
I Summoned a Skeleton

“Damn! Did I fail!?” The light faded out, revealing a Skeleton standing in the middle of the summoning circle. _ In this world, every Mage’s power came from their summoned creature. Char was a young genius of the academy, at the age of 15 he was already inventing his own magical circle, everyone had high hopes for him. As the future rising Noble, everyone was friendly with him. Every noble house wanted to hire him, but he disagreed as he knew he could do much more on his own. Yet fate failed him, due to a summoning mistake. He ended up summoning the weakest creature with no potential, a skeleton! With the odds stacked against him, how would he survive being the weakest in the world where only the strong rule? Can the genius be able to raise back from the depth of failure? Can he prove his worth to those who left him when he fell to the lowest point?

KUKORO · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
61 Chs


"Char, don't you think it's better if we prepare on how to fight if we ever met a knight tier orc?" Aya asked as they had been walking silently for the last twenty minutes.

"When that happens, you all can just distract the creature, while my skeleton deals the damage," he simply replied as he continued to walk.

"I mean, wouldn't it be better if we knew each other's ability so we can coordinate better? And we also need to prepare for the possibility of fighting a knight-tier orc while the other orcs join the fight or there is more than one knight-tier orc!" She explained.

He stopped and looked at her, "You are really diligent, huh? I could not even believe it when I saw—," he was about to mention about the night in the library when she hurriedly closed his mouth with her hand.

"Don't talk about it! That's supposed to be a secret!" she whispered, so the other can't hear her.

Char's eyes turned wide, and he raised his hand a bit as he did not know where to put them. The girl was leaning on him unconsciously, he could feel her body warmth through their touch.

"Ah!" after seeing he was silent, she realized that their face was so close together, she let him go and pulled back with a blushing face.

Her scream attracted the other's attention, which made her blush even more. The situation grew awkward, but Anne chimed in.

"Hey, stop flirting already. If you want to flirt, then do it when we get back, it's not safe here!" She said jokingly.

That somewhat lightened the atmosphere with the others, but he felt way more awkward with Aya.

They continued walking with the skeleton at the front as their scout. Creatures were expendable, and it was the fastest to be summoned if it got killed, so the choice was logical.

"Ehem... Since I was the one who suggested we tell each other about our ability, I tell you about my friend's and my ability, if you agree with it," she continued their previous conversation.

"Alright, I don't mind telling you about it, our survival is worth more than a little secret," he agreed, but he actually did not want to tell her everything, he would just tell her what he wanted her to know.

"In our group, there is me with my cherub, it has Smite just like you saw, I changed it into an area effect, and it also has healing magic, as long as it's a flesh wound then I can heal it," she started.

"The next one is a Mud Golem, it has quite big physical resistance, and it can turn the ground into a mud to trap and slow the enemy, it also can harden its mud into rock."

"The third is water fairy, it can use water magic and purification magic, the magic can detoxify poison too."

"The last is Nightcrawler, it can go into stealth and have the ability to track and detect enemies," She told him.

"Your team is well balanced, but don't you think you miss a damage dealer?" he commented.

"Our damage dealer was that boy we left in the cave, he had a thunder wolf but it was barely able to damage a knight-tier orc, that's why we had a hard time beating one," she explained.

"Oh, that's why. Well, we don't have much problem since Anne and I focus on dealing damages. The imp excel in a physical fight and it can deal fire damage," he explained their part.

"As for my Skeleton, it can deal damage to both physical and non-physical, it's resilient to damage and can move fast, it can also regenerate as long as it has enough time," he finished.

"Wait a minute! Isn't that kinda too good? What kind of cheat is that?" Aya asked in disbelief.

"That's thanks to my magic tattoo. It gives a lot of boosts in most areas. If you have mana crystal, I can give your creature one too," he suggested.

"Kyu!" the cherub tried to intimidate him but its appearance made it look cute instead.

"I don't think that's a good idea, Kyuti still doesn't trust you," she said.

"Anyway, I think I have a rough plan already. We can just move faster while it's dark since the nightcrawler can hide better at night. It will be our scout at that time!" She started to tell him her idea.

"During a fight, we can just gang up with the golem as our vanguard while you and the fairy boy will be our support, Anne and I will be the one dealing damage," he said.

"if we fight multiple knight-tier orcs then the fairy, golem, nightcrawler, and imp will hold the others down while trying to last as long as possible, while you and I try to kill one at a time," Char explained his plan.

"Isn't it too risky to fight one with just the two of us?" She asked in worry.

"Just use Smite at its face each time it is about to attack, it should be able to obstruct its vision. Without its vision, it will be easier to fight," he told her from his experience.

"Alright, let's go with this plan then," She agreed with him.

"Having such a complete and competent team is really good, I would never expect to have such an ideal team!" Char thought.

"With this team, beating a knight tier creature would be way easier than before, as long as we don't fight a high-level knight-tier orc or more than two knight tier orcs, then I'm sure we can survive our way out!" he smiled as he could see himself getting back safely to the city already.

"Look out!" Anne warned as the skeleton came into contact with an orc that suddenly rushed out of a bush.

It quickly sidestepped the orc while delivering a few quick slashes, turning it into a soulless body with its astral blade.

But that was not the end, more and more orc appeared through the bushes, the group found themselves surrounded by orcs again!

Here you go, today's chapter!!!

thank you for reading this far, I wonder what do you think about this book?

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