
Mha: The Hunter

A Hero Saves people, A Villain kills people and a Hunter hunts monsters. That’s the simple rule of this new world. Mha with AU elements, Pairings to be decided.

Lugh_Zero · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Training Arc!

<<<§ >>>

"You want me to give you a dungeon?"

The questioning voice of Nezu echoes in the room as Haru simply doesn't move from his spot. 

Weeks already went by since Oboro incident, Haru spent the first few days holed up on the rooftop. It was only after the constant plead from Recovery Girl that he finally did come down even though it was to use the gym to train his stamina.

While he spent his time training Midnight was the one to make him a visit mostly to explain what happened and to see how he was fairing, their meeting still remained in his mind.

"Where are Shota and Hizashi?"

Sitting on the bed, Haru asked, still looking down, not daring to look her in the eyes while she sat down on a chair near the bed.

"Hizashi is well, more or less. He accepted the small vacation the school gave him and went back to visit his family. He told me to inform you that he will pay a visit after his break. As for Shota…"

Hearing the hesitation on her voice for the first time since they met he turned his gaze toward her as his heart ached. Just at his bedside, on one of the wooden chairs of his room she was sitting down with her leg close to each other as her hands were on her knees, looking down she didn't even notice Haru gaze as she continued.

"Last I saw him he was still working at His Purple Highness agency, he refused to see me… Do you think it's my fault? It was me who invited the two toward His Purple Highness, if I didn't then he may still…"

Midnight closed her eyes, right after the incident she kept a strong facade to support Hizashi and Shota who were mourning their close friend, after all while she was part of their group she just got to know them a couple of months prior so she didn't really have a relationship as close as those two.

"Nemuri… It's definitely not your fault, he chose to be a Hero, he chose at that time to use his quirk to save those kids instead of taking cover he…"

Haru couldn't continue as words wouldn't come, whose fault was that he died? That simple question haunted him since the incident he just didn't expect to not be the only one that had that same question on their head.

"He didn't hesitate to save those kids not even caring about his well being, he truly was the definition of a Hero." 'Instead of someone like me'

He didn't say the second part out loud but he couldn't help but think about it, after all while he accepted training to become a hero he mostly did it because at the time it seemed like the best path he could choose but after thinking about it some more he wasn't so sure.

Back to the present Haru shook his head before locking eyes with Nezu who kept on musing over his last request.

"A dungeon…"

Hundred of years ago the first change humanity had to suffer from was the arrival of Quirks. Quirks, a name given later on by various scientists, were a form of special unique power that varied from being able to grow hair on any part of the body to quirks powerful enough to create natural disasters.

Fortunately and Unfortunately people were limited to having a single quirk in their life and while normally they would awaken such at the age of four it happened sometimes that one would awaken a quirk earlier or later.

Back to what Haru asked, Dungeons where the second changed Humanity went through, just when society was crumbling as Quirk users started to go on a rampage abusing their own powers, dungeons started to appear around the world.

Dungeons was the name given to portals that connected earth with a separated closed off dimension, that dimension would normally replicate a forest, mountain, beach or any other already familiar place on earth. At first people were overjoyed by the free access to separated spaces with easily accessible materials but soon realized that no free meal exists in the world, in every single dungeon monster started to spawn.

These monsters had varied strength, and it was only later that the various scientists of the world learned to differentiate the types of dungeons and the types of monster. Quirked people were the first to start killing these monsters as they used their own power to counter the powers of these monsters.

Once again society was about to stabilize but it changed when portals who had been neglected or where unsuccessfully raided started to act strange as they 'break' the monster inside flowed outside like water as they started wreaking havoc.

It was later studied that if a boss monster wasn't killed in seven days the dungeon hosting it would break as the various monsters would march outside into earth.

Inside of the dungeon there existed three types of monsters: common monsters, raid monsters and boss monsters. 

Boss monsters as mentioned before were the strongest monsters inside of a dungeon, they would spawn one time along with the dungeon itself and if not killed would break free from their restrain bringing all monsters inside outside.

Raid monsters were considered the pawn of Boss monsters, most times they would have a sort of attachment with the Boss monster like being of the same race or having a similar skill set, if killed they would respawn in time as long as the boss wasn't killed.

Common monsters were like Raid monsters but they continued to spawn even after the Boss monster was killed.

"We only have seven deactivated dungeons on campus, you know that right?"

