This story begins with a young man who is obsessed with fighting the strong, which inevitably leads to his death. But after passing away, something unexpected happens. "Eh? I'm a dragon...… a female dragon" they are reborn in another world. Reincarnated as one of the strongest creatures in this new world, but of the opposite gender to what they were. Follow her on the quest to build a kingdom of the strong, just to satisfy her own need to fight the toughest of opponents. Hellooooo! Putting this story on hold for a little while. Busy with real life stuff at the moment, sadly :( Hopefully will have chance to come back to it at some point soon. Feel free to have a read of what is written so far :)
[Eh? Where am I?]
It was incredibly dark so I could not see a thing. I tried to remember what I was doing, what felt like, just moments ago.
That's right. I was enjoying a good fight. I laughed to myself as I thought back.
When I was a younger, I got into fights with all sorts of people. From people at school and college to gang members. Of course I always had a good reason. Definitely not to fight strong people or anything….. honest. I was now a young adult of age of 23. Recently I had tried harder not to end up in fights. My sister came to my house one day and chewed me out. Weirdly enough, although I had never lost a physical fight before, I could never go against my sister.
However, today was lucky…... I mean unlucky. The fight broke out in the shopping district I was passing through, after this huge dangerous looking guy was about to hit this girl. Apparently, she accidently spilt her drink on him when he walked into her. I mean it sounds like it was his fault, right?
But he didn't see it that way and just as he was about to strike her, I swooped in and sent a flying knee into his face. Aha, I look like a true hero huh! I did all this to save a girl I did not know. It totally wasn't to get involved in a fight against a strong person. I mean it!
Soooo, moments later the guy got up. This guy looked like a serious villain. He had a bald head with a tattoo on it that curled around onto it from his torso. I think it was a snake, I mean I didn't care. All I cared about was getting on with the figh... I mean making sure the girl is safe….. yup totally that.
"Heyy, you okay?..."
I turned around to thankfully see the girl had already ran away and everyone else had also took their distance.
Oo, more about the villain I was fighting. He looked super strong he was wearing a classic black suit and tie that could barely contain his massive muscles. A large scar could be across his lips and chin adding to his terrifying aura….. he was great! I couldn't wait to fight him for real!
"YOUU! YOUR GOING TO REGRET THIS!!" He yelled at me with veins popping out his head.
I didn't have to wait long as he charged at me with blood red shot eyes and clearly now deformed nose, from where my knee planted in his face. For a big guy, he was extremely fast and he landed a fist into my ribs. I got sent flying back into a nearby wall knocking the wind out of me.
This…. This is what I have missed!
I got up and flew at him, it seemed to take him off guard at first as I landed a succession of fists into his stomach and face. It didn't take long for him to regain his composure however as he begins throwing fists back at me.
Eventually my hits started to do more and more damage than his though and he began to slow and he drops to his knees.
"nnn…no… more. I give up"
He looks at me with his beaten up face, clearly fearful of me. Haah shit, I wanted to continue. But there is no point if the other side don't put up a fight back. No thrill in that. Not interested in pointless fights to the death, if they died how could they get stronger and give me a better fight next time?
"Haah, fine. I'll let you off this time but don't go causing trouble for that girl or anyone round here again, ya hear?"
I spouted off some heroic sounding lines to convince everyone I wasn't just fighting for the sake of it and began to walk away.
However, a loud noise echoed behind me. I slowly turned to see the large man pointing a smoking gun at me and deranged smile on his scarred face. I then looked down to see blood starting to dye my shirt.
I hear screams. I could feel life start to fade from me.
Ah shit. Sorry sis, looks like I broke our promise after all.
The world went dark.
Annd that is how I ended up in this weird dark space. Hmmm so I was shot and passed out. Maybe I'm in a coma? That cannot be true though as I can hear what sounds like wind nearby.
I try to move around but my body for some reason will not respond to what I want it to do.
Well…. Looks like I have a problem. I'll just have to keep trying until I finally get a response from somewhere in my body
I tried for what felt like hours. Trying to make even the slightest movement. Before long I started to feel extremely tired. Sleep seems to wash over me as I blackout once again.
Eventually I find myself awake again. The only way I could tell however was the fact I could talk to myself again. I was still in pitch darkness and I still could not move my body. I continued were I left off last time.
