
Cataclysm Extinction

In "Apocalypse Reborn: The Ice Grow older Legend," the globe dives right in to a disastrous Ice Grow older, cleaning out 98% of mankind. In his previous lifestyle, Zhang Yi, recognized for his types soul, fulfills a terrible point at the palms of those he when aided. Reborn a month just before the apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakens along with the electrical power towards control room, as well as he starts a frenzied goal towards hoard items. Experiencing a unfortunate lack? He easily clears a super-mall storage facility well really truly worth billions. Unpleasant lifestyle health conditions? He constructs a fortress-like risk-free home, measuring up to the most effective post-apocalyptic shelters. As the icy apocalypse descends, while others problem in the cold chilly, determined for food items, Zhang Yi stands apart, equipped as well as established, charting a course of survival as well as vengeance, much coming from the saintly body he when was actually. This clutching story of survival as well as improvement will certainly captivate visitors, using an exhilarating quest by means of a icy, treacherous globe.

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257 Chs

Chapter 130 - No One Left Behind

 A clip of bullets quickly ran out, and Zhang Yi didn't have time to change the bullets and directly threw the submachine gun to the ground.

 Then both hands pulled out two police pistols from his waist.

 Those people could not run fast at all in the snow, and were shot by Zhang Yi one by one, and all of them were killed by headshots!

 In less than twenty seconds, almost all the people at the scene were dead!

 There were still a few people left who stood in the snow with trembling legs, raising their hands high, looking terrified and pleading.

 "Zhang Yi, we're not their accomplices, it's none of our business!"

 "I swear, I swear this matter has nothing to do with us! Don't you kill me!"

 Zhang Yi remembered these building managers.

 When Wang Qiang and the others made their move just now, they did not act.

 So the odds were that this incident had nothing to do with them.

 Therefore, Zhang Yi pulled the trigger in his hand.

 "Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

 The heads of several building managers were instantly opened with a hole before they collapsed on the snowy ground.

 Zhang Yi's gun was aimed at the last person still alive, 9#'s building manager Chen Lingyu.

 Chen Lingyu was scared shitless at this moment, with tears in her eyes and snot in her nose.

 "Zhang Yi, this matter really has nothing to do with me. I beg you to believe me!"

 "I still have a thirteen year old daughter, she is abroad, I have to live and wait for her to come back."

 Zhang Yi looked at her coldly, and after two seconds of silence, a gunshot took away her life.

 The white snowy ground was dyed red with a large amount of blood at this moment.

 Zhang Yi was the only one standing, and around him lay more than forty corpses side by side.

 Even after arriving at the end of the world, it was the first time that Zhang Yi had killed so many people at once!

 He knew that most of these people might not have participated in his murder.

 For example, Chen Lingyu, for example, the other members of the patrol.

 But Zhang Yi had no choice.

 He would not allow anyone suspected of plotting against him to live.

 If he indulged the tiger today, he would definitely become a potential danger in the future.

 It was still the dead who were the safest.

 "Sooner or later, you all will die, it's so hard to live, why don't you just let me send you to the kingdom of heaven!"

 Zhang Yi held the gun in his hand and exhaled a mouthful of white smoke.

 "From this perspective, I helped you guys get rid of your pain, you should be thanking me."

 If these dead neighbors knew in their springs, they would probably say the same thing: I would really be thankful!

 After killing all the enemies, Zhang Yi's gaze swept around.

 Such a violent gunshot had long attracted all the neighbors.

 They were lying on the windows looking at the brutal battlefield, their eyes filled with awe for Zhang Yi.

 There were also some who were relieved and grateful for what Zhang Yi had done.

 Zhang Yi's eyes looked towards 26# and 21#, which were the territories of the Tianhe Gang and the Wild Wolf Gang.

 Wang Qiang and Huang Tianfang could not escape, and they were the first to launch an attack on Zhang Yi.

 Originally, their men were at the entrance, waiting for their boss to make a move, they would come over and grab the supplies.

 However, when Zhang Yi took out the black M\4 carbine, they were cowed.

 Zhang Yi's gaze made them even more intimidated.

