In the world of vampires, where ancient traditions and supernatural politics reign, Arthur, a young and powerful vampire from the House of Eternal Dominion, is forced to confront his destiny. When a mysterious event known as "The Great Disruption" that was caused by an ancient evil called “The Nightstalker“ shatters the fragile peace between vampire houses, Arthur is compelled to venture into the human world to prevent a catastrophic war. There, he encounters a human girl named [Scarlett west], whose existence challenges everything Arthur thought he knew about his kind and their place in the world. As he navigates this unfamiliar realm, Arthur must prepare to confront another ancient evil that is much more stronger than the Nightstalker. A malevolent force manipulating events from the shadows. With allegiances tested, tensions rising, and the future of his kind hanging in the balance, Arthur's journey becomes a battle for identity, survival, and the very existence of vampire society.
Falling In Love With A Human
Genre__ Super natural _ Fantasy _ Love _ Action
Synopsis: A vampire playboy falls in love with a human girl but the vampire society doesn't accept their love. So he goes out of his way to be with whom he loves.
Chapter 1
"Please give me a wink, please prince just look at me. Oh my Gosh!! He winked at me! No he winked at me not you."
"What's going on? What's the commotion about?" A stranger asked.
"Oh, the commotion is about the young prince of this kingdom. As you can see he is so handsome to the extent he attracts all the attention of the girls here." A vampire replied him
"Is he that handsome?" The stranger asked again. Am unable to see him properly because of all the girls flocking around him. ( Just then the guards were able to disperse the girls away from the prince. That's when the stranger was able to get a good look at the prince. The stranger was so amazed by the prince's handsomeness. The prince had slick black hair and hazel green eyes with a chiseled face and sharp jawline. He also stood 6 foot 2 inches tall. He also has a pale skin which was the norm for all vampires.)
"Wow! He's so handsome well not as handsome as our own prince from our Kingdom. But where's he going to?" The stranger asked again.
"Oh! He's headed to the training grounds." The first vampire answered again.
"Damn it! Why must I participate in this damn training every week? (Prince Arthur thought out loud in his mind). When it's not like am the one next in line for the throne, I still have an elder brother who is gonna take the throne so what's the need to drill me so much. Why can I not skip this and go enjoy myself with my friends and to have some fun with all the pretty girls here?" (sighs) anyway let's get this over and done with shall we? (smiles). (Just then they arrive at the training grounds. Arthur was beyond shocked at what he sees.)