
Cataclysm Extinction

In "Apocalypse Reborn: The Ice Grow older Legend," the globe dives right in to a disastrous Ice Grow older, cleaning out 98% of mankind. In his previous lifestyle, Zhang Yi, recognized for his types soul, fulfills a terrible point at the palms of those he when aided. Reborn a month just before the apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakens along with the electrical power towards control room, as well as he starts a frenzied goal towards hoard items. Experiencing a unfortunate lack? He easily clears a super-mall storage facility well really truly worth billions. Unpleasant lifestyle health conditions? He constructs a fortress-like risk-free home, measuring up to the most effective post-apocalyptic shelters. As the icy apocalypse descends, while others problem in the cold chilly, determined for food items, Zhang Yi stands apart, equipped as well as established, charting a course of survival as well as vengeance, much coming from the saintly body he when was actually. This clutching story of survival as well as improvement will certainly captivate visitors, using an exhilarating quest by means of a icy, treacherous globe.

DaoistY6GWhk · Fantasy
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257 Chs

Chapter 129 - First Strike, Counter Kill!

 After preparing everything, Zhang Yi took those "special" food and rode his motorcycle back to Yuelu District.

 After arriving at Yuelu neighborhood, Zhang Yi first called Uncle You, Jiang Lei, Li Chengbin and other people over by phone and asked them to maintain the order of the scene.

 Soon, they came to the center of the courtyard of the neighborhood with iron bars, shovels and kitchen knives.

 "Zhang Yi, we're here!"

 Zhang Yi glanced at Uncle You and the others and nodded.

 "Well, wait here! I'll shout for them to come down and get their things."

 Zhang Yi picked up his cell phone and notified their people to come over inside the building manager's group.

 Uncle You stood next to him with an iron rod in hand, like a loyal guard.

 Li Chengbin and Jiang Lei, on the other hand, led their men to stand on both sides of Zhang Yi, slightly behind him, arching Zhang Yi in the center.

 Zhang Yi swept them with the corner of his eyes.

 Today's Li Chengbin and Jiang Lei seemed to be more focused than usual.

 Out of the habit of self-protection, Zhang Yi took a few steps back so that he was located behind the crowd.

 Not long after, the representatives of each unit building arrived at the scene one after another.

 After seeing the group of people, a smirk flashed across Zhang Yi's eyes.

 His plan had succeeded!

 Utilizing cigarettes, alcohol and other rare items, he had successfully lured out the building managers of the various unit buildings.

 Except for 18#'s Li Jian - this kid seemed to uphold his principle of fairness and was unwilling to come over to get the stuff in person.

 Zhang Yi didn't care either, as long as most of the building managers came over.

 The cigarettes, alcohol and other things they retrieved could be stuffed with large doses of rat poison.

 Once inside, it would take away their lives in 10 to 30 minutes.

 Zhang Yi narrowed his eyes and smiled, "Alright then, everyone come over to retrieve your things!"

 Starting from Building 1, Zhang Yi threw the supplies onto the ground two to three meters away, allowing the representatives of that building to come over and fetch them themselves.

 One by one, the representatives came over and took what belonged to them.

 "Building 21!"

 Zhang Yi shouted, his gaze looking over at Wang Qiang.

 Wang Qiang walked over with his head lowered, and Zhang Yi bent down to pick up a bag of food from the ground.

 Just as he was about to get up, a bellowing voice suddenly rang in his ears, "Do it!!!"

 Wang Qiang pulled out a pistol from his pocket and aimed it at Zhang Yi before pulling the trigger!

 Zhang Yi's pupils contracted violently, and he subconsciously tried to dodge.

 Just at this time, Uncle You, who was on his side, violently pushed him away.




 Three gunshots rang right in Zhang Yi's ears, and the sudden attack made him feel that the gap between these three shots had become incredibly long.

 Uncle You's body slowly softened and fell to the ground with his knees bent.

 A piercing buzzing sounded in Zhang Yi's ears as he raised his head, and as far as his eyes could see, he saw a group of people with grim faces rushing towards him!

 Wang Qiang with a pistol in his hand, Huang Tianfang ...

 who pulled out a kitchen knife from his pocketand Li Chengbin and Jiang Lei who were less than two meters away in front of him on the side!

 Of the thirty or so people present, at least half of them killed towards Zhang Yi, the weapons in their hands radiating an icy luster.

 For this moment, they had also waited for a long time.