Haru nodded as he went through the information of dungeons in his head, deactivated was a term used when the Boss had already been killed, meaning only Common monsters continued to spawn, normally a deactivated dungeon would last no more than a couple of days but science was amazing enough to overcome that, using some complicated machinery that Haru give up on learning the name they were able to extend the life of a deactivated dungeon from a couple of days to a couple of years at the very least.

"Out of those seven, the weakest is only E-Rank and you would barely survive inside an F-Rank so it's out of question."

Dungeons, like monsters, were ranked with letters from F-Rank the weakest to SSS-Rank the strongest, not that there was even a current SS-Rank active dungeon in the world.

"Then what if I'm accompanied by a teacher?"

Haru persisted, not giving up his chance, he already knew he wouldn't be allowed to go outside and honestly he didn't want to go outside of the campus himself.

"Even that is a no, even students aren't allowed inside of them until toward the end of their second years if not at the third year and even then only some students of the class are allowed."

Nezu answered, crushing most of his hope, lifting his tea cup. He took a sip as he thought about something, Haru not interrupting his thoughts stood obediently in front of him.

"I understand why you would want to enter one, you know they have conducted some studies on how quirks affect the personality of people. They said that a person with a water breathing quirk would love to spend time underwater while a person with a flying quirk would spend more time flying or in high places."

Haru tilted his head at his words as Nezu continued.

"Your main quirk The Hunter, is a quirk that lets you take the quirk of what you consider you prey after you successfully hunt them and one of those quirks you earned is called Xeno'Jiva's Heart. Do you what a Xeno'Jiva is?"

Haru shook his head a no, for him it wasn't strange that Nezu somehow found detailed information on his main quirk and his secondary ones. He also liked how he put when he took a quirk, the use of 'Earned' instead of Steal or Take had been a bonus point in favor for the mouse in Haru head.

"A Xeno'Jiva is a SS-Rank monster, he appeared once in a dungeon in Brazil they failed to kill him that time which meant that the dungeon broke off freeing that giant dragon into our world, imagine the face of the worlds leaders when they discovered that from the moment he came out he started growing. Yes, that same monster that almost destroyed South America was only a child."

Haru stood motionless in the room, while he was surprised by the fact he was more confused on why he would bring it up right now.

"You see his main ability, the same ability you have right now, was the ability to gather energy from the ground to gain different abilities like the ability to enhance his body or heal his wounds. But for some reason that worked only inside of dungeons so when he discovered that by being outside he was weaker than when he was inside of one he started entering dungeons himself."

"Can monsters enter dungeons?"

"Yes, even though he was the only natural case it was later proven that they in fact can enter active or deactivated dungeons. My point in telling you this was that the same monster who hardly fought for seven days to free himself from the shackles of a dungeon still went inside willingly just because he couldn't use part of his powers."

Looking at his hand he felt the dungeon energy inside of him, he would be lying if he said that one of the reasons he wanted to enter inside was also to increase the amount of Dungeon Energy inside of him.

"How about this, I'll prepare a couple of people to teach you, you'll be practically joining next year Class 1-A as you train the use of your other quirks if by end of the year you can show me you have enough control I'll let you enter the weakest dungeon we have while also being supervised."

Haru nodded immediately, he already had a good grasp of his main quirk and some experience in using it so that didn't seem like a hard thing to achieve, he only had a problem with it.

"What about the time until next year starts?"

There were still a couple of months left until the end of the school year plus the vacation months. It meant that he had a long time before he could even join those classes.

"Well you're free to use the robot arena to train, just free it up when current Class 1-A use it."


While it wasn't the best he could work with it and arguing with Nezu was as useful as trying to dig a hole to the other side of the world.

<<<§ >>>

"Welcome to the Robot Arena, please select the difficulty."

A robotic voice sounded out from a panel, Haru looked at it with confusion, he had never been good with interacting with the various robots of U.A. as he mostly tried to avoid them if possible.

"How even am I supposed to do this?"

A lot of settings could be seen on the display but the more he read them the more confused he became.

"Do you need some help?"

Hearing a feminine voice he turned around, there stood a girl just a little taller than him with short navy blue hair that changed into an almost bright gold color on the top and although they were unusual the most noticeable feature weren't the hairs but her eyes.

Hazel colored eyes with white rings around them with the center a pitch black that almost seemed to suck a person in.

"Do you know how to set this thing?"

Recovering from his first stupor he asked her help with a curt tone, even if he didn't want to he still found it difficult to talk to other people at least not until he came to know them a little.

