
Exploring the Multiverse

Join Kade Mercer as he travels through anime and fiction worlds one after another with the help of his abilities————- First world: Solo Leveling Second world: Marvel Cinematic -------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER!!! I don’t own anything apart from my OC characters Be aware that I'm only doing the mainstream animes/Manwha/Manhua/Novels/Games as my knowledge beyond mainstream ones is non-existent

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43 Chs

Chapter 24

Kade started his day with a routine that had become second nature to him since his transformation.

His enhanced physique meant he required less sleep so his mind was always active, always thinking.

Kade made his way to the kitchen, where he prepared a simple yet nutritious breakfast. The smell of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, mingling with the aroma of scrambled eggs and toast. He sat at the dining table, his mind still racing with thoughts and plans.

The quiet moments of the morning allowed him to reflect on his journey. From the moment he had encountered the black slime and gained his powers, his life had been a whirlwind of change and challenges. Yet, through it all, he had remained focused on his goal which is… he doesn't know his f**ken goal.

He doesn't know what he'll do after everything's done, he'a just doing whatever he wants now without the fear of any consequences.

As he sipped his coffee, Kade thought about Jinwoo. The young hunter was a formidable opponent, one who had shown remarkable growth and potential. Kade knew that Jinwoo could be a thorn on his side, but he also recognized the opportunity. If he could turn Jinwoo into his puppet or consume him, the possibilities would be endless.

With breakfast finished, Kade decided to take a walk through the city. It was a chance to clear his mind and observe the world he was going to reshape. The city was alive with activity, the hustle and bustle of people going about their daily lives.

As he walked, Kade noticed the subtle changes he had set in motion. His guild members were placed throughout the city, influencing key areas and gathering information. He saw them moving through the crowds, their presence unnoticed by most but significant in the grand scheme of his plans.

Kade's thoughts turned to Project Annihilation. The name itself was a misnomer, a distraction from its true purpose. It wasn't about destruction for the sake of chaos, it was about control.

As Kade turned a corner, he found himself face-to-face with a familiar figure. It was Lee Joohee, she looked surprised to see him but quickly composed herself.

"Kade," she greeted, her voice warm. "It's good to see you."

"Joohee," Kade replied with a smile. "What brings you here?"

"I was just running some errands," she explained. "But it's nice to run into you. I've been meaning to ask you, when is o-our date going to be?"

Kade smiled and chuckled "I was actually waiting for you to let me know"


After parting ways with Joohee, Kade returned to his headquarters. He gathered his top subordinates , ready to discuss or more of give orders for the next phase of their plan.

"Our next move will be a bit…inhumane" Kade said as his subordinates was just looking at him with no emotions shown on their faces.

"We'll turn this whole country into our very own base…"

Meanwhile in Tokyo, the headquarters of Japan's top guild, the Draw Sword Guild, were abuzz with concern and speculation.

Representatives from several prominent guilds had gathered to discuss a growing concern.

"We need to talk about Kade," said Ryuji Gotto, the head of the Draw Sword Guild. His voice carried the weight of authority and experience. "His guild members' strength during the Jeju raid was… unsettling."

The others nodded in agreement. "It's not just their strength," added Aiko Fujimori, a high-ranking member of the guild. "It's their coordination, their precision. It's like they were bred for battle."

A younger member, Kenji Tanaka, looked troubled. "Do we know where he came from? How he got so powerful so quickly?"

Gotto shook his head. "No. And that's what worries me. We've seen rapid rises before, but this… this is different. We need to be cautious."

Fujimori leaned forward, her expression serious. "What do you propose? An alliance with the Hunter's Association? Or should we confront him directly?"

Gotto considered this for a moment. "An alliance might be premature. We need more information first. For now, we watch. We gather intel then we strike."

The meeting continued, each member contributing their thoughts and concerns. The consensus was clear, Kade was a wildcard, a potential threat that needed to be understood and, if necessary, neutralized because he might hinder their plan on taking over Korea.

Meanwhile in Korea, Assiociation headquarters, Chairman Go and Kade was having a chat about the newly built building for another guild branch for SCA, Kade's guild.

As the conversation shifted to other matters, Kade's attention was drawn to something unusual. He noticed a flicker of movement in Chairman Go's shadow, a subtle but distinct silhouette. His enhanced senses sharpened, and he focused intently on the shadow, trying to discern what it was.

Chairman Go continued speaking, unaware of Kade's scrutiny. "We must remain vigilant, Kade. The events on Jeju Island have shown us how quickly things can escalate. We need to work together to prevent future threats."

Kade's eyes narrowed as he observed the shadow. The silhouette seemed to move independently, a dark form that didn't belong to Chairman Go. It was almost as if something—or someone—was lurking within the shadow.

"Chairman," Kade interrupted, his voice calm but curious. "Is there something you're not telling me?"

Chairman Go looked puzzled. "I'm not sure what you mean, Kade."

Kade gestured subtly to the floor. "Your shadow. It's… unusual."

The Chairman glanced down, his expression unreadable. "It's nothing, Kade. Just a trick of the light."

But Kade wasn't convinced. His instincts told him that there was more to this shadow than met the eye. He decided to let the matter rest for now, but he made a mental note to investigate further.

The meeting concluded amicably, with both men exchanging polite farewells. As Chairman Go left the restaurant, Kade watched him go, his mind full of questions. The silhouette in the shadow was definitely not normal, something or someone was watching and listening to them.

Kade didn't appreciate that, he left the place and went back to his guild's headquarters, he will find out about that shadow and once he does…he'll make it come to light