
Walking Dead Fanfic

When Adelaide was looking for supplies on her normal run she does every day she runs into Negan he fancies her and she of course doesn't like him at first but soon falls in love with the crazy man with the bat

NancyRow · TV
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Just Another Day

As I wake up I groan sleeping on the hard floor of an old gas station is not what I had planned for my life neither was fighting for my life and Zombies like what the fuck is this world coming to I stretch. I fix my hair pick up my bat and check for walkers. I check my supplies I need water and food. I open the door and when the bright sun hits my face I smile feeling I always enjoyed the sun. I pull a black and mild and light it I have been trying to cut back due to not finding them much but what the hell right? I head down the road I was lucky to find the gas station and it has a fully stocked smoke rack but smoke can't fill my stomach or help me when I am thirsty. Also miss sex. I walk I stop seeing a walker I pull out my knife I stopped using a gun when I ran out of ammo a month ago also it was way too loud knife and my bat are so much better they are quiet and don't attract more. I kill the walker. I walk into the store looking around I sigh seeing the empty shelves I kick the shelve fuck I grumble I kept looking for anything I could eat or use. I walk to the back storage area and see a case of water on a high shelf I smile and look for a ladder. I find a ladder and climb and reach I grab the water and climb down leave the store and keep going. I stop seeing a gun store and rush in and find a bow and some arrows I smile it was like Christmas for me water and a weapon what luck I can try hunting haven't done it in forever but it could be my only chance. I guess I should thank you Dad for raising me like your son I look up at the sky and sigh I keep going I check the sun and see it low I mumble and head back to my hideout if that is what you want to call an old 7-11 sure but it's safe and I can lock the doors and have a back room that is dark and safe so can't complain just miss my bed. I get back to the gas station and open the last bag of beef jerky I open a beer and sigh. I drink and eat I save some and head to the roof I look up at the sky and sigh fuck what I wouldn't give for a hot shower and cotton sheets. I yawn and stretch I should head back down I stand and head back inside lock up everything and turn off my lantern and lay down. Just another day in the life of Adelaide Grace Scott so fabulous.