"This is the training arena… To use it you need a key… I don't know if you..?"

Knowing this would have happened he was suddenly glad that Nezu already made some preparation for this, after all a kid his age wouldn't come here normally but he was everything other than normal. 

Taking out a small rectangular device he showed it to her as she first looked surprised before smiling lightly.

"Sorry if I doubted you but it's surprising to see someone so young already using this… My name is Anan Kurose class 1-A! As for this I can set this up for you but how difficult do you want it to be? Has someone explained how this works to you?"

Shaking his head he noted down her name along with the fact that she was in 1-A.

"Well in a few words you just set it up and jump inside, the AI inside will send out robot of the difficulty you selected and you will have to fight them, it's mostly safe since they will stop before dangerously injuring you and there is a medical bay right next door but it is still recommended to select a difficulty you can handle at the very least."

Turning to the monitor she started tapping at it with great speed as Haru looked impressed from the side.

"It's your first time right? There actually is a profile feature, it lets you fight a single robot who will scale your own power so that later when you enter it will automatically select one for you."

The sound metals moving could be heard coming from the arena as a two meter tall robot appeared from the center.

"Should be good enough, when you've finished just get out, it will reset automatically if no one enters after three minutes. I have to go now so bye bye Haru~"

He only questioned how she came to know his name later as his mind was more focused on the robot standing still in the middle of the arena.

Focusing on his main quirk a panel appeared in front of him, on the panel a menu of some sort could be seen, when he was small he didn't understand what it was but after having access to the internet and thanks to Hizashi introducing him to a couple of games he noticed how this menu almost felts like a game interface, the only problem was that there were only three choices.

The first choice on the menu was 'Quirks Hunted' which showed the various quirks in his possession, meanwhile the other two only showed '???' on them. He wasn't sure how to unlock those two buttons or what they were but after thinking about it for years he decided to give up.

'Someday I'll probably unlock them, there's no reason to waste time on thinking about it right now.'

Opening his quirk list he looked over them, during the incident he killed quite a few scientists but most of their quirks felt like disabilities so he used the dismantling feature on his system to free himself of those so only a few remained, maybe he would be considered picky by other people but he also didn't want to transform his body into something horrendous.

On the list there were a total of six quirks.

Xeno'Jiva's Heart which was useless unless he was inside of a dungeon.

Paolumu's Body which lets him decrease his body weight along with anything he is wearing, making him as light as a feather while also giving him the ability to float.

Cut which was the ability to create small cuts on surfaces or targets he touched with his fingertips.

Werecat which lets him transform his body or part of his body into a cat.

Enhanced Strike which increased the striking power of his attacks or any emitter type quirk he used in his hands.

And finally Finger Painting which let him change the texture and color of any surface he touched.

Six quirks and while Xeno'Jiva's Heart and Finger Painting were useless in this fight; he could count on at least four quirk to fight, which were three more than normal people.

'That's without counting The Hunter…'

Stepping inside he could only think on how his main quirk was truly at all effects a cheat, his golden eyes started shiny dimly as the robot started moving.

The robot was humanoid with long arms and strong legs, the chest seemed covered by durable metal armor ready to take any hit and his joints seemed reinforced especially to resist cuts or slash.

"Test commencing…"

Hearing those words Haru smiled faded as various memories resurfaced, he almost forgot the times he was sent in arenas very similar to this with the only difference being that this time he wasn't fighting a living being.

The robot raised his right fist before punching toward Haru, he looked at the fist as the world seemed to slow down to an halt, after years of fighting while he wouldn't be as arrogant to call himself the best he was at least confident to fight low level monster by himself not that Nezu or any other teacher would trust him of that.

Crouching lightly as his body quickly lost almost all of his weight he launched himself forward rushing right under the incoming fist, the robot didn't change his course of action instead continued with his fist, seeing that Haru raised his left hand. 

As Haru palm touched the robot chest three quirk were activated, Enhanced Strike, Paolumu's Body and Cut.

The robot quickly felt a big pressure and weight on its chest as it was sent flying toward the wall of the arena but while mid air it quickly re-adjusted itself to land without a scratch on the ground. 

As it stood up five small scratches could be seen in the chest but no other damage was visible, its robotic voice echoed out once again.

"Re-evaluating power… Difficulty Increasing…"

Haru raised his guard as he saw the robot lean forward before sprinting toward him at a greater speed than before.

Lowering his weight once again he jumped to the right as he dodged the strike of the robot but as soon as he dodge the robot, without turning its head, moved its left arm toward Haru.

