

When Alt opened his eyes, what he saw were ton's of people walking by along a large street, with many buildings around him. The difference in noise levels, and amount of people around him compared to the white void, caused him to start to nauseate, he stumbled causing him to bump into someone, who glared at him, quickly looked above Alt's head, then proceeded to shove him to the ground while cursing "F*ck off rankless trash." Alt shakingly stood up, and in order to avoid being stamped to death by the people walking by, stumbled into a nearby alleyway. After catching his breath he heard the electronic voice again "Alt Frower has gained the necessary Exp requirements passive skill [StressTolerance] has leveled up" hearing that he quickly opened his status page.

Name:Alt Elohim

Ability: [Drómi+]


SkillsActive: [ChainsOfServitude]


[StressTolerance Lv9],[PainTolerance Lv9] [PoisonResistance Lv3],[SwordProficiency Lv 1]


[A Fool Who Dove Into Insanity],

[A Monster Who Devoured Insanity]

Equipment: [None]


[X4 Exp Gain In Tolerance PassiveSkills]-From title [A Fool Who Dove Into Insanity],

[+Boost In All Aspects Of Their Power]-From title [A Monster Who Devoured Insanity]

He realized he gained a new title [A Monster Who Devoured Insanity] which boosted his powers which was the bonus he gained for choosing a seemingly weak power. Alt was a bit sad that he had lost his sword, but excitedly started to test his powers, first he imagined creating chains and wrapping them around his right arm, out of nowhere chains appeared wrapping it self on to his arm, he imagined them tightening up and sure enough, they started to tighten up, because even though he kept increasing the tightness it didn't hurt his arm much, only a dull sense of pain, he was wondering if they weren't able to harm him, as he kept going he heard something crack from inside his arm, which then he lost focus and the chain dropped to the floor, he was curious as to what made that sound then he noticed the dull pain had changed to a sharp one as if something was strongly pinching, and vibrating inside his arm, he was confused and wondering if he had a hairline fracture on his arm from tightening them too much, while he worried he went out into the streets to ask if anyone knew where he could find a hospital, as he asked around most people either ignored him, or shoved him away, after asking around for 3-4 minutes finally someone gave him a answer, he was told to follow along the road, and he should see a building with a green cross on it where he could receive medical attention, and after walking for a bit he had found the building. He walked in and inside there were many injured people waiting while sitting down, some with blood still coming out of their wounds, every one there glanced above Alt's head then proceeded to ignore him. Alt just quietly sat down, and people were steadily being called into the back room then coming out perfectly healthy, after about 30 minutes it was his turn, by then his arm was quite swollen and had changed to a blueish color. When he walked in all he saw was a chair and a old man sitting next to the empty chair, the old man asked "You here to get that arm of yours fixed up?" to which Alt answered "Yea I think I fractured it a bit, it doesn't hurt much so I just need a quick heal" while waving his arm towards the old man and sitting down, to which the old man said while grimacing "What the F*ck are you talking about kid, that arm's 100% broken stop trying to be a tough guy, and stop moving it too, your making it worse, bloody hell kids these days." Alt was shocked, he knew by now from the swelling that his injury was worse than he originally thought, but he didn't think his arm was actually broken, the only pain he felt was like something pinching and twisting inside his arm, it hurt and it bothered him, but not to the point where he believed a entire bone was broken. The old man continued "You probably don't feel the pain due to the adrenaline right now, but if you calmed down you would be screaming in pain right about now." Alt was confused if this person was telling the truth, wondering if the old man was lying to get more money once the healing process was done. Alt responded by saying "It really doesn't hurt that badly and I can still move my fingers." He although a bit awkwardly easily moved his fingers one by one, the old man responded by saying "Kid I can make the pain comeback by decreasing your adrenaline levels if I want, stop being a tough guy and learn to take care of your body." Alt replied "Sure go ahead?" then the old man squeezed Alt's injured arm, and closed his eyes, the healing process started increasing in speed, to where he could see his arm's swelling receding visually, but when the old man opened his eyes saying "D-doesn't it hurt?" to which Alt replied confused "No not really, why?" the old man stated "I just stopped your adrenaline production, reactivated your pain receptors, then forcefully hastened the healing process, this isn't really different from normal healing, but because of the rapid healing it should hurt.. A Lot." Alt had sensed a increase in pain but no where near the point where he couldn't handle it, the old man then asked "Oh I get it, very funny young man your powers have something to do with canceling out your pain doesn't it?" To which Alt replied no my powers let me make and control chains as he summoned a small chain in the palm of his left hand and made it float, then he remembered about his passive skills and said "Oh yea I have the passive skill [PainTolerance] tho, I think it's level 9 now I kind of what to know what happens when it reaches level 10, do you know if it evolves? I think it's thanks to this thing that I hardly feel pain now that I think about it." While showing his status screen to the old man, which then old man proceeded become wide eyed, then faint.