 Xiao Lu, the second-in-command of the Wild Wolf Gang, was ice-cold and his voice trembled as he retreated to the back: ''Retreat, quickly retreat! Don't lure this devil over!"

 A group of scared little Karami fled inside the building in panic.

 Zhang Yi did not care about them, but walked straight to Uncle You.

 Not far away, the corpses of Li Chengbin and Jiang Lei were collapsed there, with a dozen or so holes in their bodies still bubbling out blood.

 These two, once were Zhang Yi's loyal subordinates, helping him charge into battle many times.

 But now they betrayed him for some reason.

 However, Zhang Yi did not care.

 Anyone who betrayed him, he considered it a normal thing, even Uncle You and Zhou Ke'er.

 But after today, Uncle You's position in Zhang Yi's heart would become higher.

 At the very least, it would be able to be worth delivering something important to him.

 "Uncle You, are you still alive?"

 Zhang Yi half-squatted, surveying the surroundings in case someone came over to sneak attack, while testing Uncle You's pulse.

 "There's no pulse!"

 Zhang Yi was creeped out!

 But soon, he remembered that he was still wearing cut-proof gloves, so it would be hell if he could feel a pulse!

 Zhang Yi had to turn his body over.

 On Uncle You's body, three blood-stained red marks were clearly visible.

 The bullet didn't hit his heart, so Zhang Yi didn't know if he could still be saved.

 But no matter what, Zhang Yi had to try!

 At least after trying, even if Uncle You died, the guilt in his heart would be drastically reduced.

 He took out a tube of adrenaline hormone from the alien space and stabbed it hard towards Uncle You's chest.

 Then, he yelled towards 25#, "Come and help!"

 At the entrance of 25#, a group of neighbors stood there in fear and trepidation.

 They were all stunned by Zhang Yi's God-killing performance just now, and they didn't dare to approach until now.

 It was only when Zhang Yi's cold gaze swept over all of them that he woke these guys up.

 Fearing Zhang Yi, a group of people rushed over to help.

 "Carry the people on and send them to my home! Be gentle, in case you touch or fall, I'll take you as paper figures to burn over to Uncle You!"

 When Zhang Yi said this, how could the neighbors not be careful?

 They were more careful in carrying Uncle You than they were in carrying their own father's head.

 Zhang Yi, on the other hand, held his gun with both hands and followed them closely behind.

 When they came to the seventh floor, the crowd suddenly heard a cry.

 "Big Brother You, Big Brother You, what's wrong with you? You mustn't be alright! If anything happens to you, how can our mother and I live?"

 Only to see Xie Limei hugging her own child, crying and running down the stairs.

 Zhang Yi noticed that when Xie Limei was crying, Uncle You's eyelids seemed to be a bit loose.

 Zhang Yi couldn't help but sigh in his heart: old You ah, you this person may not be too kind a little! But then again, if you were not so kind and righteous, maybe the first person I killed in the first place was you.

 Anyone who can't be used for him and has extraordinary skills will be a huge threat.

 Zhang Yi will kill them!

 However, right now, Zhang Yi owed Uncle You a huge favor, and it was not good to lash out at Xie Limei.

 The neighbors knew about Xie Limei's relationship with Uncle You and made way for her.

 Xie Limei came to Uncle You with her child in her arms, and deliberately stood in a position closer to Zhang Yi before bursting into tears.

 "Hubby! You open your eyes and look at me! I'm Li Mei, you promised to marry me in the future!"

 "And the baby, you said you wanted to see her grow up to eighteen with your own eyes. Then after the end of the world has passed, the three of us as a family will be able to live together properly."

 "Husband ah!!!(There is a five second long sound here)"

 "How can what you said not count!!(Ditto)"

 "If you leave, how can we, mother and son, live on in the future? You might as well take us both away."

 "What do you think you're capable of? Helping others to block the gun seems to be your righteousness, but are you right for us orphans and widows?"

 Zhang Yi had goosebumps from listening.

 Xie Limei didn't mention a word about him, but every word was about him.

 On the surface, Xie Limei is crying about Uncle You, but in reality, she is telling Zhang Yi: Uncle You is the one who blocked the bullet for you, and if he has a long or short, you have to help him take care of us, the two of us!