I again tried wriggling for hours. Trying all of my limbs but it led to nothing. Just as I was about to give up again before slip into sleep again. I felt part of me move. I could tell because it was stroking the walls of my prison I was currently contained in. I could not tell what part of my body it was though….. It seemed way to flexible to be a leg or an arm a it bent in ways that they don't.
Hmm, should I try hitting it against my prison?
I decided that there was nothing to lose and tried it. I mustered all the strength I could in thee unknown limb and smacked it against the thing keeping me here. There was not a lot of strength in my hit and hardly any damaged was done to it.
How frustrating…. But I suppose I shall have to just keep at it and improve my strength.
Sleep then took me again.
This sequence of waking, struggling to get out and sleeping continued many times over. Eventually I could move my limbs freely. I still could not sufficiently damage the thing that has been my home for who knows how long though.
One thing that still eludes me as well is my ability to talk, what can escape my mouth at the moment was a strange squeaking noise. It was not very loud, but it was definitely there.
The thing that I could first move turned out not to be an arm or leg like I had guessed. But what could it be? An idea then popped into my head. It couldn't be my THING right? I mean I never had this much control over its movement before. After being lost in that thought for a while I tried to escape yet again. Soon after I had to sleep.
The sequence repeats again for a while.
Haaah, I would really like someone to talk to. I mean I never really had a good friend who I could talk to before I was in this strange prison, but I had some acquaintances who I talked to sometimes and my sister often came to check up on me. I feel like people were put off cause I started fights all the time.
Hmmm, that's it! When I get out of here I am going to make tons of friends! I also haven't been in a fight in a very long time…. Oh! I could find friends and then fight them! Just thinking about fighting is getting my blood boiling! I feel even more excited than before at the prospect of fighting again, what's with that?!
Then with my desire to leave renewed, I once again tried to get out of my prison. To no avail. The cycle repeats for a while again.
I want to leave. I want to talk to someone again. I want to fight again. Is there nothing I can do? Am I stuck here for ever?
Although my control over my four limbs and the mysterious fifth limb was good by this point, I still struggled to make any progress to escaping. I had no idea how long I had been here by this point. The constant cycle of awaking and struggling until eventually I had to sleep again had felt like it had go on forever. My only company was me and honestly I was getting sick of myself.
What if I am stuck here forever?
This thought played over and over in my head. No matter what I do, I cannot escape this pitch dark nightmare. No matter how much I believe I have grown in the time I have been here, I am in the exact same position I started in.
I began to get angry. I needed to leave now. I have defeated every strong person I have ever known or seen. There is no way I am letting this prison keep me from achieving my new dream! I begin to bash the walls as hard as I can with my fifth limb.
This time I could see a little progress being made. A tiny bit of light began to peer through a crack of the wall. If I kept this up perhaps in a few more cycles I could.... no.... I am leaving now!
I had had enough I need to get out NOW!
I felt a strange sensation brewing up inside of my stomach and rapidly goes up my throat and towards my mouth.
A large beam of scorching fire shoots through my prison vaporizing the thing that kept me caged for who knows how long. The beam then followed through and shot straight into the sky.
A blinding light enters my vision. Outside…. I AM OUTSIDE!!!
"Kyuuuu!!" I give a victory screech.
I enjoy the feel of the light that I never thought I would ever miss this much. Then again, I never thought I would go without it this long without me seeing it. Oh how I missed the wind on my scales….. wait I have scales?! Where smooth skin should have been, there is shimmering red scales that covered my entire visible body.
As well as that I seem to only be able to move around well when I am on all four of my limbs. Wait, didn't that fire beam come from me? What the hell! That's not something a human should be able to do!
I checked my surroundings. I appear to be in some sort of cave high up on a mountain. Although part of this cave has now been blown away by my massive beam.
As I was checking out the destruction I had caused, a thunderous boom radiated across the sky. It sounded like something had broken the speed of sound nearby.
Wait, what is that? Something is flying at incredible speed straight towards me. I gotta hide! I quickly take cover behind a large rock in the cave. The creature quickly reached the half-destroyed cave, it couldn't slow itself down and slid across the cave floor. Must have been in a hurry.
I looked over towards the dust cloud that was created by the impact. And there stood the huge figure of a beast. As the dust settled the figure became clearer. Large claws, razor sharp teeth, humongous tail that stretches far back, piercing golden eyes and brilliant flame red scales. The only word that could possibly describe this being. Dragon.