Kicking the ground he took in the air even the second strike missed.


Just as Haru looked at the robot with his head tilted in confusion the robot lowered his body before jumping in the air, increasing his weight he tried to get off the sky but that soon turned to be a mistake as the robot was just in the right trajectory to catch him as he was falling.

Increasing even more his weight he turned his body to fall face down, his fist closed tightly as his arm was extended he fell rapidly toward the robot which had a similar posture.

The two fist meet each other as Haru for the first time in his life lost a contest of strength, even before receiving Enhanced Strike his main quirk changed his body to make him gain far more strength than people of his age or even people a couple of years older than him, so as the robot fist sent him back in the air he felt puzzled at the warm burning sensation on his hand.

The robot's right hand moved just in time to grab Haru's ankle before the two started falling back due to gravity.

His vision blurred he let out a shout before his back felt the impact of his body kissing the ground, sand kicking up covering his vision even more.

"Test Terminated… Rank Evaluation… High Rank-F."

He heard from Nezu that this also evaluated his result in similar rank, the only difference being the added Low, High and Peak to each rank to give students a more precise growth result, after all if one listened each time Rank-F even while making progress they would soon find themself discouraged.

"That's why I don't like machines…"

<<<§ >>>

"Haru, I present you to your future teachers."

"Nice to meet you, you may not remember me but it does not matter. You may call me Sir Nighteye."

"Nice to meet ya! My Hero name is Gran Torino, if you want to know my real name, work for it!"

Even though Nezu introduced them to him he still felt like troubling days were up ahead, no maybe it was especially since Nezu introduced them to him that he felt that way.

Sir Nighteye was a tall man with glasses, his hair was a dark green with some yellow streaks in them, meanwhile Gran Torino was a short old man with white hair and a white beard, he had a stick to help him walk but from his steps alone Haru could deduce that the man could walk over him in a fight.

"Nice to meet you, my name is Haruto… Just Haruto, I haven't decided on a last name yet."

The two heroes took a look at him and while Gran Torino acted like he didn't care Haru could feel him thinking about something, silence descended upon the room as the two heroes looked him over.

"Alright, for now I'll go back. I'll leave my spot to this youngster here."

The one to break the silence was Gran Torino, he huffed before turning around and starting to walk out of the room, Sir Nighteye didn't bat an eye as he continued to look over Haru.

"If that's the case then follow me, I'll be your teacher for quirkless combat from now on."

Turning around he started walking, Haru hesitated for a second as he gave a glance at Nezu receiving a nod, seeing that he immediately started walking following Sir Nigtheye.

"Quirkless combat?"

At his question Nigtheye nodded before pushing up his glasses.

"Yes, there will come a time when you may not be able to use any of your quirks for whatever reason, at that time your only weapons will be your body."

Haru doubted someone with a quirk set like him would one day be reduced to that state but nodded nonetheless.

"Besides that I will also help you in using your quirks in various ways.. Ok this place is perfect."

Before he knew it they reached a separate room, the inside was mostly empty with some training equipment to the side and another door that probably led to a storage room, touching his shoulder he made him stand at one side before walking some meters of distance right in front of him.

"I know you doubt me so how about this, for the next three minutes you will attack me, if you are able to land even a single attack I will listen to a single one of your wishes."

Haru perked up at that, he knew there was a reason the man in front of him was so confident but even then he started getting ready to pounce.

"By any wish…"

"Yes, I'll bring you to a dungeon if you want-"

With that said he immediately launched himself forward, he didn't plan to hold himself back using everything he had at his hand.

White fire covered his feet while his weight decreased, his speed increased as he practically teleported in front of Nighteye who easily took a step to his right as if he was expecting the attack.

Feeling a small hit on his back he landed in a crouched position, his speed making him slide toward the wall of the room.

"You attack like a wild animal, your quirks help you greatly reduce your speed and increase your mobility but that does not mean you have to pounce forward like a beast. Don't hold back, the room can handle it."

Even as Nigtheye dodged the first attack and kept on his confident demeanor, Haru noticed a small frown creating on his face, he also noticed how he was much more in guard against him.

Hearing that last part he stood up as he concentrated the energy on his body, a pair of cat ears appeared on his head as well as a cat tail behind his back, the tail warped around his leg before he moved.

Striking the ground in front of himself, white fire moved like the claw of a beast as five slashes appeared and grew rapidly flying at great speed toward Nighteye.

