
Breakfast (2)

Alexandra started to eat quietly, nobody tried to initiate a conversation. She thought that it was one of the rules to not talk while eating, she doesn't want to look like a rude person, so she just remained quiet. Honestly, the silence which surrounded the 4 was pretty much uncomfortable and Alexandra is trying her best not to break it because of the 'rule'.

However, Christian broke the silence. He can't handle the silence which surrounded and just decided to break it by asking Alexandra a question, "By the way, what did you do yesterday? Did you just remain inside the palace and read? You weren't able to visit yesterday because of the preparations and the party, right?" Christian's voice was gentle and silky, it rang inside Alexandra's ears multiple times as she thought for an answer to his question. "I unboxed the gifts that were given to me and read books," She answered. She can't tell them that she was with Harrison while she was unboxing and during the night before she fell asleep. Events from yesterday night came rushing inside her head and she shook it off, trying to forget about it.

"By the way, thank you for the gift that you gave me, I really love it," Alexandra said while smiling at him widely, her eyes beaming with joy as it sparkled and gleamed, her smile was sweet and gentle. Her tone of voice was thankful and it sounded sweet. Christian's gift to her was a series of books and she really did love it although, she still hasn't read it but she was sure that it will be a good one since Christian was good at picking books or the books that he would recommend her or give her are really good ones and she will end up liking it and staying all night just to finish reading it.

"I'm glad that you love it," Christian responded and he continued eating. Gilbert was staring at them as they talked while he ate and him being a quiet person, he didn't join or butt in the conversation, he prefers to listen to them. Because of that, he learned that what Christian told about Alexandra to him was true. Gilbert once asked Christian what Alexandra was like after meeting her and Christian told him or probably blabbered about what Alexandra was like and how innocent she is. He even told Gilbert Alexandra's interest in books and their similar interests. As a result, Gilbert took a liking and got interested in Alexandra.

"And thank you for the gift also, I love it. I can't believe that you still remembered the title of the book and you found it," Christian also added. Alexandra bought him a book too, the one that he's been always talking about and they don't have it at their library. "I have asked for help, so yeah," Alexandra replied back and took a sip from her glass of milk just right beside her plate as she looked at Christian who took a bite of his food. "By your friend?" Christian asked and Alexandra nodded as a response to his question.

"I have started reading it though, I'm taking it slowly since I wouldn't like to finish it that fast. It would just like be too short for me and I would think of the book every day finding similar books like it," Christian stated and Alexandra let out a giggle after hearing what he said. It was true when Christian likes the book, he would take his time to read it and not finish it that fast, so he can sometimes be seen reading the book for like 4-10 days straight depending on how thick or how many pages it has. The same is also with Alexandra although she gets impatient and wants to read the ending, so she would finish the book in 3 or more days depending on how many pages it has.

"What book are you currently into right now? Have you read the books that I have recommended to you?" Christian asked in a rather excited tone of voice and Alexandra once again let out a short giggle. "Some of it yes and some no since I can't find it at the library, can I borrow a copy if you have one? I'll return it in just a few days," Alexandra replied with a gentle smile plastered on her face. They are like kids excitedly talking about what toys they want and what they would want to have but its books, thick and old books that are supposedly meant for people way older than them. Gilbert just listened to their conversation and their father remained silent as they watched them talk. The atmosphere or aura that both surrounded them was too bright and lively, it feels like flowers were blooming in their background.

These two, when they are together, it seems like flowers will bloom because of how bright and sweet their smile is. That's how powerful their smiles are, what about if their other family members who are cold and always serious smile? That's probably an impossible thing. Alexandra tried to imagine it once and she somehow couldn't help but to choke and then laugh, she knows that she shouldn't make fun of them but she can't help it. She thinks it will never happen, them smiling widely and brightly while flowers while blooming at their background. Diana once told her, she never saw them smile like that and it would be an impossible thing to happen. They always had a serious and cold expression plastered on their faces except for Christian who is bright and warm like the morning sun.

"Have you read Flowers by the Moon by Franchesca Alinea? It's really a good one and you would probably like it since you are into fantasy and romance genres, there is also a hint of mystery on the story but that's what makes it exciting and fun to read," Christian recommended her another book and based on what he said, it must be pretty interesting. His tone of voice tells that it would be an exciting or fun one to read and Alexandra wished if they have that book in their library. "I will surely read it if I can find one at our library, hopefully," Alexandra said in a gentle and sweet tone of voice, it sounded silky and smooth. It rang inside their ears.

