
Of Odds and Favorites (3)

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Prince Calixander when he was 6.

"Would you like some macaroons, your majesty?" Diana entered the study room, carrying a tray. Glass of juice, a slice of cake, and a plate of macaroons was placed on top of the tray she was holding. This caught the attention of the boy sitting on a chair behind the desk who was writing and reading at the same time. He lifted his gaze and met Diana's emerald eyes.

"Your mother and I made it together, although she wasn't allowed to go to the kitchen because she just recently recovered from her sickness," Diana said in a gentle voice as she smiled at Prince Calixander while placing down the food on top of her tray. "Macaroons?" Was what Prince Calixander said, looking at the plate filled with colorful biscuit-like things. That was the first time he saw that, although he likes to eat desserts or sweets, he didn't know what macaroons taste like. He only heard the maids and some people around him talking about it.

"I see, this is the first time that you will eat this," Diana said, smiling and hugged the tray near her chest while staring at the prince somewhat surprised as she blinked multiple times. "Then I hope you enjoy and like it. Blessings and Glory for the Queenilia Empire," Diana said in a sweet and gentle voice, it was pleasing to the ears. She bowed as she spoke before she turned her heel around, walking towards the door of the room to leave. Calixander heard the sound of the door being closed and he stared at the macaroons. Although the cake looks nice, the macaroons look tempting, alluring and sweet, he thought to himself and picked one up, staring at it before he took a bite.


Alexandra stared at the white ceiling of her room while there were multiple thoughts running inside her head and it was the reason why she can't fall asleep even after Diana just sang her a sweet and gentle lullaby. She heaved a sigh and roamed her eyes around the room which was illuminated by the moon but only half of the room since she left the curtains of her balcony door open. She heaved a sigh before she turned her body to the side while thinking about the conversation with Christian earlier.


Alexandra and Christian along with their personal knights who were walking quietly behind them were heading towards the library to just read after what happened earlier. Carlos just recently finished scolding Alexandra because of her actions since that was the second time that she did that. The first one was at the second day of the winter star, Alexandra left his side without his knowledge and head towards the mysterious ball of light at the path towards the Diamond Palace and she ended up meeting the prince of the Luminaria Kingdom and befriended him, probably.

The second time was earlier. "Come to think of it, I just recalled earlier an important information which will really help you, Alexandra," Christian suddenly said out of the blue while they were walking, breaking the silence which surrounded them.

"What is it?" Alexandra asked curiously while darting her eyes in his direction. "Brother Calixander actually likes sweets and desserts and he is somehow obsessed with it just like you."


Alexandra was still processing the information that she got from Christian inside her head. Prince Calixander likes sweets and is somehow obsessed with it just like me…? She repeated what Christian said earlier inside her head, looking at him with a confused gaze. The expression on her face says that she doesn't believe what he said. I mean, that arrogant, cold, and serious-looking guy who looks like who can't take a joke likes and is obsessed with sweets and desserts? Shocking.

That's actually how Alexandra describes their eldest brother but still.

"Unbelievable," She snorted and looked ahead of her. "Believe it or not, I refused to accept that fact when it was the first time that I had heard of it or probably learned it. Since I kept on observing him for the past years and noticed that although it wasn't obvious and he doesn't show or tell everyone about it. When I asked Brother Gilbert about it, he told me that it was true. Well he's mature, almost an adult and his coming-of-age ceremony is just a few years away, so it would be hard to believe that a serious guy like him would like those things," Christian said with a gentle smile plastered on his face as they walked, he was looking ahead of him while he spoke.

Girls' coming-of-age ceremony is earlier than 2 years earlier than boys' coming-of-age ceremony. Alexandra doesn't know the reason why. In her previous life, a girl's debut or whatever you call that is at 18 and is celebrated by her close friends, family, relatives and such, For boys, it would be at 21 but it's not really that celebrated or something. Here, in her current life, it's called coming-of-age. A girl would have her ceremony when she is 16 and for a boy, it would be at 18. It would be celebrated but it depends on the family if it has enough money to have a party or a ball. At this age, they are already old enough to be engaged and such.

All of the aristocrats, nobles, and royal families would celebrate it by having a ball, a party, a buffet and/or a ceremony while for others, it would be just a simple celebration with cakes and some food.

Since Prince Calixander is already at the age of 15, there are only 3 years left until he will turn 18 and have his coming-of-age ceremony. Since the second level or cluster in the academy would only last for 3 years unlike the first year which would last for 5 years, Prince Calixander's coming-of-age ceremony would be held a year after he finished or graduated from the academy while a female would be a year before she graduates or probably during that year, it would always depend on what age did he or she enrolled.

