
1 Step Closer

Sam(phone): " You just said it always goes back to the past, right? So if I'm in danger... that means you're in danger." 

hearing that Dewey looked at Richie with with a sigh and back at the phone

Dewey: " Your time's up." he says 

as he was basically kicked Richie out of his trailer.

Richie: " Jesus! " he flinched 

as the door was slammed in his face which he followed up with a long sigh

Richie: " Yeah, he's way more fun in the movies. so uhh, what's next?"

Sam thinks for a bit, Richie starts getting into his car as he starts the engine 

Sam: " The friends."

(back to Dewey)

T.V: " Thanks so much for that, Kevin. Coming up after our local weather, the pros and cons of reuniting with old friends."

Dewey grabs the remote and and thought for a moment before turning the t.v off and sighed looking around his trailer for his phone, to which he eventually picks it up and wonders over to the dining table and slumped in a chair.

Dewey had proceeded to call Sidney Prescott informing her of what's to come in Woodsboro and made sure she was as far from it as possible.

 cars pass by as Richie walks back into the hospital making his way through the halls showing his pass to visit Samantha's carpenter which he was allowed. he enters the room where Sam was seen with a cast and brace for her injury,

Richie: " hey " he says 

walking closer to his girlfriend he placed a soft kiss on her forehead 

Sam: " I have something to say before things get worse" 

Richie looked somewhat surprised or interested 

Richie: " what's up?"

Sam looks at him

Sam: " its about my father and how this is related "

Richie: " I know"

Sam looked somewhat relieved and confused at the same time

Sam: " Were you listening at the door?" she asked about earlier

Richie: " No, no, of course not." he says 

trying to put a serious face on but Sam saw straight through it with an unamused stare

Richie: " Okay, yeah, I was listening at the door." he smiled

Sam: " so It doesn't freak you out... that my real father was a serial killer ?" she pressed

Richie thought for a moment looking at his lover and let his smile drop for a second 

Richie: " I mean... yeah. A great deal, yeah." 

he caresses her cheek as a tear flowed from her eye

Sam: " Okay, well, then go I get it. I have to stay and figure this out." 

she pulled his hand from her cheek into her own grasp to which Richie held her hand as well with a firm yet reassuring grip

Richie: " I'm not leaving you here, Sam." once again Sam let a sigh out 

Sam: " You know that part in horror movies where you want to yell at the characters to be smart and get the fuck out? " she says with exaggerated head movement

 as Richie shook his head in understanding

Sam: " This is that part, Richie. You should get the fuck out." she says looking intently at his eyes

Richie: " But I'm staying. I love you." he kissed her

Sam: " You're such a dumbass." she joked

Richie: " I'm such a dumbass." 

Richie joked back embracing the title

Richie: " So... your sister won't talk to you. The police aren't gonna help. What's our next move?"

Sam looked at her leg and back to Richie before saying

Sam: " well I'm not ready to leave this room yet but what you could do is ask Y/n or Tara, preferably Y/n if he could assist you to go and have a meeting with the friends, Tara's not in the best headspace" 

Richie: " that.. sounds like an idea, alright lets how I go.. love you ill be back" 

he kissed her once again

Sam: " love you too, oh and quick tip in situations like these don't say 'ill be back' your just begging for something to happen" she joked again

( Y/n and Tara)

Y/n's heart ached as he witnessed the strain between him and Tara. He knew that he needed to talk to her about the situation, even though it was difficult. Taking a deep breath, he gathered his courage and turned to face Tara, who appeared lost in her thoughts.

Y/N: " Tara," he began, his voice gentle yet stern. 

Y/N: " you need to talk about what happened to Sam."

Tara glanced at Y/n, her eyes filled with a mix of emotions as she let out a frustrated groan, her body tensing at the thought of confronting the issue. 

Tara: " Y/n, please, can we talk about anything else, I don't know if I'm ready to talk about it" she pleaded, avoiding the conversation.

But Y/n couldn't hold back any longer, driven by the desire to help her.

