
New Skills Session

Mother, Terre and I began to make our way down to the forest after getting our classes.

"I cannot wait to try out some of these new skills! Kukuku which one should I try first I wonder?" I shout excitedly.

I think my excitement is justified however. I mean who wouldn't want to just jump straight into a fight after gaining all of these new skills!

"I am glad that you are excited lady Alicia, maybe at some point you could try something new that does not involve fighting?" Terre said.

"Huh why would I want to do that? I mean you saw my plans before, I almost killed us both by bringing a ceiling down on top of us. Might as well stick to what I am good at, brute force!" I say with a bright smile.

I then get pulled back by my shoulders into Mothers embrace.

"Hehe that's right Terre! Brute force is the best and simplest way to get to victory. If you cannot do it, then you train and get stronger until you can!" Mother says supporting my opinion.

"See! Even Mother says so! Hahaha!"

"Indeed Hahaha!"

Mother and I laugh at our genius, while Terre…

"Haaah, so it's a foolish Mother and Daughter pair is it… Kukuku not to worry there is still time to convince them…"

"Come on Terre or you will be left behind!" I shout as I see that Terre is lost in thought mumbling to herself.

As we pass through the city and to the walls, I notice that there are quite a few ants about carrying pieces of debris. These ants were of course Terre's minions, but I wasn't sure what they were doing until we actually reached the walls.

"Hey Terre, what are your minions doing?" I ask questioningly.

"Why, they are rebuilding the walls of the city lady Alicia. Once they are done with these ones, they will begin repairing the walls of the castle as well as parts of the castle and city."

"I can see they are rebuilding the wall, but why rebuild at all? I mean Mother and I are quite comfortable as is. And we don't really need defences all that much as Mother is super strong, and I will be catching up in no time as well!" I shout confidently.

"Fufu yes I know you are very powerful lady Alicia, but because technically your Mother is the Queen of this territory and you are a Princess wouldn't it make sense to make this place look a bit better? After all, you wouldn't want other creatures to besmirch your name because you live in an old ruin right?"

"Hmmm I guess you are right. I suppose it wouldn't be to bad to have a nicer looking home. But wouldn't it just end up destroyed if I wanted to have a good practice of my skills within the castle courtyard, I am a lot more powerful after all?"

"Yes it would indeed be trouble if you accidently destroyed everything we rebuilt, and that is why you are banned from doing so." Terre said while closing her eyes and crossing both pairs of arms.

"Wha! But you can't just decide that!" I shout indignantly.

She is trying to take away one of my favourite places to practice my skills, I am not losing it without a fight!

"Indeed, and that is why I got your Mothers permission first after all."

"… Fine, if Mother says so I guess I'll have to just spar and practice outside the City walls…"

I defeatedly sigh in resignation. There is no way I can go against the will of my powerful and knowledgeable Mother.

"Hehe I am sorry Alicia, but Terre made a good point. It would be unfair if they did all this work to make our home better and then we destroy it just practicing skills, when we could easily go somewhere else to do it." Mother says trying to comfort me in my moment of disappointment.

"… I suppose *sigh*"

"Now cheer up, we have lots of skills to try and fighting to do today right? Who knows, maybe if you are lucky, you could get Terre to spar with you for a little while." Mother says turning to look at Terre to get her approval.

"Of course, it would be an honour to help."

With Terre agreeing to the spar, my mood quickly brightened again. I really wanted to test my skills, but I was also very interested in what new skills Terre had gained. Plus last time we fought, I felt that Terre did not use her full strength on me, like for some reason she didn't want to hurt me.

Either way, it was something to get excited about. I had a guaranteed good fight and plenty of new battle related abilities to try out.

We finally made our way past the walls and into the forest. I had a good explore as I had never been through the forest just outside of my home, but it was not to interesting. I found a couple of monsters I had not seen before. Like a strange wasp giant wasp that shot out its stinger and regenerated another one seconds later to shoot again. There was also a moss coloured small bear like monster that had super sharp claws and jumped from tree to tree at you.

Both monsters were defeated rather easily, they couldn't really compare to facing Terre or the Giant Ants.

Eventually we made our way to a clearing, we decided to use this place as the place to test a few of my new skills.

Okay so what skills should I try first…


Alicia Valensca

Race: Chaos Flame Dragon

Level: 1

Vit: 5500 MP: 6800 Str: 295 Spe: 310 Sta: 305 Int: 85

Titles: [Princess of the Mountains] [Tiny One] [Charming One]

Divine Protection: [Dragon God Xerxes]

Class: Berserker

Element Affinity: Fire (Strong) Dark (Strong)

Active Skills: [Flame Element Magic: Level 4] [Feisty Roar: Level 6] [Princesses Command: Level 1] [Territory Boost: Level 2] [Body Strengthening: Level 5] [Humanoid Transformation] [Spirit Armour] [Spirit Weapon] [Dark Element Magic: Level 1] [Blood Lust] [Berserker Link] [Weapon Enhancement: Level 1]

Passive Skills: [Flame Element Resistance: Level 10] [Strong Dragon Vision] [Flame Dragons Bravery] [Dragon Regeneration] [Sharp Senses] [Dark Element Resistance: Level 10] [Earthen Element Resistance: Level 1] [Humanoid Subordinates]

Status Effects: [Small Build]

Affiliation: Queen of The Mountains Territory [Position: Princess]


"Right then, first I shall try to use some of the Dark Element Magic to get a feel for it."

