
Force Users in MHA

The life of a boy and a girl born into the world of My Hero Academia with a strong connection to the Force. Will they live in the light or fall into the dark or perhaps they will be balanced as all things should be. I wrote this cause I felt like writing a story about a power couple. This is my second go at writing a Fan-fic so give it a read if it sounds interesting. I don't own anything in this Fan-fic but my own characters, that means I also don't own anything My Hero Academia related.

a_BMO · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Battle Trial Pt. 2

(Airi's POV)

"Sorry talk later got to go catch myself a Pikachu," I said quickly following after Kaminari. Running through the corridors of it didn't take long for me to catch up to Kaminari, I found him running up the stairs toward Momo. When he noticed my approach, he looked over his shoulder and let out a panicked scream before quickly turning around.

Knowing what move he would make or rather the only move he could make I quickly took out my dual-bladed lightsaber. Kaminari smiled at me and said,

"No hard feelings but I've got you right where I want you. Indiscriminate Shock 1.3 Million Volts!!" Hearing him calling out his attack I instantly let my lightsaber float in front of me and began to spin it at a rapid speed blocking the wave of oncoming electricity.

Once his attack was finished, he was left standing with a dumb-looking face and two thumbs pointing in the air.

"Likewise," I said using the force to pull him to me and wrapping the capture tape around him. As soon as I finished securing it, I heard All Might announce,

"Villain team wiiins!!"

(Akira's POV)

As soon as Airi returned to the monitoring room I gave her a fist bump and told her how great she did but I could tell she didn't really see her match as a big deal. And I knew why, frankly, we were overpowered when compared to most if not all of our classmates. But outside of school, there were heroes and villains that could probably give us a good fight or maybe even completely overpower us. Particularly All for One the man who hid behind the scenes of the villain community and All Might the hero that stood at the forefront of all heroes.

"That was amazing what's with that double-bladed laser sword thing it completely blocked Kaminari's lighting!" Mina said as she came up to Airi.

"Oh, this ol' thing I made it myself, pretty cool huh"

"Old thing that thing could definitely be on display at the I-Expo" She replied causing many of our classmates to nod in agreement.

With Airi's match finished my match was the only match left in the class. By process of elimination, it would be me and Koda vs Aoyama and Mina. Another one-sided match in my opinion mainly cause I was participating I wasn't being egotistical it was just the conclusion when comparing my abilities to those of my opponents.

It was quickly decided that we would be on the hero team. So, me and Koda were currently waiting outside of the building that contained both our opponents and the faux nuclear weapon we were supposed to capture.

I didn't know much about Koda other than his quirk let him control animals. I didn't really mind him though his costume kind of hurt my eyes to look at I guess it was the color scheme but the colors were basically the same as kid flash but I never had a problem with his costume so I wasn't sure why I had to force myself to look in Koda's direction, maybe the shorts? When we received the go-ahead, I walked in with Koda following me.

"There's got to be a good number of bugs in this building at the least they could be used as a scare tactic," I said trying to work out a strategy. But to my surprise, Koda just shook his head looking terrified. 'Oh yeah this guy barely talks and I'm pretty sure he hates bugs too'

*Sigh* "Alright I'll take the lead try to keep up," I said trying to sense what floor they hid the objective. Quickly finding it I quickly moved to the floor they were on. My opponents seemed to be using a defensive strategy as they were both in the same room.

Bursting through the door the first thing I did was put up a Force barrier protecting myself from the incoming attacks consisting of a sparkling laser courtesy of Aoyama and a spray of acid from Mina. Blocking their attacks, I immediately immobilized Mina using Force stasis as her quirk could be dangerous. I knew she didn't have much control over it yet and also didn't want my new costume to end up with dozens of holes.

"Sorry Mina couldn't have you ruining my new costume," I said quickly pulling out my lightsaber to deflect the lasers that Aoyama was firing at me. I then spoke to Koda who looked slightly terrified,

"Capture the weapon I'll keep them busy" He responded by giving me a nod and rushing towards the weapon. After that, I immediately pulled Aoyama towards me using the force still deflecting the blasts he was shooting out of his belly button, and pinned him to the ground. By that time Koda had reached the objective and heard All Might announce,

"Heroes wiiin!!" Hearing his announcement, I quickly released both Aoyama and Mina.

"You guys all right?" I said pulling Aoyama up.

"Hmm I seem to be fine" Aoyama replied with the same unchanging smile he usually wore.

"It's all good haha your quirk is super strong" Mina praised dusting herself off.

"Thanks to be honest your quirk has some scary potential to it too," I said as we went to exit the building.

With all the matches completed, we found ourselves standing in front of the exit of Ground Beta where All Might began congratulating us.

"Good work everyone! There were no big injuries apart from young Midoriya! You guys took this on seriously! You did a good job for your first training!" After that All Might rushed away, I knew this was because his time limit was probably about to be up. Exchanging glances with Airi we both nodded, we knew that the USJ event was soon to come and that this event would be our first real test of our powers against actual villains. We also knew what we had to do to change the outcome so it became more favorable to us.

After that, we all went to the locker rooms to change back into our school uniforms. Then headed back to the classroom to continue with afternoon classes. When classes were done for the afternoon, we all stuck around and went over the training and formally get acquainted with each other.

We continued this until Izuku arrived covered in bandages causing most of the focus to be drawn to him. But he didn't stay long once he realized Bakugo wasn't in the classroom, he quickly ran out to find him. Taking the opportunity, me and Airi decided to head home as well saying goodbye we exited the room. While walking home with my arm around Airi's shoulder she suddenly asked,

"How long did it take you to win in the Battle Trial today?"

"Hmm, I'm not sure I wasn't keeping track why?"

"Well, how else are we supposed to know who won today's bet?"

"Well since we both won our matches let's just say we both won"

"Hmm alright I know what I want," She said giving her a wide grin.

"What coincidence so do I"

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