
Walking Dead Fanfic

When Adelaide was looking for supplies on her normal run she does every day she runs into Negan he fancies her and she of course doesn't like him at first but soon falls in love with the crazy man with the bat

NancyRow · TV
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4 Chs

My So Called New Life

I sat in the truck looked around and watched as they tossed the deer in the back Negan got in the driver's seat "You killed the deer I take it" he asked. I just looked at him "Yeah what of it" I said in a rude tone. Negan grinned "Listen at you I have been nice but if you keep that tone up I will put that pretty mouth to use," he said. I glare at you "You fucking try it and I bit your dick off" I said. Negan stopped the truck and grabbed my face squeezing "Listen little girl I have been pleasant to you and you have run your rude mouth off so if you want to keep your face pretty you will shut it" he said as his grip tightened. I pull my face away and look ahead. Negan smirks put the truck in drive and drives. I sat there feeling my pussy throb fucking backstabbing cunt why did I enjoy that so fucking much I shouldn't have I will not allow myself to do this I can't I said nothing else on the drive felt left forever until we reached his compound. I looked at the huge building and I got out of the truck. Negan grins and grabs my neck with a tight grip "Welcome home darlin" he said in this sadistic tone. I tried to get away but his grip tightened "If you behave I will allow you to smoke I figure you might need one after this fabulous day" he said and laughed as he walked holding me we moved threw the compound everyone bowed as he walked by he opens a door to a nice bedroom he threw me inside with one smoke and my lighter locking me in. I look around the room I try the window and it won't open I groan I look around and find a picture I take it off and pull the nail out of the wall and I make sure it's still sharp and I hide it I unwrap my black and light it thinking what to do. I check the hinges smirk and look around I sigh stupid me I have a knife I roll up my pants pull my knife out and work on popping off the hinges. Once the door fell I smirked and saw a man keeping guard I pulled back and with an uppercut, my fist made contact with his jaw and he fell I walked down the hall smoking proudly of myself. I stopped hearing voices I hid once I fell the coast was clear I kept walking. I find a door and I step outside I see D and Negan talking fuck my life sideways. Negan looks up to see me "Well lookie hear the spitfire got out I was wondering how long it would take," he said walking up the steps to meet me he snatches the smoke from my mouth and flicks it away "People who break the rules don't get rewards" he growls in my ear. I smirk "Oh I am sorry I am a dog to be kept in a cage" I snarl back. Negan smirks "I love your lady balls darlin but it's just you sweetie no one here to help so keep being tough and you will come for me soon" he whispered. I glared at him "I will never do that" I said. Negan smirked gripping my wrist and leaning closer "Keep fighting it darling but I know you want me" he growled in my ear and walked off he stopped "You will be fixing that door by dinner" he added and left. I clench my fist and go.