
In Marvel with the Force?

After dying upon uncovering the ultimate truth within his universe, Theon finds himself reincarnated into the Marvel universe with an unexpected gift. Tasked with an ambitious objective, his mission in this new reality is to ascend to the pinnacle, aiming for the ultimate peak of power and understanding. Follow the Path of the strongest Jedi/Sith! NO HAREM (We don't smoke that around here) The cover is not mine The credits for Marvel and Star Wars are not mine

Evandar · Filem
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34 Chs

Subjugating the Phoenix

New chapter!!!!!! Sorry for not posting yesterday but I was tired



Four months had swiftly passed since Theon's successful construction of the NerveGear prototype. Collaborating closely with Forge, whose exceptional programming and coding skills accelerated the upgrade phase, the technology became widely utilized throughout the entire school.

The virtual world was structured into three distinct segments. The first part consisted of the SAO game, designed for public access. The second replicated the genetic traits of the headset wearers, serving as an exclusive training environment solely accessible to mutants at Xavier School. Lastly, the third segment comprised the admin room, a restricted area accessible only to Theon himself.

In addition to advancing the technology, Theon sought Professor Xavier's assistance in establishing a company under his name.

"What's the goal behind creating this company, Theon?" Xavier inquired.

"Financial support. I also need to secure a patent for my NerveGear," Theon explained.

"Understood. What name have you chosen for the company, and what category will it fall under?" Xavier asked, curious about the details.

"I'd like to name it Jedi and Sith Industries. Our mission? To revolutionize technology," Theon confidently responded.

"I'll need to create some documentation for this venture," Xavier noted.

"Don't worry. They'll become legitimate soon enough... Professor, are you hiding something within Professor Jean's mind?" Theon's voice shifted, a touch of concern evident.

"What do you mean?" Xavier responded, avoiding a direct answer.

"I can sense it... there's a presence of an otherworldly being within her mind, and you seem to be suppressing it," Theon pressed, his concern growing more palpable.

Jean, overhearing the conversation, entered the room with a cautious expression. "What's happening, Professor Xavier?"

Theon's gaze shifted to Jean, a mix of concern and determination in his eyes. "Jean, there's something within your mind. An entity that's being suppressed."

Xavier interjected, his tone measured. "Theon, this is not a matter to be discussed lightly. It involves complex and potentially dangerous forces."

"But Professor, Jean, I can help," Theon persisted. "I might be able to assist in accessing and understanding what's within her mind."

Jean hesitated, uncertainty clouding her features. "I'm not sure, Theon. This could be extremely risky."

"It's your choice, Jean. But I believe I can assist you," Theon urged, his voice laced with sincerity.

Xavier, weighing the situation carefully, addressed them both. "Jean, Theon, this isn't a decision to be made impulsively. The safety and well-being of everyone involved are paramount."

Jean considered Theon's offer, glancing between Theon and Xavier. "If it's possible to gain insight or control over this... entity within me, it could be beneficial."

Theon nodded, his determination unwavering. "I'll proceed cautiously. I promise, Jean."

Xavier, though apprehensive, finally relented. "Very well. But I'll oversee the process closely, and any sign of danger, we halt immediately."

Theon acknowledged Xavier's terms, knowing the gravity of the situation. "Understood, Professor. I'll proceed cautiously."

With Xavier's guarded supervision, Theon began a meticulous process, attempting to access Jean's mind. He navigated through the mental barriers with care, his flow interfacing with the deeper recesses of her consciousness.

Jean's brow furrowed in concentration as Theon delved deeper into her mind, the experience a mix of the virtual and the metaphysical. Xavier watched, his concern evident but trusting in Theon's capabilities.

As moments passed, Theon's expression shifted from determination to surprise. "Professor Xavier, there's something here. A powerful presence. It's unlike anything I've encountered before."

Jean's voice resonated from within the depths of her mind, a mixture of fear and curiosity. "What do you see, Theon?"

"It's... immense. Radiant. It feels ancient, yet bound within you" Theon responded, his voice tinged with awe and caution.

Xavier's concern deepened, his voice firm. "Theon, proceed cautiously. We must ensure no harm comes to Jean."

Theon nodded, continuing his exploration with meticulous care, navigating the enigmatic presence within Jean's consciousness.

Suddenly, he found himself plunged into a pitch-black void. Recognizing the gravity of the situation, he immediately dropped to his knees and uttered, "I pay my respects to the Phoenix."

A brief silence lingered until a brilliant light pierced the darkness, and the Phoenix's voice resonated within the space, demanding, "Who are you, mortal?"

"I am Theon Heli—"

"I know that! I demand to know how you've become aware of my existence!" The ancient force's rage emitted powerful waves of telepathic energy, nearly shattering Theon's defenses.

In a daring gamble, Theon asserted, "I am...the chosen one by The One Above All."

The waves of energy abruptly ceased.

"You lie!" The Phoenix retorted.

"I wouldn't have knowledge of His existence if I were just an ordinary human, nor of Yours," Theon countered.

A tense moment passed.

"What is it that you seek?"

"I implore you to wait a bit lo—"


The entity's outcry nearly extinguished Theon once more.

"This planet has yet to attain interstellar capabilities! We've barely reached the Moon! Please, you only need to wait six more years!" Theon pleaded desperately.


Hearing the entity's threat, Theon began to laugh maniacally.

"Really? Destroy me? The Chosen One? I must have misheard!" With a purple aura enveloping his hands, Theon continued, "I could've simply requested father to erase you from existence."

"He would never do that; I am an impor—"

"You're a mere imitation of the Celestial, performing your duties inadequately. You're worthless, expendable, a parasite." Theon advanced toward the radiant orb.

"What are you doing?" cried the Phoenix in agony, "How can I feel pain?"

"You either accept the deal or suffer further," Theon stated with a hint of sadism.

The torment lasted only five minutes before the tortured voice relented.

Exiting the Phoenix's mind, Theon reported to his superiors, "Done. She won't disturb us for a while."

"How did you manage it?"

"Let's just say, I had something she lacked."

/Unknow location/

Unknow POV

I was playing with my toy car when the weird uncle I didn't know grabbed me. He was scary, and as his fingers traced the circular mark on my neck, fear gripped me. It felt weird when he dripped a strange liquid on the scar. Suddenly, my thoughts faded away, like someone had flipped a switch in my head.

"Good boy," the man murmured softly. His words echoed strangely, making no sense to me. "Now, Remy, I want you to destroy that wall."

Everything around me seemed hazy, like I was far away. I couldn't understand what he was asking or why it was so strange. But then, he handed me a card, and something inside it glowed with pink energy. Without thinking, I instinctively threw the card, and it burst into a dazzling explosion.


Power:[Casuality perception]

(God Hand)

The user can perceive and understand all cause and effect relations, deducing the path leading to any effect, allowing them to plan, analyze, and take action with absolute efficiency. They can perceive the cause and effect relations of their own thoughts giving them the ability to tackle various situations by simply thinking about possible routes they could take.