
In Marvel with the Force?

After dying upon uncovering the ultimate truth within his universe, Theon finds himself reincarnated into the Marvel universe with an unexpected gift. Tasked with an ambitious objective, his mission in this new reality is to ascend to the pinnacle, aiming for the ultimate peak of power and understanding. Follow the Path of the strongest Jedi/Sith! NO HAREM (We don't smoke that around here) The cover is not mine The credits for Marvel and Star Wars are not mine

Evandar · Movies
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

Fake Surtur

Writing sure is tiring(especially fillers)

Watching Umbrella Academy(Its a very good series)


A week had passed since Theon successfully completed the prototype of his NerveGear. Immersed in coding and programming the virtual world during his free moments, he meticulously fine-tuned every minute detail.

Summoning his friends, Theon ushered them into Forge's workshop where the NerveGear devices awaited them.

"Why did you bring us here, Theon?" Daniel (Prodigy) inquired, curiosity piqued.

"Okay, guys, our training's hitting a plateau, and I can't let that happen. So, I've crafted a device to aid us," Theon announced, pointing towards the five NerveGear units on the ground.

"Is this what you've been tinkering with for the last month?" Pietro (Quicksilver) asked, his eyes shimmering with curiosity.

Brushing aside Pietro's question, Theon continued, "Explaining the technicalities might be a bit much for everyone but Daniel. Just think of it as being transported to another world."

"Seriously?" Bobby's skepticism was palpable.

"Just grab the headset and say 'Link Start'," Theon urged, a glint of excitement in his eyes.

As they cautiously picked up the headsets, a cloud of uncertainty enveloped them. Exchanging uncertain glances, they silently contemplated Theon's creation.

"Link Start," Theon prompted, brimming with anticipation.

With varying levels of skepticism and curiosity, each of them echoed the phrase. A fleeting silence filled the room as they donned the headsets, following Theon's instructions.

Suddenly, a radiant, shimmering light enveloped them, whisking away the familiar world and plunging them into an unexpected and immersive medieval setting—a stark contrast to their accustomed modern reality.

"Whoa, what's happening?" Daniel's voice quivered with surprise as he surveyed the unfamiliar surroundings.

Bobby's initial shock gave way to a mix of panic and confusion. "This isn't what I signed up for! Where are we?"

Pietro, usually confident, displayed a rare moment of uncertainty. "This can't be real, right? Theon, what have you done?"

Maintaining composure, Theon reassured them, "Stay calm, everyone. We're in a virtual world. Think of it as a game—something we'll adapt to."

"But how?" Daniel's voice wavered, uncertainty creeping in.

"Observe, analyze, treat it as a training ground. Together, we'll figure it out," Theon encouraged, trying to allay their fears.

Venturing into the medieval landscape, they marveled at the detailed architecture, cobbled paths, and bustling townsfolk—each element seemingly plucked from a historical era. Slowly, panic ebbed, replaced by wonder and curiosity about this new reality crafted by Theon's device.

"Okay, this is... different," Bobby remarked, a hint of excitement in his voice.

Pietro, still cautious, nodded in agreement. "Yeah, once you get over the shock, it's kind of impressive."

Daniel took a deep breath, attempting to steady himself. "I suppose this is our chance to adapt and learn. Let's make the most of it."

Theon smiled, relieved to see his friends embracing the unexpected scenario. "Exactly. Consider it a challenge—a new way to enhance our training."

With renewed determination and a zest for adventure, they embarked on exploring the medieval landscape, ready to turn this unexpected journey into a valuable training experience.

As they cautiously traversed this virtual medieval realm, creatures straight out of ancient folklore—monstrous beings conjured by Theon's imagination for their training session—emerged from the misty woods, ready to challenge the group.

Fear replaced awe as the group faced these menacing entities. Bobby, Pietro, and Daniel turned to Theon, seeking guidance in this unexpected battle.

"Theon, what are these things?!" Daniel's voice betrayed his unease, eyes fixed on the approaching creatures.

"These creatures are part of our training simulation," Theon explained, trying to maintain calm despite escalating tension. "They're here to test our abilities and make us stronger."

Bobby gulped, eyeing the creatures warily. "Are we supposed to fight them?"

Pietro's gaze darted between the creatures and Theon. "Seriously? We're totally out of our league here!"

"Stick together, defend yourselves, and focus. We've got this," Theon reassured, bracing himself for the challenge ahead.

The monsters lunged, snarling with chilling intensity. The group sprang into action, each tapping into their unique abilities.

Pietro darted with incredible speed, maneuvering between the creatures, delivering quick strikes while dodging their attacks. Bobby conjured icy barriers, momentarily freezing the creatures' movements. Daniel strategized, directing the group, searching for weak points in the creatures' defenses.

Theon manipulated the environment, creating barriers and obstacles to hinder the monsters. His orchestration pushed them to adapt and utilize their skills effectively.

With each passing moment, fear dissipated, replaced by determination. Slowly but steadily, they coordinated, leveraging strengths to counter the creatures' attacks.

Theon's creation proved an intense yet valuable training ground. Every action, dodge, and spell cast strengthened their camaraderie and resolve in this virtual world's challenges.

"Alright, guys, let's face a boss," Theon declared before spawning a colossal creature—a fiery, towering entity resembling Surtur from legends.

The towering boss, Surtur, rattled the team. Pietro's confidence faltered, Daniel strategized, and Bobby instinctively conjured ice shields. However, facing the fiery behemoth seemed futile.

Pietro's eyes widened. "What in the world is that thing?"

Bobby's icy demeanor faltered. "This is beyond anything I've seen!"

Daniel scrutinized, seeking a weakness. "Focus, everyone! We need a plan."

Surtur roared, unleashing scorching heat. Pietro darted, evading fiery blasts, while Bobby shielded them with ice. Daniel analyzed, seeking an opening.

Rogue observed, surging with determination. "I'll handle this," she declared, cautiously moving towards the fiery giant.

Touching Surtur, Rogue's powers activated. Absorbing the creature's essence, she gained its fiery strength.

Radiant with newfound power, Rogue confidently directed flames back at Surtur. The team, emboldened, launched a coordinated assault exploiting Surtur's weakened state.

Theon nodded approvingly at Rogue's strategy. "Well played, Rogue!"

Empowered by Rogue's strategy, the team exploited weaknesses, launching a relentless assault.

As the battle intensified, Surtur staggered. With a final surge, the team executed a decisive strike, toppling the fiery giant through their unified effort and strategic planning.


Power: [Transmutation]

(Giorno Giovanna/Alchemists(Fullmetal alchemist)

The user can alter or transform matter, energy, elements, objects, beings (animals, aliens, mythical beings, etc.), concepts etc. into anything else, either completely or partially, permanently or temporarily.


Evandarcreators' thoughts