
Market (2)

After they finished eating, they decided to walk around since Alexandra still wants to buy more. They were already carrying 4 papers bag, Harrison was carrying 3 while Alexandra carried just 1. "When will you finish?" Harrison asked annoyed as he held Alexandra's hand, not letting it go because she might wander off and get lost. "You can walk around if you want, I'll just be inside this shop," They are currently inside a clothing shop or something like that. There are dresses, ties, bowties, suits, gowns, and so many things that can be found inside the shop and the dress that was displayed behind the glass which was seen by anyone who will walk pass by the shop attracted her to come inside. The dress looked beautiful and enchanting, Alexandra was sure that it was really expensive. Harrison stared at her for a moment before he loosened his grip on her hand and just walked around the shop as if he was looking for something.

As Alexandra was walking around, she noticed a section filled with handkerchiefs and along with it were many types or kinds of ties. Maybe he would like it, she thought to herself and decided to browse and look for a perfect handkerchief that will suit him. After a few minutes of looking, she found the perfect one that will suit him and decided to bring it to the counter. The man smiled at him, "Would you like me to sew your name or someone's name in this handkerchief, little girl?" The man suddenly asked out of the blue when he looked at the handkerchief. Sewing his name on the handkerchief? That sounds nice, she thought to herself and nodded.

"Will there be additional charges?" Alexandra asked but the man shook his head, "It's totally free," He responded and Alexandra nodded. She showed a faint and gentle smile. "I would like for his initials to be sewed," She said and told the man what letter he should sew at the handkerchief. After 10 minutes or so, the man finally finished and Alexandra was able to buy and get the handkerchief. Harrison walked towards her when he noticed that she already finished, "What did you buy?" He asked and tried to peek at the paper bag Alexandra was holding but she clutched it in her arms and against her chest to hide it from him.

"No peeking, you are not allowed to peek at everything I bought," Alexandra said and stuck out her tongue and Harrison gave her the stink eye before he heaved a sigh. Alexandra just continued walking until they went out of the store. Alexandra roamed her eyes around and her eye caught the sight of an ice cream stand not far away from them. With her empty hand, she suddenly grabbed Harrison's arm since he was carrying paper bags on each hand and dragged him towards the stand. Harrison looked at her, her eyes sparkling and her expression saying 'I-Want-To-Eat-This' and he couldn't help but heave a sigh. She's acting spoiled but she can't help it, it's her first time going out of the palace and she wants to experience the things she wanted to experience or dreamed about while she was inside.

She took the opportunity and did whatever she wanted, and Harrison just let her be. He groaned, "Go pick what you want," Alexandra's eyes widened and she gasped when she heard him say that. To be honest, they looked like siblings because of the color of their hair and how they acted when they were around each other. Although that is not for someone's case.

After a few minutes, Harrison suddenly spoke, "Are you done picking?" He asked and he looked at Alexandra who smiled at him widely like she just won the lottery. Although she loves cakes, cupcakes, and cookies, she got tired of eating those and wanted to try new. She never expected that ice cream existed in this world. "I want the chocolate one with lots of chocolate syrup and sprinkles," Alexandra said.

"Your teeth will hurt,"

"But I want to, just once," Alexandra said and pouted. Harrison sighed and placed down the paper bags he was carrying and took out a couple of silver coins. "I would like the chocolate one with lots of chocolate syrup and sprinkles. And also, the plain vanilla," Harrison said and placed the exact amount of coins in front of the man who is the owner of the stall. The man gave them a nod before he turned around and did something for minutes. He turned around once again and he was holding two cones of ice cream, a vanilla and chocolate one. Alexandra saw how delicious it is and her mouth watered.

Harrison decided to just his magic to make the paper bags float and follow them as they walked. It would be consuming his mana but it would be better rather than to walk around carrying those things, "Finish eating that before we go back to the palace," Harrison said as he ate the ice cream. "I still need to have these things wrapped since these are gifts, so maybe a little later," Alexandra said as they walked around.


Alexandra and Harrison came back to her room. Their clothes from earlier were replaced with what they wore before they went or teleported to the market. Alexandra wanted to puke after they teleported, now I know what the feeling is like, she thought to herself and stopped the urge to puke. "It seems like you are still not used to it," Harrison said and placed down the paper bags on top of the table surrounded with couches. He let his body fall and the couch caught him. He heaved a sigh of relief, this is rather more exhausting than when I was with Luke, he thought to his self and looked at Alexandra who was staring at a person which sat on the edge of her bed with a confused and shocked expression.

It looked like her and wore the same clothes as her. "Who is this?!" Alexandra asked and pointed at the person who looked like her or who was a replica of her, she looked at Harrison. "That's you," Harrison simply answered and continued to slouch on her couch. "What do you mean by that?" Alexandra said and stared at Alexandra II who was sitting on the edge of the bed. "A replica of you in case if something happens like if the maids suddenly called for you," Harrison explained and snapped his fingers which made it disappear in just a blink of an eye.

Harrison stood up from his seat and stretched his arms as he yawned. "I'll be going then," Harrison said but before he could disappear. Alexandra called out to him loudly, "Harrison! Wait! Just a moment!" She continuously said hoping that he would listen to her and he did. "What?"

"What should I tell the maids?" She asked.

"Tell them that I bought it for you since you asked me to do so, just hide it underneath your bed or somewhere they couldn't find it," Harrison asked and yawned. In just a blink of an eye, he disappeared from her sight. Well, that was fast, she thought to herself and stared at the paper bags, and thought of where she should hide it, so Diana, Carlos, and the other maids wouldn't find it. Maybe underneath my bed would do. She can't afford to let them discover it because that would spoil the fun. Their names were written on it.

She decided to place it underneath her bed and hopefully, she would remember where she placed it the next day or so. After hiding everything underneath her bed which was surprising that it all fitted, she climbed up her bed as she kicked off her shoes and it landed somewhere in the room. She was pretty much exhausted from all the things that she did today and she wants to sleep even for just an hour.

That was the first time that she went out. That was the first time that she had that much fun, this month was pretty much stressful for her and the last month too. She met her father and her brothers, she did everything for her father to like her or something and she still doesn't know what he feels towards her. Her afternoon was always filled with studying and having tea parties with her father, she was happy that her father would sometimes cancel the tea party but at the same time, she was worried. The reason? She doesn't know. Probably because the reasons the tea party was cancelled was because of work or something like that. Aside from that, her brothers except for Christian were cold and mean to her especially the oldest one. This is too much for a kid like me, she thought to herself and remembered that she was actually 18 years old inside.

But then she was glad that she met some kind people like Carlos but when she is around them, she's acting carefully because they serve directly under the emperor. I want to hear a lullaby but Diana might be busy, she thought to herself and yawned. Whatever, I'm already sleepy.

As she made herself comfortable in bed, her eyes slowly closed and she was slowly being pulled into a slumber.

Sorry for the short chapter. I was rushing and was busy. Hope you liked this chapter and thank you for reading!

moonvalerieecreators' thoughts
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