
I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

As a young Peter Quill slowly starves to death in a prison cell on Yondu’s Ravager ship, another soul appears and merges with his body, causing the two souls to mix and become one. A child who lost his mother to cancer and was abducted by space pirates in the very same night… A middle-aged man from another universe with all sorts of future knowledge packed into his head… Both trapped in a much darker version of the MCU. Oh! And it’s Star Wars as well! Male Lead/Main Character: Peter Quill or Star-Lord Female Lead/Love Interest(s): ????? (A/N: I was thinking of having two partners for Peter since Star-Lord is known to be promiscuous, but we’ll see. IDK yet.) If you like my writing, check out the Patreon! Advanced chapters are available there. www.patreon.com/AlienWarlord

AlienWarlord · Filem
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190 Chs

C189 Identity Revealed?!

Check out early access chapters on my Patréon, currently 14 chapters ahead! 



🚨Insert Karma GIFs/PICs here - Most likes wins🚨(A/N: only TWO entries per person!)

🏆Yesterday's GIF winner(s): Hated_One & Crimson_Reapr!🏆 (A/N: 👑👑)

The night had started quietly for most, but that peace was shattered when the Hoover Dam burst.


The explosion of the rupture echoed through the surrounding towns, waking families from their sleep and sending shockwaves of panic rippling through communities downstream. The massive wall of water surged forth with terrifying speed, and in an instant, the emergency lines were flooded with calls.

People scrambled for higher ground, packing their cars with loved ones and essential belongings. Police officers and firefighters raced to the scene, their vehicles roaring through the dark, sirens cutting through the stillness of the night.

Along the riverbanks, they set up temporary barricades, but they knew it was futile against the unstoppable force that was coming. The only hope was to evacuate as many people as possible before the wall of water arrived.

Onlookers, some standing on rooftops and hills, watched in horror as the wave thundered toward them, its roar growing louder with each passing second.

Children cried, their parents holding them close, while others stood in stunned silence, unable to comprehend the sheer scale of the disaster unfolding before their eyes.

News helicopters hovered above, their searchlights cutting through the darkness, illuminating the path of destruction below. Reporters inside relayed the disaster live to millions of people across the country, their voices laced with fear and urgency.

"The Hoover Dam has broken, and a massive wall of water is currently barreling downriver," one reporter said breathlessly, the camera capturing the rushing flood below. "This is a catastrophe in the making… We're watching history unfold."

In bars, homes, and restaurants, televisions flickered with breaking news alerts. Crowds gathered around screens, some with drinks in hand, others with phones pressed to their ears, calling loved ones to check on their safety. The sight of the dam bursting sent a chill through the hearts of everyone watching, a disaster of unimaginable scale.

And then, something impossible happened.

The wall of water, which had been roaring toward the towns with unstoppable force, suddenly… stopped. It was as if an invisible hand had pressed pause, holding the deadly wave in place. The sound of rushing water dulled, and the people watching—whether on the ground or from the air—froze, their jaws dropping in disbelief.

"What… what's happening?" one of the firemen asked, staring wide-eyed at the water.

"I don't know," a police officer replied, her voice shaking. "That water… it just stopped."

In the news helicopters, cameras zoomed in on the wave, capturing the moment for millions of viewers at home.

"The water… it seems to have stopped," the news anchor stammered, his face pale as the camera feed played behind him. "We're seeing something… I can't even describe it. It's like the water has frozen in place…"

For a moment, the world held its breath, trying to make sense of the surreal scene. But then, the impossible became even stranger.

In the eerie silence that followed the wave's sudden halt, the bright lights of the helicopters illuminated something moving at the edge of the water.

From out of the shadows, giant, metallic forms emerged—robots, towering above the landscape, their eyes glowing in the dark. They marched forward, their massive footsteps shaking the earth, their metal bodies gleaming in the moonlight.

People on the ground stared in disbelief. Families who had been running from the water stopped in their tracks, their eyes wide as the massive robots came into view. Some screamed in fear, others fell silent, too shocked to react.

"What… what are those things?" a firefighter whispered, his eyes locked on the towering figures.

The camera operators in the news helicopters frantically zoomed in on the strange new arrivals, their lenses struggling to keep up with the sheer size of the robots.

"We're seeing… what appears to be… giant robots," the reporter in the chopper said, her voice trembling. "This is unprecedented. We've never seen anything like this before. Giant robots are marching toward the wave… we have no idea what they are or where they came from."

The people watching at home were just as confused—and terrified. The country lit up with speculation, theories, and panic, as people scrambled to make sense of the appearance of these strange, towering beings.

But the strangeness didn't end there.

As the giant robots approached the frozen wave, another sight caught everyone's attention. From above, two ships descended from the sky, their sleek forms cutting through the night like gleaming swords. The ships touched down with a hiss, and as their ramps lowered, another group emerged.


The figures were instantly recognizable to those familiar with them—Professor Xavier, Magneto, and their followers, their faces grim as they took in the situation.

The news cameras caught every moment, broadcasting the arrival of the mutants alongside the towering robots.

"This is… this is unbelievable," one anchor said, his voice barely a whisper as he watched the scene unfold. "Not only are we seeing giant robots, but it seems mutants have also arrived… It's unclear what role they're playing in this disaster, but…"

The news outlets wasted no time in turning the situation into a frenzy of speculation and fearmongering.

"Could these robots be a creation of the mutants?" one anchor asked, her tone accusatory. "Are we witnessing the beginning of a mutant uprising, with robots as their new weapons?"

Another news outlet went further, spreading baseless fear. "Some experts are suggesting these robots might be a new form of mutation—metal mutants capable of transforming their bodies into machines. Could they have been responsible for the dam breaking in the first place?"

