
Breakfast (1)

Blue eyes opened.

Alexandra stared at the familiar white ceiling of her room. She could feel the softness of her bed from the back of her body and the familiar smell of the flowers inside her room wafted to her nose. She sat up her bed and wondered what time it is, she looked at the clock on the wall and noticed that it there are only 10 minutes left before Diana will enter her room and wake her up. She remained seated and stared at the ceiling remembering the dream that she had earlier, the dream about her mother where it seems like it was real, the interaction, conversation, feeling, and nostalgia seemed like it was all real. The dream was still vivid and she could still remember what it was unlike her other dreams which she would easily forget after she woke up.

The last thing she did before she completely closed her eyes and somehow fell asleep in that dream to wake up in this world was to tell her mother that she was suffering yet she was still able to move forward because of the people around her who was always there for her no matter what happens. After telling her that, it feels like the heavyweight on her shoulder was completely removed and it feels like she was free, and light.

As she was staring at her ceiling, she heard the door open and a lady wearing a maid's uniform emerged out of the door as she entered the room quietly. It was Diana who had a gentle expression plastered on her face as she entered and her eyes darted at Alexandra's direction and there she saw Alexandra awake, staring back at her. Her silver-colored hair was messy and it looked like a bird's nest, her eyes were swollen and red which indicated that she was crying but because of what? Diana couldn't help but notice her eyes which looked tired and cried. There were dried tears on her face and it was clearly seen. However, Alexandra was smiling at her like it was normal and nothing happened.

Diana smiled at her, "Good morning, young miss! You woke up earlier than you should, did you want to do something early in the morning or you just want to wake up early?" It was neither of those, Alexandra's reason for waking up early was neither of those choices. It was just on a whim or something, she thought to herself but she just smiled at Diana as a response yet she didn't mind. Diana walked towards her bed and looked at her eyes, her swollen and red eyes. "Were you crying last night in your dreams, young miss?" Diana asked once she took a closer look at her face and confirmed it.

Alexandra was taken aback by her question and she doesn't know what to the response. She decided to just nod as a response, she can't think of any reason and that was true anyways. "I had a sad dream but I'm okay now!" Alexandra said and showed Diana a wide and bright grin, her eyes bright and sparkling as always. Her tone of voice was loud and cheerful as well as the aura that surrounded her. Diana smiled at her and let out a sigh of relief as she ruffled Alexandra's hair. "I see, then I'll be preparing your bathe now and also, your father, his highness, wishes to see you early this morning. Lysander told Carlos and Carlos told me that your father wants to have breakfast with you along with Prince Christian and Prince Gilbert. I'm glad that you are slowly starting to get along with them, it was rare for them to eat together or have meals together," Diana said and that made Alexandra widen her eyes in surprise and disbelief.

Diana turned her heel around and walked towards the bathroom leaving a dumfounded and shocked Alexandra behind who stared at her back not believing what she said. A blessing sent from above, she thought to herself, although she wasn't sure if it was really blessing or not.

Alexandra continued to stare at the ceiling and thought about many things. She was hoping that something good will happen today. Her train of thoughts was cut off and she was pulled back to reality when she heard Diana spoke in a gentle tone of voice and caught her attention. "Young miss, your bath is ready, you can get in now," Diana said and Alexandra looked at her before she nodded as a response and got down her bed.

She glided her feet and wore the slippers before she walked off to the bathroom to take a bath while Diana waited for her by the door staring at her with a warm gaze and a sweet smile on her face.


After Alexandra took a bath, she walked towards her walk-in closet while Diana followed behind her, she entered along with her and they started to look an elegant-looking yet simple dress and they found a blue one, honestly, the colors of Alexandra's dress are mainly red and blue because that it what suit her. Harrison was correct, red suits her because it complements or suits the color of her hair although she would look like a vampire because of it.

The blue dress that they took out was a sleeveless one with a blue ribbon by the waist, the skirt reached almost past her knees, and it was paired with a pair of pastel blue flat shoes that also have a ribbon as a design.

Alexandra's hair was currently being combed by Diana and she was sitting in front of a mirror which had a reflection of her face whose skin was white as porcelain and soft and gentle just like cotton. Her silver hair was tied up in a ponytail with the use of blue ribbon almost the same color as her dress. Honestly, it seems like there were too many ribbons but she didn't complain as it suited her. Diana stared at her work and she smiled widely, her eyes gleaming in happiness, and from it, she was proud.

