upwards he saw the black shadow rapidly approaching.


The guy on the front took up a guard position as he lifted a metal shield but froze as he saw a kid come at him, letting out a sound he barely had time to bring up his shield to defend himself.



One of the girls in the group shouted as they saw their group leader fall to the ground from the impact, each of them knew that his quirk let him take in an attack and conserve the energy of the attack receiving almost no damage so seeing him on the ground like that confused them all.

And Just as the kid was about to deliver his finishing blow a bright red lightning shone from the shield before it was his turn to be sent flying back.

"Go call for back-up, Preferably someone that's able to subdue this kid without hurting him too much. Damn can he pack a punch with that small body."

One of the group turned to leave, the remaining three continued their fight trying their best to stop the kid movement without actually hurting him to no avail as the kid was too fast and nimble to be stopped.

It was only a couple of minutes later when a yellow blur arrived in a flash quickly reaching the kid.

The black haired kid's golden eyes shined as he tried to move his body but a big hand covered his head before bringing him down. The sound of impact was the only thing that could be heard for a couple of seconds before one of the guys said in a small voice.

"Huh.. All Might.. I think that was too much…"

The Pro Hero Slowly lifted the small kid's body as he checked for the actual wound, the moment he saw he was mostly ok he turned and smiled.

"Don't worry young heroes he's ok but to be sure I'll be taking him to a hospital!"

Ignoring the first question he quickly dashed toward the stair leaving the group dumbfounded.

Sooo I've started this one but that doesn't mean I'm dropping my old one, it simply was an idea I had in mind for a long time and decided to write it up, so instead of leaving it on my pc to gather pixelated dust I've decided to actually publish it.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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