
Born As The Emperor's Daughter

Penulis: moonvaleriee
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When Alexandra opened her eyes, she suddenly became a princess?! She was hit by a truck and born once again as a baby, aside from that, she can remember her previous life. But she wasn't like the other princess who gets to be with their family. She was a princess yet to be announced and being observed. She was born in a supposedly all-males only bloodline and they think she was a curse or bad luck. Her brothers and father hated her. Out of all things in her life, she never expected this to happen. Watch Alexandra as she conquers the heart of her brothers and softens the stone heart of the emperor with her charm and go through the journey of her new life as she slowly uncovered and revealed everything. -- "What did I ever do wrong in my past life?!" "Everything." He answered. "..." -- This is a slow-paced story and I will update once every day. I hope you will enjoy and love the story. Have fun reading! Support me on patreon (if you want): https://www.patreon.com/moonvaleriee

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Chapter 1Into a New World (1)

Twinkling blue eyes fluttered open.

Did I die?

Alexandra thought and blinked multiple times.

She didn't feel any pain but she was unable to move her head and just roamed her eyes around. She was sure that she would not survive the crash earlier and if she did, she should be inside a white room on a white hospital bed.

However, she was inside a room with a chandelier on the middle, bookshelves on each corner of the room, in the far-middle of the room, there were white couches surrounding a small tea table, a glass tea table, and a round red-colored carpet underneath it. There were three doors, one open wooden door on the far left corner of the room, one white door not far from the couches, and another white door not far from the other white door. She wasn't in a hospital, so where is she?

Aside from that, it seems like she was inside a baby's crib which is kind of weird knowing that she is an adult.

As Alexandra thought of many things while wondering where she was, a commotion was happening outside. Multiple footsteps were heard, the sound conquering the whole castle, as different girls with identical uniforms rushed and made their way towards the room.

The maid on the middle who had a slightly different uniform from theirs asked the person besides her who was half the reason why they were running.

"Is she really awake?" The maid nodded as an answer.

"I'm sure of it, Miss Diana! However, she didn't cry! I expected a baby like her to cry aloud as soon as they wake up."

Diana, the one on the middle and the one who asked, just nodded and looked ahead as she continued running. When they arrived in front of the door, Diana opened the door wider or rather, slammed it open. Catching the attention of the baby on the bed. Alexandra was startled by the loud bang the door emitted, she was scared and confused at the same time when she saw like 5 girls dressed in the same uniform standing at the door panting and sweating as if they ran a marathon when they really did.

W-Who are these people?

She opened her mouth to speak but what came out was gibberish just like a baby's, "Gu gu…" Alexandra was shocked and tried to speak once again but ended up crying loudly. What the hell is happening? Why am I crying like a baby? What the hell?

She tried to wipe the tears that were falling down her face and saw her hands were really small as well as her arms. She was more confused than before and the confusion triggered her to cry more as it was making her headache.

The maids who witnessed the scene didn't know what to do and just stood there except for the one in the middle with the different uniform, she walked towards the baby and picked her up trying to calm her down by singing a lullaby and rocking her from left to right. This made Alexandra feel sleepy and calm—as if she was alone in the beach while listening to the waves crashing at the shore or when she's alone while it's raining and she listened to some music that suited her mood—when she was in the maid's arms and slowly and slowly, her eyes closed and she was pulled into a deep slumber.


"I have no food again…" Alexandra can't help but sigh as she stared at her empty refrigerator for minutes and closed it sighing once again. She only has two choices—

Starve to death or go outside and spend some money to buy food.

She picked the second choice. She doesn't want to die because of starvation anyways. She took her wallet by the table along with the keys of her apartment. She opened the door, the cold breeze gently touching her skin sending shivers down her spine and her hands instinctively rubbed her arms and she locked and closed the door then walked away heading down the stairs while thinking of what she should buy.

Should she buy instant cup noodles or something decent? Cup noodles are cheap but it's bad for her health however if she eats at a restaurant (whether fast food or not) or buys decent food, she will have less money for her needs especially that food is getting more and more expensive. I just got fired from my job and I would get my salary next week.

She decided to go with the cup noodles with the thought, cup noodles are cheap and I can buy a week's supply. She speeds up her pace making it look like she was running. She stood still at the sidewalk as she waited for the sign to cross the road go green and when it did, she crossed without care because there were no vehicles or that is what she thought.

She had already taken 5 steps and was on the middle when came two blinding lights and an ear-deafening honk and before she could move, she was already flying in the air while she coughed blood and there was this indescribable pain in her abdomen as she felt her bones crash after she hit the metal pole behind her which slightly curved due to the strong impact her body did. It was extremely painful and she wants to scream because of it but she only coughed out blood as she fell to the ground, bleeding.

Her vision became blurry and her eyelids became heavy.

Her eyes slowly closed as her breathing becomes slow and darkness conquered her entire vision.


Alexandra opened her eyes once again hoping that she would see either a white ceiling or heaven however, it was still the same.

She saw the same ceiling from earlier and there was a maid sitting beside her reading a book with the title, 'Royal Family: Everly', she was the maid who calmed her down earlier, the one who carried her and sang a lullaby. Alexandra stared at her for seconds before the maid noticed that she was already awake.

"Y-Young Miss!" She said as she stood up and placed her book down the bed beside the baby. Just like a baby's instinct, Alexandra raised both of her arms indicating that she wants to be carried and she doesn't know why she wants to.

