
Not real

Since everyone was getting over the trick Valencia pulled on them. They went on serious topics.

"So how is my so-called 'little sister'?" Blare and Alex looked at each other, very confused about how she inferred about their little sister. "She's doing well, but she's becoming more and more of her mother. I don't even know where my DNA went". When Alan said that, Valencia looked at him as he said something stupid.

"Excuse me? That child has nothing in its blood that is related to you. Did you not already figure that out?!" Alan shook his head. "Well if you don't know, I got to tell you now before you do something wrong" Valencia sighed from frustration from hearing he didn't know of this awful plan

"So it all started one month before you met Yu Maria. At this point in time, Yu was in a bar, drunk. She was so drunk that she hooked up with someone on accident. Surprise, surprise, she's a wh*re(^-^). But after a few weeks, she figured out that she was pregnant. And because the man wasn't wealthy, she left and went and hooked up with a mafia member from China. She then left him and went to you, a person who was successful so far. After she hooked with you she went on with her life. Until the baby came, she went back to the person from China and said it was his child and had to take responsibility, but she said that he will only help in the shadows because of her so abusive husband that she married on a few weeks ago, won't let her go. And after confronting him she went to you for your money.

When we heard of this story, we had to visit the men that she took advantage of. We first went to the first person that started it all. Lexan Roy Gray, born in the U.S. He's a proud farmer from Missouri. His crops are the rarest of rarest, his crops grew so good that many chefs will die to get his crops. But Gray didn't know this himself, he relied on his friend for selling the crops. His friend would take Gray's trust to his advantage. He would take most of the money and give the rest amount to Gray. He would come up with excuses to why the crops aren't selling.

When we heard this, we went to the U.S. We informed him of what his friend was doing to him. At first, he didn't believe us, but after we showed him the evidence he decided to leave his friend. When he figured that out, we offered him to work with us. And he took it. Only on the deal that was still able to live and work on his field at Missouri, without expenses. And if he wanted anything, he would only need us to send the money to him. While we sell his crops to people for him.

Then the mafia member from China, was actually a friend of ours. Fang Jin is well known to be typical playboy, but when he got any of the woman he hooked up with pregnant, he would always take responsibility for them. So far he only has 4 children, all males. Considering his family background, he will only get male children.

Since we knew him we showed him our information, but he still paying for Yu's child. We don't want to be suspicious. She would call him from time to time asking him to get things for his 'daughter'. So he got knock offs of the real items. Since he owed us for so much, Jin would do anything for us. So we're doing good on that side of the story.

And finally you, Mu Alan the owner of starlight. You have finally figured what that witch of a side has done. What will you do?"

There was a slight pause in the air until you heard a sigh come from Alan. "I would like to do something, but I'm not that smart, I would like you to come up with a plan, while if I have anything to do with the plan, just inform me."

By hearing this answer Valencia smiled.

"ALRIGHT!!" Valencia said excitedly, maybe a bit too excitedly. Valencia went hoping towards a board that was covered with a black cover over it. "Under this cover is the plan I have planed, this plan will start when I will be going back to Ne city. I will inform you of what you need to do when we get there. Anywho, I do need to hang out with my brothers."