"The Girl and The Sea is a good one," Gilbert decided to join in their conversation after he finished eating and Alexandra's eyes darted at him, he was just seating in front of her. Alexandra's eyes sparkled when she heard him spoke and join their conversation. "Who's the author?" Christian couldn't hide the sparkle in his eyes when his brother decided to join and he asked him in an excited tone of voice. It was unusual for his brother to join and recommend a book. It seems like he really took a liking at Alexandra. Alexandra smiled at him, her eyes beaming with happiness as it sparkled and gleamed, her gaze was warm and gentle, and her smiles were sweet yet faint, just like a flower's. "By Emilia Garon, right? She's also the author of Yesterday's Dreams and I have read almost all of her works. I still haven't read Moon Child though I find it interesting and wish to read it soon I can't look for a copy in our library," Alexandra replied at him in an excited and happy tone of voice.

"I see. We have a copy of that book in our library, maybe," Gilbert replied back and drank water from his glass. "There are a new sets of books delivered and brought to the palace, you can look at them at the newly added shelves on each section," Her father joined the conversation as he was taking a sip from his morning tea and the aura which surrounded them became as bright and lively as ever as Alexandra and Christian's smiles widened as they looked at their father. He's joining their conversation and Alexandra was happy. The personal knights with them also couldn't help but notice the aura or atmosphere of the room slowly becoming bright and lively as ever as the emperor joined them.

They can't help but heave a sigh of relief when they noticed it but they were also shocked at seeing one of the quietest people they have known to join too. "What types or kinds of books are those, father?" Gilbert asked in a curious tone of voice, he was slowly starting to get bored by the books he kept on reading with the same topic at their library. It was the first time after years for him to buy a new set of books after his wife died, it was pretty much shocking. So that's why I noticed that there were people entering the library carrying heavy boxes along with some shelves, Christian thought to himself.

"Both non-fiction and fiction, some are history, facts, and all-abouts," Their father answered with a blank expression on his face. His voice was monotonous and it rang inside their head multiple times but they weren't annoyed by it. "C-Can I borrow one of those books? It's okay if I can borrow it after it is used by someone and it's also okay if you won't allow me, it wasn't my money used nor it was one of our libraries," Alexandra asked in a gentle tone of voice. It was clearly seen on her face that she badly wants to borrow and she hoped that her father would allow her to do so. "Ask these two, if they will allow you, then I will allow you too," Her father asked, his voice was cold and it seems like he didn't care.

Alexandra blinked multiple times before it sparkled and widened slowly and returned to normal after a few seconds. "Really?! Then, Brother Christian, will you allow me?" Alexandra asked in a cheerful tone of voice although she knows what his answer would be and it would be yes. Just like what she thought, Christian let out a short chuckle that resonated inside the room before he nodded and answered, "Of course! I would be happy to do so," He said and Alexandra smiled widely at him.

"Then, Brother Gilbert, will you allow me to borrow?" Alexandra asked, nervous unlike earlier when she was talking with Christian. "Yeah, sure," Gilbert said nonchalantly as if it looked like he didn't care. Alexandra was happy and she couldn't help but squeal, she wants to get her hands on those books already. The books in the library have always been that interesting. "It seems like you are eager. Happy, aren't we?" Christian said when he witnessed Alexandra rejoiced in her seat by smiling widely and humming a happy song although she stopped. Alexandra nodded multiple times before she continued eating.

Christian didn't ask any further questions and decided to just continue eating so that he can finish and talk with Alexandra. Alexandra gulped down her glass of milk and by the time she was finished drinking and she had placed down her glass of milk, the door was suddenly swung open and it gained their attention. They turned or lifted their heads and looked at the person who just emerged at the door and entered the room.

Two boys with silver hair and blue eyes entered the room, their footsteps resonating inside the room. They stopped on their tracks when they met eyes with the person sitting at the end of the table, it was their father who is unusually having breakfast with their other brothers and the girl which they truly hated. Alexandra couldn't help but gulp witnessing what is currently happening. Calixander and Chandler entered the room with their personal knights behind them. It seems like they just took woke up and took a bath based on their not fully dried hair and neat and newly-worn clothes. Aside from that, they had a fresh look and aura which surrounded him.

"Good morning, father," The boy behind probably still haven't noticed Alexandra but he had a confused expression on, it was Chandler. With a creased forehead and a frown plastered on his face, "Good morning, father. Why is that girl here?" Calixander went straight to the point but his tone of voice was polite and filled with respect to not look rude or arrogant in front of their father who is far way scarier than them. However, his voice still sent a chill down Alexandra's spine. The expression plastered on his face though was a curious and confused one too, a hint of annoyance heard from his tone of voice as he spoke. He was stopping the urge to point a finger at her or it would look rude and it seems like he didn't have manners.

Alexandra heaved a sigh. Just when I was having a good time with my brothers and father when the two entered, Alexandra thought to herself as she heaved a sigh. She straightened up her seat and tried to sit properly while clutching her skirt underneath the table, her palms sweated and she gulped once again nervously.

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