

This is not a chapter for the story line, but a statis of where this novel will go.

I remember around 3 to 4 years ago I had started this novel as an away to distract my young self to be productive and at that time I had so much inspiration to where this story would go, I was typing this story while I was writing it. Now that I am older, and I have learned to write better, but now I don't have the same inspiration as before. So now with this story I will be rewriting it, but these will be slow updates, the updates will probably come out once a month, more or less. The title might change, I wouldn't know until it is finally out, but I will leave this story up it will probably be deleted the time the new and improved novel is at the same point of this novel.

I will give you a clip-it of how the first chapter/novel will start off.

1) She's gone…

Right there, the rain poured down on this small little girl, all alone, no one was there, such a poor child.

"She died and he left. She's gone and he moved on. SHE'S GONE AND HE LEFT ME!" It turned silent, only the sound of the rain falling on the ground. The rain was so loud and powerful that no one noticed a child alone with no parent standing on the sidewalk.




Until next time...

-I. Ivan