Diana, the maid, smiled sweetly and granted the baby's request thinking it was cute.

"Are you hungry, young miss?" Diana asked in a sweet tone as she gently caressed Alexandra's head. Alexandra knows that she will just say gibberish if she tried to speak and she just nodded hoping that the maid knows that she said yes.

"Ok then… Wait here and I'll bring you a bottle of milk" Alexandra still has no teeth and was just a recently born baby. Diana put down Alexandra back on her bed and immediately rushed out to prepare a bottle of milk just for her. Somehow, Alexandra, after waking up from that dream, became calm and wasn't panicking unlike earlier.

While the maid was gone, Alexandra thought of some things. First of all, was she reincarnated? Second, who was she in this world? And third, what kind of world is the place she currently is?

To answer all of those questions, she needs to gain some basic information and the only source that she has is the maid earlier and how can she have that information. Alexandra roamed her eyes around and spotted the book beside her that the maid read earlier, 'Royal Family: Everly', maybe she could gain some little information about that book. I'm sure I could still read and the language that the maid spoke earlier was English though she had some sort of accent.

The book was placed inside her crib, probably because the maid was somehow rushing and decided to place it here instead of her seat.

As Alexandra tried to reach the book, the maid came back with a bottle of milk on her hands, "I'm back, young miss!" Diana witnessed the scene of Alexandra holding the book and opening it.

"You shouldn't play with books, you might tear the page or the cover. That's a book from the public library and if I returned it with damage, I might need to pay. I shouldn't have placed it there," Diana said and took the book from the baby's grasp and Alexandra tried to take it away from the maid's hand and acted as she would cry.

Diana just sighed and gave her the milk bottle which Alexandra gladly accepted and thought if she should drink it or not but ended up drinking it anyway. The milk tasted sweet and warm and it quenched her thirst and her throat wasn't dry like before. She wasn't used to drinking milk but since she's a baby, it can't be helped.

The maid only watched her do it, her eyes warm and gentle but her eyebrows were upturned making her have this sad and worried look.

"Alexandra Alice Elizabeth is such a pretty name. I'm Diana, the Head Maid, and your babysitter." Alexandra glanced up confused. Diana smiled sadly and patted the baby's head.

"Your mother, Selena Alexis Elli, gave that name to you. Alexandra came from Alexander, Alice came from Alexis and Elizabeth came from Elli. Your father, Alexander Claudiel Xavier Everly, decided to place you in this palace." Diana paused for a moment and glanced at Alexandra who was listening while drinking milk and showed a sad smile. Alexandra thought for a moment and felt her heartache when she heard Diana mention the name, Alexis and Elli.

"They say that something bad will happen or you were the source of bad luck, a curse in short. You see, the Everly Family only had male offsprings or sons. I don't why because I still haven't finished the book and just based on the common knowledge of your family. It was unusual how their newborn sibling or offspring was a girl. The emperor, your father, decided to place you somewhere far because the Elders told him so. The Elders are composed of 5 powerful wizards that are old and lived up to 200 years. You are a pure-blooded Everly but you are a female."

"When you were born, your mother died. You didn't cry and your eyes remained closed but you were breathing. You remained asleep for 2 months which was pretty unusual and weird for a baby and you just woke up yesterday. You have 5 siblings, brothers, obviously. They all possess great power or magic because of the emperor which was your father."

"Girls are commonly born with weak magic or power especially the ones who are born in just average or normal families. You, however, were born in a powerful family, you are a child of the emperor but you are a girl. They don't know if you possess great power or magic just like your brothers." Diana said.

Ah, why am I telling all of these to a baby? I doubt that she would understand me, anyway, she thought to herself as she came to a realization that she was talking to a child who might be unable to understand and comprehend what she was trying to say. However, Alexandra does understand it. Well, she's an 18-year-old person inside a baby. It's either she transmigrated or was reincarnated. Though she would prefer reincarnation more.

Diana was about to say something once again

"Pardon me for the sudden interruption but Miss Diana, you still have more duties to do and we need to clean," She said and bowed to show respect. Diana stared at the maid before she sighed and stood up holding the book.

"Ask Hannah to come here and guard the young miss," Diana ordered and placed the book on top of the glass table when she walked past by it.

"I'll be taking my leave now, young miss. Blessings for the Queenilia Empire" Diana said and bowed down. 'Blessings for the Queenilia Empire' (can sometimes be rephrased) is usually said when saying goodbye or hello to someone with higher status—especially a noble or royalty—, when celebrating or in an occasion. The maid who called for Diana also bod her goodbye along with the phrase.

As soon as they left, Alexandra started to summarize everything Diana said earlier.

So, I'm either a blessing or a curse because I was born in a family which supposedly males only and my father placed me in this castle. Aside from that, I was born in a powerful family with each one of the members possessing great magic and they don't know if I too because girls are commonly born with weak magic.

If I was born as a curse, I will bring bad luck to the family and the emperor, my father, might decide to kill me. Alexandra gulped and mentally screamed thinking of what she should do. God, if I am going to have another life, make it normal, not like this.

She was in a state of confusion and the only thing she was thinking right now was a blurry memory of her mother singing a lullaby to her.

Whatever, this is making me sleepy, I'll just go sleep.

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