
Cataclysm Extinction

In "Apocalypse Reborn: The Ice Grow older Legend," the globe dives right in to a disastrous Ice Grow older, cleaning out 98% of mankind. In his previous lifestyle, Zhang Yi, recognized for his types soul, fulfills a terrible point at the palms of those he when aided. Reborn a month just before the apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakens along with the electrical power towards control room, as well as he starts a frenzied goal towards hoard items. Experiencing a unfortunate lack? He easily clears a super-mall storage facility well really truly worth billions. Unpleasant lifestyle health conditions? He constructs a fortress-like risk-free home, measuring up to the most effective post-apocalyptic shelters. As the icy apocalypse descends, while others problem in the cold chilly, determined for food items, Zhang Yi stands apart, equipped as well as established, charting a course of survival as well as vengeance, much coming from the saintly body he when was actually. This clutching story of survival as well as improvement will certainly captivate visitors, using an exhilarating quest by means of a icy, treacherous globe.

DaoistY6GWhk · Fantasy
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257 Chs

Chapter 131 - Brazen Old Woman

 Zhang Yi's face showed a disgusted expression.

 This bitch is really disgusting.

 She even changed her tone to call Uncle You "husband", why haven't I heard you call her that before?

 Good lord, now using Uncle You to help him block the gun to morally kidnap him for taking care of you mother and daughter.

 You really deserve to die!

 Zhang Yi glanced at Uncle You, who still had a breath left in him, and it was up to Zhou Ke'er to save his life.

 If it wasn't for the fact that Uncle You still has a breath left, he would have given Xie Limei two slaps on the face, slapping her out of her mind!

 However, if Uncle You is still alive, Zhang Yi has to be patient.

 After all, he had helped him block the bullet, he couldn't just clean up his concubine and drag-queen when he was still alive, could he?

 So Zhang Yi kept a cold face and didn't say anything.

 Xie Limei cried for half a day, and when she saw that Zhang Yi behind her didn't say anything, she was a bit anxious in her heart.

 Uncle You was her long-term meal ticket.

 But now that the meal ticket is gone, she must find a new meal ticket to support her and her daughter.

 She won't be sad when Uncle You dies.

 But taking this opportunity to morally kidnap Zhang Yi, she was still happy to do it.

 Thus, Xie Limei sniffled and turned her head, looking at Zhang Yi with teary eyes and said, "Zhang Yi, my husband, he's going to be alright, right?"

 Hubby you ma!

 Zhang Yi's face was calm, but in his heart, he had already started cursing.

 "Don't worry, I will do everything I can to save Uncle You! Zhou Ke'er is the attending doctor of a major hospital, with her here, there's hope that Uncle You's injuries can be cured."

 His heterospace had organized a lot of things, including three large containers of medicines, as well as the medical equipment he picked up later in the warehouse district.

 Zhang Yi only had one thing to say: he would do everything he could to save Uncle You!

 But whether it would work or not, it would only depend on the will of God.

 Xie Limei cried, "If anything happens to him, I don't want to live!"

 Zhang Yi was silent and didn't want to take up this topic.

 Xie Limei saw Zhang Yi indifferent, heart cursed: Zhang Yi you have no conscience, You Jiguang are for you to block the gun, you can not look at his face, to protect us mother and daughter?

 In her heart, she hated Zhang Yi, but in her mouth, she didn't dare to say that.

 Crying, she reached out and handed over the tightly wrapped baby in her arms.

 "Zhang Yi, if my husband dies, I don't want to live either. But please, for the sake of my husband, help him take care of the baby. Please!"

 Zhang Yi hurriedly said, "Big Sister Xie, what are you talking about. I will do my best to save Uncle You!"

 He waved his hand, refusing this act of picking up a procrastinator.

 Xie Limei followed closely, "What if he can't be saved?"

 Zhang Yi's gaze was solemn, "I will do my best!"

 "Then what if it can't be saved even with my best efforts?"