"Now, you're ready to go!" Diana said and Alexandra stood up from her seat and exited the room. Carlos was waiting outside and when he heard the door of the room open, her eyes darted at Alexandra. Alexandra smiled at Carlos, "Good morning, Miss Alexandra," Carlos said as he returned the smile. "Good morning, Carlos!" Alexandra greeted back and Diana emerged out of the door. They started walking towards the stairs heading down.

Alexandra and Diana parted mid-way since Alexandra and Carlos were heading to the Diamond Palace to have breakfast with her father while Diana will stay behind to do some chores as the head maid. Using the almost-hidden path to the Diamond Palace, they walked silently with a peaceful and bubbly aura surrounding the two.

It seems like Carlos couldn't handle the silence as he spoke, "Will this be your first time to have breakfast with your father along with your other brothers who you got close with?" Carlos asked Alexandra who abruptly stopped in her tracks and fell into silence as she thought for a moment, Carlos also stopped walking and stared at Alexandra as he waited for the answer to the question he just asked. When she thought of what to answer him, she continued walking once again and Carlos also did. "Yes, and I'm looking forward to it," Alexandra said in a rather cheerful tone of voice.

"But still, it's shocking that you easily got close with Prince Gilbert who is quiet and hates people. His personal knight would always look for him since he would usually hide or something like that," Carlos said. It was true, even Alexandra was shocked and amazed at how she easily got close with Prince Gilbert who was known by quiet and hates people however, they had similar interests just like Christian. Alexandra was about to open her mouth to speak when Carlos spoke once again, "Speaking of the personal knight," He paused for a moment before he continued.

"His personal knight will never say that to you again," What does he mean by that? Alexandra thought for a moment at what he was trying to say and recalled Prince Gilbert's personal knight, the rude and mean one who called Alexandra a curse, a bad omen, and some other mean names and Carlos defended her by telling them what the emperor told him. A smile crept up her lips and she can't stop herself from smiling, "I see," Was the only thing Alexandra said before they were able to see the magnificent building or Diamond place whose height loomed over them and intimidated them.

They entered inside and walked towards the Dining Room where her father and her two older brothers are probably waiting for her. Upon arriving there, 6 pairs of eyes darted in their direction, 3 of those belonged to her family and the other 3 belonged to their personal knights who were standing not far away from them. Knowing that they are not a threat, their hands loosened the grip that was around the hilt of their swords and they relaxed. Alexandra roamed her eyes around the room and darted at her father who was staring at her.

Christian and Gilbert were also there staring at her. Awkward and shy, Alexandra scratched her cheek with the use of her index finger and smiled awkwardly. "Good morning papa, Brother Christian and Prince Gilbert!" Her father just stared at her while Christian smiled back and greeted her too but Prince Gilbert flinched hearing what she called him. It was different, he didn't call her brother just like Christian and that earned a scowl from him.

"Why do you get to be called as brother while I am not?" Gilbert was too straightforward, his tone of voice was monotonous but it was clear that he was annoyed as he spoke. Alexandra stared at him in disbelief as well as Christian whose eyes widened in surprise when he heard his older brother say that. He was jealous and confused about why he wasn't called Brother. Alexandra thought that he would hate it, so she didn't call him brother. Now, this is a new big development, I never thought that Gilbert can be this cute, Carlos thought to his self probably smiling widely while there were flowers surrounding him as he stared at him.

Even the personal knights around them were also shocked and amazed at what the second prince said, is this true? It's rare for the prince to say something or blurt something out like that. He was known for being straightforward, calm, collected, easily annoyed, and such things but this was completely way out of what they thought. It feels like Alexandra got him gently wrapped around her tiny fingers but she wasn't playing with him, this was too unexpected. Well, Alexandra also somehow got her father's attention, so what about the princes.

His father was also shocked but he immediately hid it with a serious expression plastered on his face. "A-Are you jealous, brother?" Christian said still staring at his older brother, his eyes blinking multiple times. Gilbert shrugged and he muttered: "Maybe."

Alexandra's charm and personality must be probably too much that in just two days or more, she easily got close to him. Well, Gilbert admitted that he doesn't hate her but how unknown and mysterious she is. Christian's eyes darted at Alexandra and gave her the look, not the perverted one but more of a signal to call him brother. Alexandra gulped and she cleared his throat first before she spoke, "Brother Gilbert," He flinched when he heard what she said. He clicked his tongue and he stared at somewhere, avoiding everyone's gaze.

Alexandra laughed awkwardly and sweat rolled off her cheeks, is he a moody person? She asked herself. Her father gained everyone's attention and he spoke in a cold tone of voice, "Let's just start eating, shall we?" He said. Alexandra and Carlos started walking towards the empty seat where there is an empty plate along with some knife, spoon, and fork. Carlos took a few steps away from her and stood still.

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