
Walking Dead Fanfic

When Adelaide was looking for supplies on her normal run she does every day she runs into Negan he fancies her and she of course doesn't like him at first but soon falls in love with the crazy man with the bat

NancyRow · TV
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4 Chs

The Day My Life Changed

I wake up and sigh I stretch and stand yet another day yay I get some water fix my hair pick up my bat and head to the roof to check for walkers. I smile seeing an empty lot I climb down. I go for my normal walk I head into the woods hoping to find a deer maybe to cook I hope I was quiet I stop seeing a doe I pull my bow back and breathe in slow fire hits the doe I smile and rush over and tai it up and sigh would love a big man right now fuck I was carrying the doe I stop seeing a group of men at the station "Negan someone has been here the lantern is still warm" a man said. Negan walks up grinning "Let's wait and see who comes back," he said. The men nod and hide I groan and duck under cover I was thinking about what to do there were about seven guys. I could maybe take them on one by one but that is dangerous I had to move the sun was setting and I hated being in the dark plus I got this doe fuck what should I do. I decided to wait once nightfall hit I dragged the doe and sneaked up to a guy who was alone in the back and broke his neck I sneaked inside and packed my stuff slowly not making noise and saw Negan swinging his bat whistling I picked up Dylan my bat yeah I named my bat shot me named it after an ex-boyfriend. I slowly walk around I find another guy and swing killing him as blood spatters across my face god I need a smoke but don't have time to relax the need to deal with this fuck fest first then can smoke. I slowly walked and didn't notice Negan behind me I felt arms around my waist I slammed my head back making contact with Negan's face. Negan laughs as his grip tights around me "Little spitfire just how I like them how about you calm down that doe you killed needs to be dealt with" he said the growing erection in his pants was hard not to notice since he had me tightly pressed against him my ass was against his crotch. I fought against his grip. "Know Know let's not make me anymore worked up" Negan whispers. "Screw you asshole," I said. Negan leans to my neck so I can feel his breath and beard "Don't make promises you can't keep sweetheart" he whispers. I slam my heel on his foot making his grip loosen I get out and try to reach Dylan my Bat but Negan grabs the back of my neck. "Okay boys grab the deer and anything else we are going home," he said. His men cleaned up my room and took everything Negan grabbed the bag with my bat and smokes in it "Does the little Spitfire smoke" he said tossing me in the truck.