 "Don't worry, I will do my best. I believe that you must also want Uncle You to be fine, right?"

 Zhang Yi stared at Xie Limei's eyes and asked word by word.

 Xie Limei was dumbfounded by Zhang Yi's dislike.

 She asked Zhang Yi so eagerly if he would help take over after Uncle You died, as if she was looking forward to Uncle You's death.

 "Of course, I ... definitely want my husband him to live well!"

 Xie Limei had seen Zhang Yi s eloquence and did not dare to show off her tongue, but could only continue to hold the child and cry.

 Zhang Yi had people carry Uncle You to his door, and because it was the 24th floor, these neighbors changed two groups of people in the middle.

 Even so, they were out of breath.

 But no one dared to utter half a word of complaint.

 This was because they knew that at this moment, once Zhang Yi was unhappy, he would kill them when he said so, without any hesitation.

 Zhang Yi told them to put the people down and then said, "All of you, go away!"

 The others were relieved and hurried down the stairs.

 Xie Limei was holding the child in her arms, crying while looking at Uncle You.

 Zhang Yi frowned, "Big Sister Xie, you go back first! This side is going to operate on Uncle You to remove the bullet, you can't help much here."

 Xie Limei sniffed, but said firmly, "No way! He needs company the most right now, I can't leave his side!"

 After saying this, she squatted down and hurriedly held onto Uncle You's hand.

 And the painful expression on Uncle You's face had eased a bit by now.

 Zhang Yi quite wanted to give her a shot, but because Uncle You was right next to him, he couldn't do it.

 Now that saving Uncle You is important, Zhang Yi didn't dare to continue delaying, so he reached out and opened the door.

 Once the door opened, it was like opening the door to Wonderland for Xie Limei.

 It had been a month since the end of the ice age, and she had already survived the most torturous month in the cold environment.

 If it wasn't for Uncle You warming her and her child with his body every night, they would have died long ago.

 So at this moment, feeling the warm breeze blowing out of the room and looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar layout of a civilized society's room, her tears rustled down.

 This time it wasn't an act, but a true emotion.

 Zhang Yi called out to Zhou Keer to help him carry Uncle You.

 Xie Limei, on the other hand, very unconsciously carried the child into the room.

 When she saw the water dispenser in the corner, she swallowed her saliva, then hurriedly picked up a cup from the table and walked over to it, and began to "gulp" hot water.

 Zhou Keer and Zhang Yi saw this scene.

 Zhou Keer's eyes held a bit of surprise, as if she didn't understand why Zhang Yi would allow her to enter the door.

 However, when she saw the blood-covered Uncle You at the door, she immediately understood.

 Zhang Yi's eyes were also disgusted as Xie Limei was holding what turned out to be his cup!

 She had already picked up the water and then beautifully blew two puffs and drank it.

 "Hohoho ... hey~ boiling water is so delicious!"

 Xie Limei had a happy face.

 Suddenly, she thought of something and looked at the baby in her arms.

 "Zhang Yi, do you have milk powder inside your house?"

 Zhang Yi and Zhou Ke'er were carrying Uncle You, and when they heard Xie Limei's words, Zhang Yi's face became incredibly ugly.

 "What did you say?"

 Xie Limei was startled by Zhang Yi's gaze, and it was only then that she remembered what the current situation was.

 Xie Limei held her water cup in her hand and said sheepishly, "The child needs to drink something too! My husband loves the child very much."

 Zhang Yi stared at her with icy eyes, "Come over and help! Or else I'll directly kick you out!"

 Xie Limei didn't dare to say anything more, so she could only carry the child and follow her.

 Zhang Yi and Zhou Keer carried Uncle You to an empty room.

 Zhang Yi's family had three rooms and one hall, and there was another one besides his and Zhou Keer's room.

 It was not much use on weekdays and was used by Zhang Yi to place a silent generator.

 The power supply of the entire safe house was provided by the three silent generators.