
Force Users in MHA

The life of a boy and a girl born into the world of My Hero Academia with a strong connection to the Force. Will they live in the light or fall into the dark or perhaps they will be balanced as all things should be. I wrote this cause I felt like writing a story about a power couple. This is my second go at writing a Fan-fic so give it a read if it sounds interesting. I don't own anything in this Fan-fic but my own characters, that means I also don't own anything My Hero Academia related.

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26 Chs

Force Sight

The next day things happen just as they had in the show with the media finding out that All Might was teaching at U.A. Aizawa-sensei chastised Bakugo and Midoriya for their actions in yesterday's Hero training. Finally, it came time for the all-important class president election. After Ida gave a speech, we all decided to put it to a vote.

When the results came it was decided that Momo would be the President with 4 votes. While Izuku would be the Vice President with three votes. Momo looked calm and composed while Izuku looked nervous though not as much as in the show when he had won the position of president. But it still left me puzzled considering if he'd gotten three votes, I'm pretty sure he had to have voted for himself.

But what left me even more puzzled was that I had one vote and I wasn't sure where it came from. Thinking about it there were only fifteen people who had a least one vote, I was sure that both me and Airi had voted for Momo since we decided that the night before. The only other people with zero votes were Ida, Uraraka, Todoroki, and Toru.

I was pretty sure both Ida and Uraraka had voted for Izuku while Todoroki had admitted he voted for Momo so the only person it could be was Toru… Looking over at Toru she was just sitting in her seat next to me and I couldn't see her face or her entire body for that matter just her clothes since she was invisible. But I suddenly remembered a way I might be able to, recalling the teachings from the book on the Force that I had been gifted I closed my eyes and opened my mind to the Force to see if I could get a sense of my surroundings.

After a while of concentrating, suddenly I could glimpse at my surroundings and what I saw was that Toru actually had her head turned in my direction. Opening my eyes, I looked into hers for the first time. I couldn't see the color but she had slightly messy shoulder-length hair with downturned eyes.

"Ah!" Toru suddenly exclaimed nearly jumping out of her skin. Airi turned around hearing Toru's sudden cry,

"Toru? What's wrong?"

"Eh Uhh nothing it's just Akira suddenly looked me in the eyes and it caught me by surprise cause… no one's... ever done that before," Toru said still caught off guard.

"Wha no way Aki? Wait your eyes have this slight purple glow to them what happened?" Asked me looking confused.

"I guess it's a side effect of using Force sight," I said

"Force sight? Does that mean you can see me?" Toru asked

"Yeah, you're completely colorless but I can see you" I answered

"N-No way I've always been invisible ever since I was born even my parents can't see me, not even I can see me… what-what do I look like?"

"Hmm like a beautiful girl" telling her my honest opinion. At my compliment, Toru seemed to be on the verge of tears a rare moment for the usually cheery girl.

"Wow aren't you a charmer," Airi said hitting my arm.

"I'm just being honest," I said rolling my eyes.

"Ok hold on gimme a sec," Airi said shutting her eyes I could tell she was doing the same thing I had done earlier. When she opened her eyes there was this slight pink glow to them like looking at an animal at night.

"Damn girl! Aki wasn't lying you're drop-dead gorgeous I'm actually a little jealous"

"Hahaha thanks, both of you, you don't know how much this means to me," Toru said fighting back tears.

We continued to talk with Toru till the end of homeroom. I decided not to ask if she voted for me as the voting was anonymous for a reason and I was sure after talking to her that it was admiration that had led her to possibly vote for me. I could tell her impression of us had gone up even more due to what happened so I wasn't surprised when she invited us to sit together for lunch. We ended up sitting at the table the class A girls usually sat at. Which included Momo, Tsuyu, Mina, and Jiro. While we were eating and talking about the stuff high school kids usually talk about suddenly an alarm went off.

[There has been a Level 3 security breach. All students please evacuate outdoors promptly.]


"What's security level 3?" Asked Jiro trying not to panic

"It means the schools been infiltrated" Momo answered.

Me and Airi looked at each other and both nodded. When the girls were starting to panic Airi calmly told them that it was probably just a false alarm and it was most likely the news reporters from this morning.

"We should let everyone know so no accidents happen people could get hurt," Momo said

"That's our Kaichou, but I think Ida's taking care of it already," Airi said pointing to Ida who was flipping through the air. Before coming to a stop above the door calming everyone down by letting the students know that everything was fine.

The next thing that happened was similar to the anime. Back in the classroom before Momo could start picking class officers Izuku spoke up saying that Ida deserved his position. Which pretty much everyone agreed to making our class president Momo and our vice president Ida.

After school, once we were home and finished our daily training me and Airi started to make a game plan for tomorrow pooling together our memories from the USJ event in the anime so we made sure no one would get hurt while not hampering their growth.

The next day the morning classes went as expected and after lunch, it was time for Hero Basic Training. Aizawa-sensei explained that there would be 3 instructors himself All Might and someone else who I knew would end up being the Hero Thirteen. I also knew that All Might wouldn't be showing till much later.

When everyone found out that we'd be doing rescue most were making excited faces but I knew their faces would soon turn to looks of fright but we had already chosen not to say anything. If we robbed our classmates of their chance to get actual experience against real villains who knew if they'd be able to stand up to the challenges ahead, and I knew that things would get more challenging much more so.

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