
Being Poor Is Harsh

Alt was frightened by the old man suddenly fainting, he stood up and tried to wake the old man up, but the man didn't wake up no matter how much he shook him Alt also he checked if the man was still breathing, and became relieved when he was, afterwards he checked the condition of his arm, he felt no pain even if he swung it around and he thought it felt better than before. After he thought about calling someone to help the old man, but he worried that he might get mistaken for doing something to the man, and he knew that in a world where healers are so useful and often frequented as proven by the almost full room he saw when he came in, mearly being suspected for harming him might cause future troubles, so he quietly left the clinic and started walking along the wave of people outside, quickly blending in. While walking he was double checking his arm's condition while reading the [Help] tab on the status page. There he figured out why people kept staring at the top of his head before they interacted with him, apparently if you have a rank it will be shown on top of your head, optionally you may hide your rank so that all that shows is a grey [?] icon. But he had not enabled it and all that he had on his head was [Rankless], thus causing everyone to ignore him or treat him like trash. He immediately turned the feature on and he also turned the option to see other people's ranks on. Thus suddenly [Rank] appeared on some people's heads, but most had the [?] on their head, it seemed most people wanted to keep their rank a secret. He then learned that there are such things as dungeons in this world which is the most easy way to get gold and loot in this world, he learned of a map feature which he enabled it was a rough outline of the place he was in, he could zoom in and out, but it seemed other people don't show up on maps, but he was happy that the map had a search feature, he typed in Beginner Dungeons to which several hits came up, he felt it was similar to g00g maps he used back when he was alive. He kept walking towards the icon shown on his map, and learned that he also had a inventory, he minimized his map, and chanted "Open Inventory" a screen came up with many small empty boxes, but in the first box there was a familiar looking sword, it was the sword he obtained during his tutorial! It hadn't disappeared! He happily clicked on the sword icon causing options to pop out from the picture it read

>Equip [O] Lock As Important

>Stats-*Greyed out*



He immediately clicked the lock option, then clicked the equip option, a sword he was very familiar with appeared in his hands, but this time a scabbard attached to his hip also appeared, as he was in a crowded street he quickly put his sword away in his scabbard, and continued looking in his inventory on the bottom it had a icon that read

[Gold Held: 300] he was surprised that he had gold even though he had just come to this world, and started looking around while on his way to the dungeon. He saw a sword shop, and decided to see what kinds of swords existed in this world, once he went in there were many swords on thee shelf's, hanging from the walls, and in barrels, he decided to grab a sword in one of the barrels, when he did a message showed up. "This is a sword created by BestSwordsMaker.GTS, as you have not bought it yet, you make not take it out of the shop, or equip it, if you would like too see it's stats please obtain the analyze passive skill available in the system shop, you may open the system shop by chanting "Open Shop".

Alt put the sword back into the barrel and chanted "Open Shop" soon a window similar to his inventory opened, and there were many things being sold in the boxes and the first few things were [BasicRareMetalShortSword], [BasicRareMetalSpear], [BasicRareMetalMace], and [BasicEnchantedBow&Arrows]. He felt sad as all of these were worth 300 gold, and with just that, he knew either all the swords in this shop were either too expensive for him, or of lower quality than his already equipped sword. Then he was further saddened when there was the [Analyze] passive skill right under his sword in the shop, priced at.. 500 gold... he couldn't even buy a basic [Analyze] skill, thus to get more money, he proceeded to walk to the dungeon again.