
After Being A Marriage Stand-in, I Disguised As An Ugly Woman

The Xia family had two daughters. One was Xia Rou, known as Jiang City’s number one beauty, and the other was Xia Yan, notorious and disfigured. Beautiful Xia Rou got engaged to the Mo family’s young master, but rumor had it that Young Master Mo was a cripple. Xia Rou refused to wed him. Hence, her notorious sister, Xia Yan, was forced to marry into the Mo family in her place. Young Master Mo was furious. “You’re not Xia Rou! How dare the Xia family cheat in this marriage!” Covering her face with a mask, Xia Yan said, “Young Master Mo isn’t crippled as the rumors claim. He’s even healthy, tall, and handsome. Xia Rou will surely regret if she finds out.” After their marriage, Young Master Mo’s friends gathered round. “Our sister-in-law must be gorgeous. You’re a lucky man!” When Young Master Mo thought of the woman who had to wear a mask even in her sleep to hide her ugliness, he flared up in anger. “Scram! Whoever brings up that woman again will have to marry her instead!” Then, Young Master Mo was radiating happiness. His friends gathered round once more. “Just what does our sister-in-law look like? Do you have to be so mysterious about it?” He flashed them a mischievous grin. “Scram! My dearest wife is the prettiest woman I’ve ever seen. You average folks aren’t worthy of gazing at her beauty, do you understand?” Everyone was dumbstruck. Has Young Master Mo lost his mind because his wife was too ugly? Back at home, Xia Yan was packing her bags. “Mo He, I’m divorcing you. You bully, humiliate, and dislike me!” Young Master Mo quickly hugged his wife. “My dearest wife, I’ll only dote on and love you. I can even give you my life!” Later on, Xia Yan realized that destiny wouldn’t appear out of nowhere. It had been fate all along.

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40 Chs

You’re on the News!

Penerjemah: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

After the meal, Jiang Tong and Qiu Kai left.

It was almost eight in the evening when Xia Yan called the Mo residence, wanting to tell Jiang Qiu that she wouldn't be going home that night.

Xia Yan had a lot of things to take care of, and it would be more convenient for her to stay at the studio. Moreover, Mo He hadn't been home for the past few days, so she didn't have to pretend to be a newlywed couple with him.

The housekeeper picked up and told Xia Yan that Jiang Qiu hadn't returned home. Since Jiang Qiu and Mo He weren't home, no one cared about Xia Yan's actions when she was away from the Mo residence.

Xia Yan hung up the phone and plopped down on the big sofa in her studio. "I can finally have a good rest," Xia Yan chirped as she hugged the pillow in her arms tightly.

This time, Xia Yan could finally enjoy her time alone. After washing up, Xia Yan tied up her long hair and sat on the sofa to start working.

Most of her recent orders were from overseas clients. It was challenging for her to communicate with them because of the time difference. Since she had some free time today, she discussed some design details with whichever client she could contact through email.

It wasn't until four in the morning that Xia Yan finally felt a little tired. She laid down on the studio's big bed and fell fast asleep. She slept until ten in the morning when her ringing phone suddenly woke her up.

Xia Yan frowned and looked at the number displayed on her phone. It was an unknown number. She answered the phone in a daze, and Mo He's questioning voice came through, "Are you still sleeping?"

"What's wrong? Can't I sleep?" Xia Yan retorted without hesitation as she was irritated from being woken up.

"Do you know what time it is?" Mo He asked again.

"Can't you look at the clock yourself?!" Xia Yan's anger grew. "I want to sleep! Don't disturb me!"

With that, Xia Yan hung up the phone and threw it aside. After a while, the phone rang again.

Xia Yan tried hard to pretend not to hear it, but the other party clearly did not intend to let her off so quickly. Finally, Xia Yan angrily picked up the phone again. "What on earth do you want?!"

"Where were you yesterday?" Mo He's voice came again.

"I have my own place. All you have to care about is taking care of your sweetheart." Xia Yan recalled the rumors she had heard in the hospital.

Mo He seemed stunned before he opened his mouth again, "So it was you who did it."

Xia Yan did not understand Mo He's words and retorted, "What did I do?"

"Who else would it be? You're a lawless hooligan," Mo He rebuked sternly.

These words immediately shook Xia Yan from her sleepiness. She shot up from the bed. "Mo He! Be clear with what you're saying. Don't act all weird so early in the morning."

She recalled what the two nurses said about Mo He and Qiu Xin that day. Xia Yan's anger soared once again.

"If you want a divorce, just send me the papers. Me and my family will no longer bother you! I've had enough of you and your family!"

Mo He was even more enraged when he heard Xia Yan's words. "Don't you know what you've done? Do you still have the nerve to tell me that you want a divorce?"

"Aren't you the one who spread the news everywhere and said that you're my wife? Have you forgotten what I warned you about? You'd better get back here and explain yourself. Otherwise, I'll make your family disappear from Jiang City!"

Xia Yan was stunned when she heard Mo He's words. "Wait, what did you just say? What did I tell the public? Who said I'm your wife? I don't understand what you're saying."

Xia Yan was confused by Mo He's words. She had never told the public about her relationship with Mo He.

Then where were Mo He's words coming from?

As Xia Yan was puzzled, Mo He said, "Get back here! I'll be waiting for you at home." Then, he hung up.

Xia Yan stared at the phone and frowned. Suddenly, there was a violent banging sound from outside the door. Xia Yan felt a headache coming.

'Why is all of this happening so early in the morning?!'

Xia Yan quickly got up to open the door, only to see Jiang Tong rushing in.

Jiang Tong grabbed Xia Yan's hand and gulped her saliva before saying, "This is bad! You're on the news!"