Prince Chandler enrolled when he was 10, Prince Gilbert and Prince Calixander enrolled when they were 9. What about Prince Christian? Come to think of it, Alexandra still hasn't asked her brother about that, she would ask him when there is an opportunity. If he would enroll when he is 9 which would probably next year, that would sadden her and make her lonely since all of her brothers would be at the academy and can only go back at the palace when it's a holiday, their break, or one of their birthdays. When one of an important member of the royal family or one of the princes would be having their birthday there would be no classes for 3 days, to prepare and to celebrate.

Alexandra heaved a sigh before she hummed, "then that is great. Thank you for telling me that," Alexandra said as they continued walking. The sound of their footsteps echoed and resonated inside the place as they walked towards the library quietly with a light atmosphere surrounding the 4 of them.


I could probably ask Diana or the other maids to make me some sweets or desserts like those macaroons if I would go to the Diamond Palace in case if I meet Prince Calixander while walking or ask someone to give it to him like Prince Gilbert or Prince Chandler which would be a hard thing since looking for them and talking with them would take time. Aside from that wouldn't it be tiring to bake every single day just for that but there are only a few days left before they go back to the academy, Alexandra thought to herself and groaned in annoyance, her eyebrows were creased as she rolled around her bed, making the bed sheets messy.

Maybe I could try to ask Diana tomorrow and see if she would agree and if it's okay but what if she asked why? Alexandra once again groaned and rolled around her bed. She heaved a sigh and recalled another conversation she had with Christian earlier which was one of the things that were bothering her.


"Brother Christian, I would like to ask you something," Alexandra started, setting down her book as she heaved a sigh. "What is it?" Christian responded, turning his head in her direction and saw the side of her face but he was able to see that she was frowning or she looked troubled. "When will you enroll at the academy?" Alexandra asked turning her head at his direction, meeting his eyes which blinked multiple times while looking at her surprise written all over his face when he heard his question.

He smiled, but it wasn't a genuine nor a gentle one, there was sadness within it and she couldn't help but notice the change of the aura which surrounded him. "I thought you wouldn't ask that, so I never told you about it but I think it would be next year when I'm 9, I'm still not sure," Christian said smiling at her. Alexandra gulped and smiled back at him as she nodded repeatedly, "I see,"

"But if I do, then I would spend my remaining year with you. We could also send each other letters if I'm in the academy. Since mana and magic exist in this world, delivering letters would just be easy and would only take a few minutes," Christian said and Alexandra was in a daze before the smile plastered on her smile widened and the expression on her face slowly grew brighter as seconds passed by. Right, why am I being negative? We could still tell each other some things through letters and send each other some pictures. It would only take a few minutes just like sending a text message, Alexandra thought to herself.


Alexandra heaved a sigh and hugged her pillow tight, and screamed but it was muffled by her pillow, so her voice wasn't completely heard. The only problem left that I don't know how I should solve is proving to that prince that I'm not a wicked person and have a good personality. I should prove to him that I didn't bewitch or something his brothers to like me. Alexandra laid down on her back, her arms sprawled out as well as her legs, conquering half of her bed while staring at the ceiling. She heaved a sigh and turned to her side but shrieked when she saw someone sitting on a chair beside her.

She grabbed the pillow near her and threw it at the person's face, just her instinct and reflexes doing their job. There was nothing near her that can defend her from that person except for pillows, a comforter, a vase which is heavy and hard to throw, a pocket watch, and some books which were near that person. That person easily caught the pillow with his hand and threw it back at Alexandra who just realized that person was. That annoyed face, a tick mark appearing on his forehead as there was a forced smile on his face which looked like the smile of a devil who was angry. His crimson red eyes looked like it was glowing and narrowed at her making it look like he was glaring at her but it wasn't that scary, Alexandra was used from being glared at.

"What, it's just you, Harrison. You scared the hell out of me there, please stop appearing without saying anything and just staring at me, I thought you were a bad person or a ghost there for a moment, you gave me a mini heart attack" Alexandra thought to herself as she heaved a sigh of relief, calming her racing heart. She looked at Harrison whose features slowly softened and calmed down.

"I couldn't just interrupt you while you were rolling around your bed like an idiot and screaming at your pillow, not realizing that there was a person beside you the whole time. Are you really that dense or what?" Harrison replied back and Alexandra rolled her eyes hearing his response.

First update of the year!

Happy New Year! May you have a happy year and bless you all!

Thank you for reading and I hope you liked this chapter! Have a great day!

moonvalerieecreators' thoughts
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