
The one

After Valencia finished up her matters with her family, she went back home. She got a phone call.

'why is an unknown number calling my personal phone?'

"Hello?"- Valencia

"Aunty!! When can you come over?!"-?

"Kun!!"- Valencia

"I'm so sorry, I can't come over I will be getting busy in the next weeks. I'll have to go back to the mainland to do business and finally see my hometown"- Valencia

"It's alright Aunty, but can you promise to call me?!"- Kun

"I will if you're lucky I'll face time you."- Valencia

~After the call~

A tall man approached Kun "Kun who were you calling." "I was calling Aunty!!" Kun said with a huge smile. The man walked off, confused at his nephew's answer.

"Brother, do you have a sister I don't know about?" Kenth looked up at his little brother. "No, why?" the man sighed at his older brother's answer. "Kun said he was talking to his aunty and I know I'm not dating someone or was dating someone". Kenth's mind clicked at what he said. "Oh yeah, Kun went on to trying to have you hook up with a girl he met at the mall yesterday". Kenth thought back to that day. "she was quite kind and beautiful, not mention that you might know her. You both use to go to the same middle school. She said you were quite annoying to her with all you fangirls around you. We didn't even get to your name at the end. I think her name was Valencia. Yeah, it was Valencia, she's a daughter of the richest businessman in the world".

When the man heard Valencia, it finally clicked. "You mean Su Valencia?!!" Kenth shook his head "no it's Zaph Valencia" Kenth corrected his little brother on her name. "How did she look like?!!" Kenth just shook his head again. "Go ask Kun, I have paperwork to finish". The man walked off towards his nephew. "Kun, can you tell me what Aunty looks like?" Kun went into his room and took out a car.

"she has dark blue hair and clear blue eyes. She has a birthmark under her right eye. Her skin was like a crystal, shining from the light. She was so nice, she even helps repair the car. See look, it looks like her!!" the man took the car from his nephew and looked at it, he gave it back to him. "Do you have a picture of her?".

"i searched online. And this is what came up". On the screen showed pictures of Valencia in her professional clothes, even some in her lab coat. But one photo got his interest, she was on her father's back smiling at the camera. Her eyes were shining in the picture. The man saves this for himself to print out later.

"Kun do you know what she is doing for these days?" Kun nodded his head "She is going to busy during these weeks, but next week she is going to the mainland, she said she was going to see her hometown". He thanked his nephew for the information.

"Kun you finally found the woman I was looking for all these years!" the man left the house and started his plan on finally meeting her.

-- --


"*achoo*, am I getting sick?" Valencia started to rub her nose. She looked out of her office window.

The peace was broken by multiple footsteps coming towards the door.


The door opened, Valencia turned to see multiple people at the door with faces that showed that they ran all the way here because they thought the car would be slower.

'so the word finally got out' Valencia stared at the people with a bored look on her face.

"To think my family would actually say something when they finally see me wasn't a lot to ask for , wasn't it?" after what she just said, Valencia was bombarded with questions.

It took 5 hours to finally answer all their questions and that was a new record for Valencia, it normally took 7 hours.

Having so many people care about you can be tiring but it was worth it.