Pushing up his glasses he moved his body backwards as he noticed the slash creating more distance between each other the longer they went forward.

Not missing a step Haru jumped toward the ceiling, twisting his body he placed his foot on the ceiling before starting to run upside down. Nighteye saw that move as he put one of his hands inside of his jacket.

Fire covered his feet as he launched himself forward, a metal orb immediately appearing in front of him, growling as he punched the orb as it was sent back, the force of the punch leaving him floating in the air.

"A floating quirk is great but since it's not a flying quirk you can't allow yourself to remain stuck in the air!"

More metal orbs appeared as they flew toward his body, moving his hand he took hold of one as the weight and force immediately made his weightless body move along the orb.

Flying toward the other side of the room he decrease the weight of the orb before twisting his body to land on the wall with his feet, Paolumu's Body actually worked with things he was directly touching even thought the bigger the object the more taxing it was.

Jumping down he decided to once again try an attack on the ground, Nighteye waited for him as Haru moved forward, this time he didn't go full speed but as he arrived in front of the Hero he started to throw punches, trying his best to at least hit a single part of him. Each strike was met with air as Nighteye dodge easily or used his own arm to redirect Haru's attacks.

"You have great quirks and a good fighting intuition but you lack technique and experience."

Growing more frustrated white fire covered his body as his attack became more feral, Nighteye sighed seeing that he continued to dodge, moving back he gave a quick glance at the watch seeing how he only had one minute left.

From white a small amount of Azure fire started appearing as Haru also knew he had little to no time left.

'I'll use everything on this last attack!'

Unknowingly he stopped breathing as he went down on four, the fire started to tremble before he shot forward, metal orbs appeared to try and stop his advancement but Haru passed easily by them as they were cut in five places.

Arriving in front of Nighteye he punched forward, his fist met the wall as he felt another punch connect on his chest knocking out all the remaining air from him.

Falling on the ground like a sack of potatoes he barely kept his eyes open just enough to hear Nighteye's last words to him.

"That was an acceptable attack…."

Passing out a small smirk was created on his mouth.

"...It was acceptable for now but it still lacked technique…"

Fortunately he didn't hear the last part, looking at his own hand Nigtheye frowned.

"Still, he really packs a punch on that small body…"

His hand showed burns from him coming in contact with the fire, nothing that Recovery girl could heal but Nighteye could admit that the last second he became serious even if it was for a single second, looking back he saw the wall who supposedly could hold even a Rank A Hero's strike crumble as fire still burned through the thousands cuts on it.


Looking at Haru who was passed out he crouched down on the body before placing a hand on his forehead as his frown increased.

"Why can't I see his future…"

<<<§ >>>

"What do you mean you can't use his quirk on him?"

"I mean exactly that, Whenever I try to see his future it comes out as blank, not more correctly my quirk doesn't even activate."

Nezu frowned as he put down his tea cup.

"I don't think we ever had someone use their quirks on him.."

"What about Recovery Girl?"

Nezu shook his head before continuing.

"At the time we weren't sure if he had enough energy so we let him recover naturally and then we discovered his enhanced regeneration… From what I saw neither Aizawa or Midnight ever used their quirks against him either…"

Nezu continued to think out loud as Nighteye confusion grew.

"Who are those people?"

"Oh right you may not have heard of them but they are the students who are close to him, also he touched Oboro cloud once and it didn't disperse so while he is able to cancel quirks it may only be limited to quirks that have an active effect on him or his body…"

As Nezu returned to his musing Nighteye occupied himself with his own thoughts. It was the first time that he found someone whose future couldn't be read and he didn't know what to think about it.

"Do you think he knows about this?"

At Nighteye's question Nezu shook his head.

"We read the files on him there was never a mention of this… But it doesn't make sense. All For One was able to use his quirk to take back Haru's quirks…"

After finding All For One's name on Haru's file, All Might decided to tell the whole truth to Nezu. That's why he wasn't surprised about him mentioning him.

"For now keep this a secret I'll conduct my own test to see how this new quirk of his works.."

"Do you think he has other quirks that he is not aware of or he is not telling us?"

Nezu hesitated before shaking his head.

"For now let's concentrate on this."

Hope you liked, if you found any mistake please tell me so that I can correct them~

Also, I mostly want to hear your opinion but should I do harem or not in this novel? I still haven't thought that far anyway and this romance will come at least a couple more chapters if not much later but I wanted to start asking this.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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