
Guardian of the Pacific: The Incredible Adventures of the Giant Turtle

The boy woke up as a giant turtle in the Pacific Rim. This is a story about a guy with a good moral compass. If you want to read how MC destroys cities and sinks ships, then this fanfic is not for you. There will be no magical transformation back into a human. This is my first fanfic. English is not my native language, so I used a translator. In the first chapters, I used GPT for some paragraphs of text, but the result is not satisfactory. Then everything is manual work. I do not own the rights to the universe and characters in this story.

MyQuietPlace · Filem
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127 Chs

When I have energy, I can do anything!

'Who are you?' Kaiju asked again.

Talking to the enemy was not part of my plans. My words will be scrutinized, especially when my background is asked. I quickly got over my surprise and frowned. I didn't come here to talk, but I had something I wanted to tell them.

'Give up. Make amends for the damage you have caused or I will destroy you!'


All four Kaiju began to make nasty rhythmic sounds similar to laughter. I frowned even harder and their reaction started to piss me off. I don't know what I was hoping for when I said that, but I sure didn't expect to get a laugh back. My body temperature was rising with anger. These aliens sent a smart queen to Earth, but she wasn't smart enough. Otherwise, she wouldn't have made me angry.

'We can send you to a planet where there are people like you - the Titans! Why do you live alone here?'

'THAT'S THE WRONG ANSWER!' I shouted angrily. First they laugh at me, and now they try to bribe me? Being angry, I was going to explode and burn these cockroaches who think they are powerful!


After my words, I immediately ran to the queen with the eggs. In my right hand was an ax, and from my chest came more and more light and fire, causing the water to boil.




My heavy footsteps echoed in the cave as I ran. Bones crunched underfoot. Kaiju didn't stand still either. The queen began to flee and was covered by a swarm of White Thorns. The other 3 Kaiju swam towards me from behind.

I ran fast and in a moment I was completely engulfed by the swarm. There were so many of them that I couldn't see anything. They swam quickly around me and I couldn't even see the tip of my nose. I swung the ax a few times and the water immediately turned blue.

Alas, try as I might, I could not see the Queen to hit her. She escaped under the cover of a swarm of these beetles.


The remaining 3 Kaiju caught up to me and attacked me from behind. They were bigger than me, but not heavier than me. But there were 3 of them, so they knocked me off my feet. I turned my head to look back as I lay on my stomach.

There were 3 huge Kaiju above me. One stood on my back, and the other two held my hands. And all three opened their mouths. In their mouths was some kind of organ that glowed. It was clear to me that they wanted to shoot something at me, so I accelerated the accumulation of energy for the explosion.

Just as the Kaiju shot some blue liquid at me, I exploded.


The kaiju and even their blue liquid they were shooting at me flew away from me. Strong light and fire spread out in all directions, instantly burning the small White Thorns. The kaiju that was on my back also burned immediately. And only his ashes and bones were thrown away by the shock wave.

The cave we were in began to crack and I could see the 2km sheet of ice above us rise up and crack into smaller pieces. There was no more water in the cave. All the water came out at great speed either from the hole in the ceiling that I made, rising to the sky like a geyser, or came out through the tunnels that the Kaiju made.

I rose to my feet and looked at the empty cave. It was very noisy. I could hear the ice cracking and the water rushing back into the cave under high pressure.

On one side was a broken Kaiju skeleton that was pressed into a wall of ice. On the other two sides were other Kaiju. They were badly burned, but not dead. Maybe they swam away from me before the explosion.

'Come on! Come on, ask me again who I am!'

I yelled at these Kaiju and ran to one of them. At the same time, I concentrated energy on the tip of the tail. My spikes glowed from the ones on my neck and chest to the tip of my tail. The glow of my spikes was accompanied by a buzzing sound.

As I ran, these Kaiju slowly recovered. They screamed in pain, but they were not going to run away. The kaiju I was running towards rose to its feet, once again preparing to shoot me with its acid-like fluid from the movie. But as soon as he was about to shoot me, water began to flow back into the cave under high pressure. Huge columns of water came out from all sides of the cave and hit the Kaiju, knocking him off his feet.

I was ready for the water to come back because I had already exploded underwater and when the water fills the vacuum after the explosion it could easily knock anyone off their feet. So I hit the ground with my ax and crouched down a bit to resist the flow of water.

The kaiju was thrown from where he was, and as soon as the water calmed down, I ran towards him again, pulling the ax out of the ground. My ax was not charged. I forgot to charge it (the author forgot to charge it), but it was still sharp and heavy.

As the Kaiju struggled to his feet, I walked up to him and grabbed his lower jaw.


He screamed and swung to strike me, but I was already bringing my ax down on his neck.



With the sound of chopping flesh, my ax struck him, but unfortunately it didn't cut off his head completely. It only went halfway in, so I pulled it out and repeated my thrust. There was nothing the Kaiju could do. His body fell headless. I turned back to look at the last Kaiju in this cave. In my right hand I had an ax covered in blue blood, and in my left hand I still held the Kaiju's head. I let go of my head and it slowly fell to the bottom.

The last Kaiju faced me. He was also knocked off his feet by the water. By the time he was able to stabilize himself, I had already killed his comrade.

Along with the water came the White Thorns. They floated around the Kaju's body and around us forming a circle with me and the Kaiju in the center.


The Kaiju growled. He was tall like the other two. He was as strong as the other two. I, compared to them, was not impressive at all. He towered over me and looked me down. His claws were pointed at me and his mouth full of teeth was open.

'So you want to compete in strength?'

I understood what he wanted. He wanted to fight without special abilities. No acid or fire.


I reciprocated and slammed the ax into the ground, leaving it stuck in the ground. Snarling at him, I ran to him with my arms outstretched. He also ran to me. When I took two steps, he took one. Such was the difference in size.


We collided in the center of the cave. A shock wave reverberated from our collision, driving away the swarm around us. He had a height advantage, so he tried to grab my head from above. I grabbed his hands and pulled them towards me and bit one of his hands.


He screamed in pain as I bit a piece of meat from him. But he did not have 4 limbs. He had 6 limbs. Two hands that looked like praying mantis claws hit me in the face while I was holding his hands and left a small cut.


I screamed in anger. But there was little he could do. He was taller than me and pressed me from above. The kaiju cut me with its sharp limbs and held me in place with its hands. So I stepped forward and bit one of his extra limbs.


He screamed in pain as I yanked his extra limb out and spat it to the side. The Kaiju got angry and opened his mouth to shower me with acid.


At that moment, I shot my golden beam from the tail and cut it in half along the waist. The Kaiju died immediately. Its two halves fell to the ground, filling the water with blood.

'We agreed not to use special abilities!'

When the Kaiju died, a swarm of White Thorns attacked me. Many of them started biting me and spitting acid on me.

I immediately channeled energy and warmed my body. The water began to boil, and my body began to glow. The white spikes were small and could not withstand the temperature. An "armor" of fire and boiling water formed around my body. The white spikes circled around me and screamed in pain as they tried to get closer. They weren't the bugs that attacked me on my island!

My body glowed more and more brightly.


Another explosion rang out and tens of thousands of these White Spikes were burned with a bright light and destroyed by the shock wave.

I was once again standing in the middle of an empty cave. But this time the ceiling cracked completely and began to fall, pelting me with giant blocks of ice.




When the kilometer-long block of ice fell on me, it immediately pinned me to the ground and squeezed all the air out of me.

'Perfectly. I'm stuck!'


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