Y/N: " I understand, but you can't keep avoiding this," Y/n said, his concern evident

Tara: " I just... I didn't want to lose her again, like she just came back for fuck sake and she dropped all that shit on me" she confessed, tears welling up in her eyes. 

 Y/n reached out and gently wiped away a tear from Tara's cheek. 

Y/N: " You thought she was going to stay, I know," he said, his voice soothing.

Tara: " she could've came back and told me about everything way sooner than she did, and she tried to tell me she was protecting me" she said now raising her voice 

Y/N: " But sometimes, protecting someone means being honest with them and trusting them to handle the truth. and yes I admit she could've came back for you way sooner than she did, but you have to think Tara she must've been scared to come back "

Tara leaned her cheek into Y/n's touch, finding comfort in his presence. before he sat back in his chair

Tara: " that's the thing I was scared too," she admitted, her vulnerability laid bare. 

Tara: " I didn't know what to do, and I didn't mean to make her upset or say the things I said."

Y/n nodded, understanding Tara's fears all too well. 

Y/N: " Fear can make us do things we wouldn't normally do," he said, his voice filled with empathy.

Y/N: " of course you didn't mean to say those things and get upset, but you had every right to, You do know she was going to leave you here again, right ?" he said gently, already aware that Tara's answer would be a no.

Her eyes widened, revealing a mixture of surprise and vulnerability. Confusion washed over her face as she tried to find a response, but the words seemed to get caught in her throat, leaving her momentarily speechless.

Witnessing Tara's struggle tugged at Y/n's heartstrings, and he could no longer sit by and watch. Rising from his chair, Y/n moved closer, taking a seat on her hospital bed. and With a compassionate touch, he reached out and gently clasped Tara's hand in his, 

Tara: " please don't hesitate to tell me." she says wiping her tears and putting on a strong face ready to hear about what Y/n was talking about , Y/n saw the tears,

Tara smiled sadly, and Y/n was relieved that she's opened to hear his concerns. 

Y/N: " Of course, Tara. I'll always be here for you, and I will protect you from anything that might harm you."

Tara leaned in, resting her head on Y/n's shoulder, finding comfort in his presence once again. 

Tara: " I know, Y/N, and I'm grateful for that," she murmured, her voice slightly muffled against his shirt. 

Tara: " You've always been there for me, and I don't know what I'd do without you."

Y/n hugged her gently, his heart swelling for her. 

Y/N: "and You'll never have to find out, Tara. I promise," he whispered, his voice filled with determination. 

after a couple minutes of silence Tara was the first to speak

Tara: " so about Sam saying she would leave" she says getting Y/n to tell her

 Y/N: " oh right so this was before she was attacked and you were asleep, She was thinking about leaving, believing that you'd be safe now that at the attacker was gone. But, Tara, you needed her. I've seen how much she means to you, and her leaving would break your heart."

Tara's expression turned from confusion to understanding as she processed the information.

 Tara: " She was leaving because she thought I was safe? with you? " she whispered, 

Y/n nodded, squeezing her hand gently. 

Y/N: " Yes, but I told her it would've been a mistake. I said that You needed your older sister by your side, especially after everything you've been through."

Tara clutched Y/n's hand tightly. 

Tara: " I don't want her to go," she admitted, her voice trembling with emotion. 

Tara: " She's my sister, and I need her here with me I really didn't mean to tell her to stay away from me."

Y/N: " I understand," Y/n replied, filled with empathy. 

Y/N: " And I'm sure she'll realize that too. although you two were apart for so long she still loves you deeply, Tara."

As they held each other's gaze, Y/n continued to offer his support. 

Tara: " I'll talk to her again, make her understand how much I actually need her right now. I don't want her to leave. I have to apologize"

Tara pulled Y/n into a tight embrace, as Y/n holds her close. He knew how important Sam was to her.

Y/N: " that's my girl " he whispered, his voice was like a soothing balm. his arms wrapped protectively around her.