
Wasteland Gunner Princess... [Up for Adoption]

A 17-year-old teenager gets reincarnated into her favorite game but not all goes as expected... She may love the game but living in the Fallout Universe as her new reality makes her seethe with hatred... She is an unyielding Tyrant with a vast territory and is a true Warlord. But... Can a certain someone from a Vault enter the Tyrant's heart and change her for the better? We shall see...

Crimson1997 · Jeux vidéo
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The daily life of the Guard's and the Sole Survivor!

"What fuckery is this?" Morrigan's left eye twitches.

Morrigan has a confused look since she has no idea what she is seeing... also she exploded... If it wasn't for her reinforced Kevlar hoodie, mask, shirt, skinny jeans. and combat boots she would be dead! So she is understandably upset. there are pieces of metal stuck in her Kevlar shirt and hoodie completely ruining her favorite outfit!

It took Morrigan three years of research to make Kevlar threads so that ordinary-looking clothes could protect someone from just about anything... But explosions are the weakness of these bulletproof threads! The shrapnel only went skin deep but it's the reason she is very pissed! Morrigan plucks the shrapnel out and injects a stimpack into her neck... Her wounds seal up leaving some scars.

"Ma'am these are the new Flamethrower turrets! I'm still trying to improve it! I'm sorry that you had to see this terrible display... kekekeke... Once it's complete just imagine what these babies can do!" A mad scientist that she hired cackles.

Morrigan snarls... "If I don't see results within three months I'll cut your funding in half and if in another three months there are no results then I will send you to work in the mines!" she storms out of the R&D bunker.

'Arenwood is insane! But he can get results if he puts his mind to it... And a healthy dose of fear motivates him!' Morrigan sits down on a comfy chair and starts doing the tiresome paperwork.

"Let's see... Crop yield is a little lower this year... farms have been experiencing a decline in fertilizer... Damn it! Now we have to scavenge for more... We also need to buy some more Bramin to produce more fertilizer..."

"Ground to Air Turrets are fully functional but still need more ammunition... Looks like I need to send an expedition into the Glowing Sea... This means I have to buy Hazmat suits and lots of Rad-X... Why is nothing ever easy!?" Morrigan bangs her head on the desk and starts throwing things everywhere... what little rationality she has left makes her spare all of the expensive things.

/// Outside of Morrigan's office...

"The boss is at it again... Being a Warlord that controls Fort Hagen, Central Boston and all of Cambridge must be stressful..." Guard 1 starts the conversation.

"Well look at it this way man... Thousands of people are protected and happy... They bring in big income for us and are basically our paychecks dude... We no longer have to worry about starving due to the Boss's farming methods... All the Raiders have shock collars slapped onto their necks and are forced to work in the mines... The Boss is building giant and sturdy walls with thousands of turrets and men guarding our territory... We're building a new civilization, my man... All we gotta do is guard a door... A door dude... We got it good!" Guard 2 inhales some Jet.

"Yeah, your right man..." Guard 1 nods as he takes a puff of his cigarette.

"She is also having people restore buildings for colonization... And whatever can't be saved is torn down for new things she has the egg heads to build... I have a daughter on the way... And I'm very glad to know my mate and unborn child are safe and secure... We got guards patrolling past my house every ten minutes... I don't gotta worry about anything anymore..." Guard 1 has a genuine smile on his face.

"Congratulations!" Guard 2 fist bumps Guard 1.


~Huff Huff~ "Excuse me! Is this the way to Diamond City?" Sarah is currently on a mission to save her son Shaun who isn't even a year old yet and has gone through hell just to arrive at a giant wall with hundreds of soldiers and AA turrets.

"..." A guard looks at his companion with a lifted eyebrow.

"Uh yes, ma'am but you seem a little out of it... You're clearly a vault dweller... Here's a complimentary map of the Territory of the Warlord Morrigan... The rules are in this pamphlet... Please read the rule book... wouldn't want any accidents to happen..." The guard signals for the gate to be opened.

"Before you go in we will need your information... Name, Date of birth, and occupation... You will also have to do a mandatory medical check-up... Now please fill in your information here here and here" Another guard does the standard routine for new arrivals.

"uh... Ma'am... are you saying you're over 200 years old?" the guard looks Sarah up and down.

"She must be high... You should lay off the Jet lady... Jet is good once in a while but if you take too much you will start becoming delirious... Jet slows things down but too much and you won't even be a proper functioning adult Miss Sarah..." The guard gives an understanding look... He was once an addict too.

"What!? NO! I'm not an addict! Let me see your manager! I have a complaint! This is unacceptable! People should not be treated this way!" Sarah shakes her head in disbelief.

"We have twelve managers, ma'am... But none of them process complaints... that's Warlord Morrigan's job... And she is very busy... If you want a meeting you can add yourself to the schedule... But don't get your hopes up on being able to see her anytime this week..." the guard shakes his head.

'Damn, these Vault Dwellers are really naive! They just don't understand how the wastelands are... She looks like shit... Guess she is the curious type... My condolences ma'am... Warlord Morrigan's territory is literally the only place where you will find any semblance of peace and safety...' The Guard motions for Sarah to enter.

the sole survivor huffs but then widens her eyes at what she sees on the other side...

"Amazing..." Sarah sees green grass for the first time since she woke up... She sees proper housing instead of shacks that look like children's clubhouses... She sees cleanliness as far as the eye can see... She sees crops that aren't irradiated... she can see that they have a proper sewage system which means functioning toilets and showers!