
a cybertronian adventure

a former us marine just retired after losing one of legs on a mission in Afghanistan, luckily he didn't lose his life, that was the bright side to it for a normal person, but Jason clad is not your ordinary average guy. he got into the army for the feeling of being on the edge, the danger and all the things people would dread being near. but now he lost his legs and retired him at the age of 35 . coming home he lived the life he dreaded and others longed for, a life of peace... he passed on quietly and was survived by a wife and three kids... he was given a chance to live again and he took it and choose to cast aside human limitations ----------------------------------------------- I do not own any of the characters that will be mentioned in this novel except the mc Jason clad the arts for the novel is gotten from Pinterest it's not mine neither I'm I claiming ownership and will remove them if the owners ask the mc Jason clad will look like the cover for the book before the main event kicks of in transformers 1 please like reviews on my book so I'll know how you my audience think about it

4dreamer · Filem
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2 Chs

chapter 1 beginings

Floating in endless darkness for god knows how long tends to do things to you. At first you would be weirded out or should I say freaked out by the weird sensation of not having a body but still having the sensation of floating around. Then comes the feeling of being swallowed gradually by the ever expansive darkness, it's not really a feeling that could be described in words.

You slowly lose focus on time as it's starts to matter less, then other things beginning to fog over and you start to lose memories, that's when you freak out again knowing your slowly losing yourself to the void you make desperate attempts recounting pass events over and over to not forget, especially the important moments but at the end you still feel it slowly slipping away. You know it's gone but just can't put a finger on what exactly is missing.

That's my struggle, to remain me, to not lose myself, to not forget, I...don't want to forget...I don't want to be forgotten. I feel it will happen eventually but that doesn't mean I will take it lying down, well technically I am floating or whatever.

I remember when I was a kid I was not really interested in the things my mates found interesting, I've always been a bright one true but that's not it. I've always loved to feel my heart pump I loved the feeling of adrenaline, luckily I wasn't a problem child I found ways to go about it without being destructive. When I was in my teens I went into sky diving and all those stuff, I was into different martial arts and attended lots of competitions around the world. Then I was old enough I joined the army shortly after I served with the marines which got me placed on a mission that cost me one of my legs.

The rest was down hill but still I came back got married to my college girlfriend had two kids and passed on at the right age, one could say I lived a fulfilling life but the moment I lost my legs I lots a huge chunk of my life, they gave me prosthetics but it's not the same, it's just not.

Honestly having a family to take care of helped me during that period in my life, but if I had a chance I will give up all human limitations to live my life for action and adventure, to travel and experience different things and improve my self. But here I am about to be swallowed by this... This void.


I heard a loud sound and the darkness disappeared I was in the presence of a being made of bright cosmic light.

"What do we have here a human soul, from the look of it it's been here for a while, hmm" said the being "I'll really love to know how you survived here, but from your state of soul stress you have been resisting the void erosion, hmmm impressive"

"Less take a look at you" the being said while looking at me

I couldn't even move I just stood there or hovered there waiting for this being to address me.

"Hmm I have seen your past life, and I know off your hunger Jason clad and your perseverance in the void has picked my interest" said the being as he kept staring at me while I couldn't move "so I offer you a chance"

"I go by many names, varying from universe to universe I am the essence of creation, I give shape and life to the universe"

"The name I love the most out of all is The all spark "

What the ..is he serious all spark...that's transformers stuff right

"Yes the one you know as the transformers, but I'm not just the one that breath life to the autonomous robotic life forms but to all beings in that universe I just seperate the life energy of different species and made it unique to them so one can't live off the spark of another being like how organic life forms can't use energon "

"Now let's get to it I give you a chance to live as an autonomous robotic life form like the cybertronians as I know you would gladly cast aside the limitations of being human for a body you could modify endlessly" the being analyses while nodding "so tell me is there anything you wish as...let's say a gift from me"

I really want to question him as why he is doing this but I understand knowing doesn't really matter so let me just put my mind into the gifts. Let's see I'm going to be a robot so I need to be really smart to event my own tech or improve what ever I get my hands on but first.

"Lord all spark could I be neither autobot or discepticon"

"Hahaha lord all spark ahem yes well I see no problem in that" he said as he suppresses his laugh.

I just brush it off and continue

"I would like to have incredible intellect to allow me invent, improve and learn anything"

"Ok go on"

"As for my landing point could it be somewhere I could get a ship and improve my body"

"Hmm ok that's easy what else"

"I would like to not be stuck in the transformers universe after all the events are done so would like the power to move from universe to universe"

"Hmm that's fine"

"I've noticed that the transformers are limited to only one transformation could I break that to three and of design I think of instead of scanning"

"Hmm that's...ok I'll allow it"

With this once to interesting events are done and I have all I need and made my modifications I can leave that universe for another.

"Wait when leaving the universe could it extended to my stuff"

"That's fine so long as the 'stuff' doesn't include a planet or it inhabitants"

Yeah that's ok, never really thought of taking a planet anyways.

"I'll also like to keep my memories from my past life and my skills"

"Ok that's fine, so now I will send you into the world now go forth and have as much fun as you want"

"Thank you for this chance all spark"

"Yeah yeah now GO"


Everything goes dark for a second, then a feel my self having weight again the floating feeling is gone.

I open my eyes and everything looks so different I don't know how to explain it well it's like I'm look through high tech glasses but in this case they are my eyes.

I sit up while looking at my body, well it's nothing impressive I look like a terminator robot just way way taller, in essence I look like an endo skeletal robot..I think that's the right way to put it I'm not sure.

I look around again and I find out I'm on a vegetative planet and currently at the base of a mountain next to me is a huge metal door leading into the mountain and as I have no weapon systems I can't really explore any where for now except the door so I walk up to tree and take I down using is as a tool to fight, that when i calculated my height to be around 29 to 30 feet tall.

I moved with the three to the door which isn't really locked entering it's all dark but doesn't matter as I could still navigate with my new vision. I saw a lever that should be the power switch well I hope it's not an alarm or something else.

Walking up to it I pull it down and the place comes to life, the computers turn on and I make my way over and take a seat, going through it I find out this was a cybertronian out post that mined energon but when the war broke out they withdrew. It's a new mine the had just started before they left the left behind the mining machines and some other tools. There is also a ship the size of the main ship shown in age of extinction, so I have transportation fuel and tranformieum enough for upgrades and some research.

I'll have to check the ship for a star map and weapons maybe there are some other schematic that I could use to improve my new armor and weaponry I am already thinking of. But first let me fully explore this base as from what I am seeing from the system it's quite large it even has a processing station I could use.

I'm planing to improve my energon core to carry the new modes I will be equipping soon

I will have thrusters in my main mode, the will be at places to aid movement like if I need to dodge something or take a huge leap and also to deliver a heavy strike. So I will be having them on my calf's the soul of my feet my back and around my elbow for a more powerful thrust to my strikes at critical moments. I'm a building my self like a war machine.


4dreamer here, this is a new fanfiction I'm working on

So I'm in your care once again

Leave you comment to help me know where to improve or stuff you would like to see play out in the story

And also give me your powweer stones

And just support me with your reviews and comments for now..

Don't forget the power stones