 Zhang Yi was hoping to paralyze them and then find a chance to eliminate them all.

 However, how could they not be fed up with Zhang Yi and want to finish him off?

 Just because Zhang Yi was the strongest existence in the entire neighborhood, he was alive and the others could be killed at any time.

 Moreover, someone had told them that Zhang Yi's house was a perfect shelter with a cozy environment and plenty of food.

 Regardless of the purpose, they could not allow such a bullish person to exist in the Yuelu neighborhood!

 At this moment, with so many of them together, even Jiang Lei and Li Chengbin beside Zhang Yi had been bribed by them.

 They thought that Zhang Yi was already bound to die!

 Even if he had a gun in his hand, but at such a close distance, how many people could his pistol kill?

 At this moment, Zhang Yi's eyes saw the slowly falling Uncle You and the hideous enemies.

 His gaze gradually became terrifying.

 He hadn't told anyone about today's plan, including Uncle You.

 Uncle You was even less aware that Zhang Yi had a bulletproof undershirt and bulletproof pants on his body.

 Originally, those three shots would be fine even if they hit Zhang Yi's body.

 However, out of gratitude to Zhang Yi, Uncle You did not hesitate to help Zhang Yi block the three bullets.

 This made Zhang Yi feel guilty for the first time in his heart after the arrival of the End Times.

 What followed was a monstrous rage!

 Jiang Lei, who was the closest to Zhang Yi, roared angrily, and the shovel in his hand smashed at Zhang Yi's head.

 Zhang Yi quickly rolled on the ground a few times to hide behind the snowmobile.

 He adjusted his stance and climbed up from the ground.

 A black assault rifle appeared so abruptly in his hand.

 A loaded assault rifle.

 The expressions on the faces of the people who were still charging towards Zhang Yi transformed from grimace to dismay and finally to fear!

 "Surge Surge Surge Surge ..."

 In front of the life and death crisis, Zhang Yi directly gouged the trigger to death, and firmly pressed down on the handle of the gun with one hand to start strafing!

 Li Chengbin and Jiang Lei, who were closest to him, had a dozen or so blood holes appear on their bodies in the blink of an eye.

 Zhang Yi at this time can not care about anything, see there is a standing person to sweep the bullet over!

 Behind Li Chengbin and Jiang Lei, there were about ten more members of the patrol team.

 They looked stunned from the moment Wang Qiang fired, like they didn't know what was happening.

 They had also not followed Li Chengbin and Jiang Lei to make a move on Zhang Yi.

 But the bullets swept through their bodies without any difference.

 There were too many enemies in front of him, and Zhang Yi did not have the effort to recognize who was the one who wanted to kill him.

 He could only acquiesce that all these people had to die!

 It was better to kill the wrong person than to let them go, this was Zhang Yi's number one rule for survival in the post-apocalyptic world!

 The people in front of him fell in rows, and the arrogant and unrivaled Wild Wolf Gang leader Wang Qiang didn't even have the chance to get close to Zhang Yi before he was beaten into a sieve.

 Before he died, he still had an expression of disbelief in his eyes.

 He couldn't figure out where exactly Zhang Yi had pulled out that assault rifle from?

 If that assault rifle wasn't there, it would have been them who won!

 That pistol had given him the courage to be conceited.

 But just as Zhang Yi didn't know that he had a pistol hidden in his hand, he likewise didn't know that Zhang Yi had a bulletproof vest and an assault rifle.

 The difference was that Zhang Yi was prepared to deal with the gun even though he didn't know he had one.

 That was why Wang Qiang had no chance of winning from the start.

 "He has a rifle, how did he get a rifle! Run!"

 Huang Tianfang was so scared that his legs went numb, dropping the kitchen knife in his hand and turning his head to run.

 The other building managers were also scared and wowed, turning their heads to flee back, at this moment, they only hated that their parents had two less legs.

 Zhang Yi had already killed his eyes.

 He saw Uncle You's blood staining the snow beneath him, and his entire body was motionless.

 He was probably already dead!

 Even if Zhang Yi's heart was ruthless, he was not a cold-blooded animal. It was inevitable that his heart was touched.

 "Uncle You, thank you for taking the bullet for me. I will help you take revenge and kill all of them!"

 Zhang Yi said with an icy voice.

 Since the end of the world, this was the first time he had faced so many opponents directly, but the result of the battle was a one-sided massacre!

 As Zhang Yi had said before, in front of absolute strength, all plots and tricks were meaningless!