The narrative quickly shifted. The mutants, already feared and hated by many, were blamed for the catastrophe. The robots, never before seen, were treated as their accomplices. The headlines screamed with fear.

"Mutants Responsible for Dam Disaster!" "Giant Metal Mutants: New Threat to Humanity?" "Is This the End of Humanity as We Know It?"

People watching at home began to panic. Calls flooded emergency lines as frightened citizens demanded answers, some insisting the mutants were responsible, others fearing that an all-out war between humans and these new, powerful forces was on the horizon.

On the ground, the tension between the mutants and robots was palpable, the air thick with anticipation. The mutants, wild and unpredictable, faced off against the cold, calculated machines.

In an instant, the two sides clashed!

But then, something even more impossible happened.

The wave of water, still frozen in place, began to glow with a faint red hue. The air seemed to shimmer as the water, which had been held in place by an unseen force, slowly began to move—but not forward. Instead, the massive wall of water started to retreat, flowing backward, as if time itself had reversed.

The people on the ground, the firefighters, the police officers, the families, the reporters, all watched in stunned silence as the impossible unfolded before their eyes. The massive wave that had threatened to destroy everything in its path was now returning to the Dam.

The robots and mutants, once on the verge of fighting, seemed just as confused by the strange turn of events. They paused, watching in awe as the water flowed back toward the broken Dam, the red hue glowing faintly in the moonlight.

The news anchors, who had been speculating wildly just moments before, now fell silent, unable to find the words to describe what they were witnessing.

The wave, the robots, the mutants—it was too much for anyone to comprehend…


Meanwhile, the interior of the dam loomed before Peter and the group as they approached the final stretch of their arduous task. The water, still swirling around them in a giant bubble, pressed against the invisible barrier Peter created.

Peter's breathing was labored, but the strain had lessened considerably now that the mass of water was being channeled back into the dam's broken structure.

As they entered the gaping maw of the broken dam, the group let out collective sighs of relief. The water was finally back where it belonged, and the immediate danger had passed.

Rocket was the first to break the silence, his gruff voice filled with satisfaction. "I can't believe we did it! That was insane."

Cosmo barked excitedly, her tail wagging as she nudged Peter's leg. "You are truly remarkable, comrade Peter!"

Even Steve allowed himself a smile, patting Peter on the back. "We couldn't have done it without you."

But Peter shook his head, reminding them that the mission wasn't over yet. "As much as I love the praise, we're not done yet," he said, his voice steady despite the exhaustion etched on his face. "We still need to find a way to plug this thing."

The celebration was short-lived as the reality of the situation sank back in. Everyone sobered up quickly, their eyes turning back to the broken structure of the dam, where water continued to threaten the integrity of their temporary solution.

Wanda, her red aura flickering as her magic stabilized the wall of water, looked over at Peter. "How are we supposed to fix this?" she asked, her voice filled with concern. "We can't hold it forever."

Peter grinned despite the weight of the situation. "Relax, for now, with all the water back inside the dam, we can finally get out of this damn bubble," he said, his voice laced with both relief and sarcasm. "We'll have to keep reinforcing where the dam is broken, but it's going to be a lot easier now that we're only holding back water from one direction."

Tony raised an eyebrow, his face still serious. "Sure, but that still leaves the small issue of how to actually plug this thing..."

Peter rolled his shoulders, already feeling the strain lifting as the combined efforts of the Jedi and Wanda eased his burden. "One thing at a time," he said with a shrug. "Let's just focus on getting out of this bubble first."

Wanda looked skeptical. "How do we get out of here without flooding the place?"

Peter smirked, taking a deep breath as he gathered his strength. "Just follow me."

Turning on his heel, Peter led the way, his footsteps splashing lightly as he moved toward the edge of the bubble. The others followed, glancing nervously at the frozen wall of water looming over them, but trusting Peter to guide them out.

With a subtle gesture of his hand, Peter shifted the barrier, causing the bubble to move with them, slowly but surely guiding the massive wall of water backward, as if they were stepping through a portal into another world.

Soon enough, they emerged exactly where the dam had broken, stepping out from the wall of water as though they had crossed into reality from some alternate dimension.

The cool night air hit their faces, and for a moment, everyone breathed a collective sigh of relief. They were finally free from the suffocating pressure of the water.

The Shield agents and Black Widows, who had been holding their nerves, visibly relaxed, some even slumping against the broken dam, their breaths ragged from the tension.

Cosmo trotted up to Peter, shaking the water off her fur. "Much better outside, da?"

Steve chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. "I'll take dry land over floating in a bubble of water any day."

But the momentary relief was short-lived. As Peter scanned the area, his Jedi senses picked up something approaching. His eyes narrowed slightly, and his attention snapped to the figures walking toward them.

Bee waved enthusiastically as he led a group of familiar faces—Optimus Prime and the Autobots—directly toward Peter and the others.

'The Autobots are finally here?' Peter thought.

Behind them, moving cautiously, were the mutants—the X-Men and the Brotherhood, their tensions visible in every step. The groups seemed on edge, aware of each other's presence but unwilling to make the first move.

Bee's expression lit up as he spotted Peter, his servos whirring as he gave an excited wave. "Peter!" Bee beeped, his voice filled with relief and joy.

Optimus Prime moved to greet Peter formally. "Peter Quill," he began, his deep voice resonating with respect. "You've—"

But before he could finish, they were interrupted by a blinding light. Multiple spotlights from news helicopters circling above zeroed in on them, casting harsh beams down onto the group.

The cameras zoomed in, capturing every moment for the world to see.

Peter's face, along with everyone else's, was now broadcast to millions across the country. His heart sank as he realized the implications. His identity, the presence of the Autobots, the mutants—they were all being shown live on national television.

Peter muttered under his breath. "Oh… shit…"

A/N: 2123 words :)




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