I made up my mind to try that first because Mother said she would help me when it comes to the Spirit Armour and Weapon later.

"Then I shall also try to use some of the Dark Element Magic, we can then help each other if we need to my lady." Terre suggests.

"Hmmm good idea, okay then let's start."

I begin by trying to imagine it as I had done before when using Flame Element Magic, but for some reason it was really difficult to do so. Flame Element Magic came so easily to me, I thought this would be a cinch.

After a bit, I wander over to Mother and ask her for some advice first as I did not want to break Terre's concentration.

Mother was just about to head out to go hunt some monsters, but I managed to stop her and ask before she left.

"Mother do you have any tips on how to use Dark Element Magic? I seem to be struggling a bit to be able to picture how it would manifest itself." I say with upturned eyes.

Mother put her hand to her chin making a thinking pose. Surely my powerful Mother would have some advice for me…

"Hmmmmm…. Not a clue, sorry Alicia hehe." She says and sticks her tongue out.

"Wha… but!"

"Hehe I cannot use anything other than Flame Magic I am afraid. It is very difficult for a Flame Dragon to be able to learn and use anything but Flame Magic I am afraid. The fact that you got it when you evolved is very unusual indeed. Though I suppose THEY were quite a powerful Dark Element Magic user…"

"Hmmm? Whose they?" I say curiously.

"AH! Don't worry about that! That is a conversation for another time, see you later Alicia! HAHAHAHA!" Mother shouts awkwardly as she brings out her wings and flies away over the treeline.

"Wah! Wait! Motherrrrrrr!" I shout angrily.

Haah, I suppose I shall have to ask another time.

Just as I was wandering back, I notice that Terre is standing there smiling at me.

"Welcome back lady Alicia, did you have a nice conversation with lady Petra?"

"I wouldn't call it fun… Are you struggling as well Terre? I am not surprised, it seems incredibly difficult to learn."

Becoming a magic user alone must be very difficult if they have to struggle like this to learn a new element. That is what I thought but….

"Hmmm? No I have already managed to manifest some Dark Element Magic. It was easy enough to bring out in the end, though of course it will be more difficult to learn to use well in different situations…"

"WHATTT! Why can't I even bring it out yet then?! THIS SUCKSSS!"

"Fufufu I am afraid that as your Mother said, Flame Dragons struggle when it comes to learning other elements. It is the same for all Dragons of different elements. For example, a Water Dragon is only usually good at just Water Element Magic. You should be proud that you obtained the potential ability to use another element at all my lady." Terre says, trying to calm me down.

In the end Terre managed to calm me down. She said that she would help me later to try and manifest the Dark Element Magic. She tells me she had managed to do it so quickly, partly due to her high intelligence stat. She tried to suggest that I should study in order to help me learn how to use it quicker, but I vehemently rejected that and said that we should just keep trying without study.

Terre seemed kind of disappointed, but I wasn't the studying type so it couldn't be helped.

After a while Mother came back with some monster corpses. We cooked them with our fire and ate them as we had a little break.

Once the break came to an end, Mother suggested that she teaches me about the Spirit Armour and Weapon.

"The Spirit Armour and Weapon is what you saw me equip on myself when I was fighting the ants the first time that you saw me fight. As a lot of things are, your system chooses a weapon that it believes would suit you. In my case, I have a large great sword and full body armour. It grows stronger and can evolve if certain conditions are met."

"I understand Mother, can I activate it now?" I say impatiently while staring intently at Mother to give me the go ahead.

"Hehe yes you can, go ahead and activate it."

I take a deep breath and activate them both [Spirit Armour] [Spirit Weapon]. Flame envelopes me, as it did with Mother, thought there is a tinge of black flames that I can see mixed in. A dark space also opens up next to me, like a small dark hole. Out of that dark hole something began to come out. It looked like a handle so I assumed it must be my weapon. I pulled on the handle and my weapon came out.

Just as I did so, the Flames disperse to reveal my weapon and armour.


I was very surprised by what I was given in the end and slightly bemused by how different it looks from Mothers badarse armour.

My armour had plate armour that protected my back, chest, stomach and shoulders. As well as gauntlets and boots, that protected up to my knees and elbows. Underneath the plate armour I seemed to be wearing a bodysuit that stopped me being exposed were the plate armour was not covering, as well as a black and red miniskirt that came off the plate armour that was protecting my torso.

"*Heavy Breathing* You look amazing lady Alicia, very powerful and cute. I really just want to spoil you…" Terre says while staring intensely at me. It was very scary.

"Fufufu you are letting your inner thoughts leak out Terre…" Mother says trying to call Terre out for her lack of composure but…

"Lady Petra… Your nose is bleeding." Terre says calling back at her.


"You two this is no time to be playing around!"

I then take a look at my weapon. Now this is cool.

My weapon is a scythe. Following the theme of colour up to this point, it was black and red. The weapon unlike the armour, was really quite intimidating it was incredibly sharp and gave off a threatening aura.

"Well at least something went right!" I say delightedly.

After a while, those two managed to calm down a bit. But my excitement did not go down at all.

"Terre! Terre! Can we have that spar now?! I want to try my new skills?"

"Fufufu very well my lady, but I am not going to hold back as much this time."

Thus begins, my and Terre's first sparring session.


Could'nt post yesterday, had work all day so was shattered when I got in :( Work sucks.

But anyway, hope you enjoy the chapter and let me know if there are any mistakes or have any suggestions,

Thanks :)

Blubbscreators' thoughts