
We Just Want to Play

Sam: " hello? you're the fucker who hurt my sister right"

Ghostface: " she's not the only one I'm gonna hurt. I had to get you to come back here somehow."

Sam: " you want to mess with me? well come get me asshole I'm right here" she says walking around the room.

Ghostface: " with pleasure."

a door flung open and revealing Ghostface, Sam screeched and ducks as a knife came slashing at her, but Ghostface dropped the knife as Sam kicked their leg in. Ghostface struggled to get the knife back as Sam tries to run past, he grabs Sam by the hair and pulled her back violently as she screamed, Ghostface picked the knife up and brings it too her neck before saying.

Ghostface: " no, we need you for the reveal " he throws her over a bunch of tables and stomped on her leg breaking it before walking away. Sam let out one loud scream. 

Sam: " help! help me!"

she uses her arms to crawl to the door as the deputy rushed in 

Deputy Vinson: " what, what happened" he said in horror as he saw her misshaped leg.

Sam: " a man in the lunchroom just tried to kill me" she says in pain.

Deputy Vinson: " ok ill call for backup" he says helping Sam up on a chair as he calls for a nurse. 

he pulls out his gun as he goes to check the room and Sam watches as he did so now from the hall.

(An hour later)

Sheriff hicks: " I've got a body outside a bar on main, and then Sam gets attacked here" she says trying to think.

Richie: " you said the call came from ambers number didn't you"

Amber: " so? we know he called on my phone when Tara was attacked. "

Y/N: " or maybe it's safe to say you're the killer, I mean how did you end up with that black eye of yours" he says death staring she snobby bitch known as amber.

Sheriff hicks: " Y/N honey, where were you when all this happened " she said looking at her eldest son. 

Y/N: " I was with Tara the whole time even ask her" he said.

Sheriff Hicks: " may I ask why you were with her" she says.

Tara: " because I was scared, and I feel safe with him around after what he did for me" she says saving Y/n from his words.

Richie: " anyway where were you then amber" he said giving her a look.

they stare at each other for a bit.

Sheriff Hicks: " I was questioning her and the rest at the station" the sheriff hands amber her phone back.

Amber: " yeah I came as soon as I heard, but wait where were you exactly"

everyone looked at Richie with amusement.

Richie: " I went for a drive to get some food"

Sheriff Hicks: " well where is it... the food" 

Richie: " I ate in that's why I was out for so long"

Amber: " yeah, you know, that alibi is good too"

Y/N: " ok that's enough" a nurse opens the door. 

Nurse: " Shes awake"

everyone walks into the room with Y/n and Tara limping from their previous injuries.

Sam: " you are gonna send more cops here, right?"

Sheriff hicks: " yes and you will be moved to a private floor. deputy Vinson knows what he's doing"

Y/N & Tara: " private floor? that's not what we need" they say in sync.

Richie: " what do you mean that's good right?"

Y/N: " well in a normal situation yeah"

Tara: " but if there's a sneaky killer going around, and Shes up there with no one around that's dangerous"

Sheriff Hicks: " hate to admit it but you two are right. the more people your around there's a lower chance he'll come for you" she leaves the room to make a phone call.

Tara looked at Sam.

Sam: " could you guys give me and Tara a second"

Amber: " come on attacker lets go"

 Y/N: " unbelievable, come on Richie."

Richie: " oh right" he gives Sam a kiss and leaves.

once everyone left the room Sam instantly told Tara to sit beside her to which she limped over and sat on a chair next to her bed

Sam: " do you remember when dad left?"

Tara looked stunned.

Tara: " parts sure, I was eight what does this have to do with anything?"

Sam: " it has to do with it"

Tara thought for a moment not saying anything as she let Sam go on.

Sam: " you know how mom used to keep all those boxes up in the attic? well, I was up there once. I was 13, looking for early Christmas presents. and well instead I found moms old diaries she kept since high school " she tried her best to give it to Tara straight.

Tara: " Sam, where is this Goin-" " please I have to finish this" Sam cut Tara off.

Sam: " so I found these diaries. and I knew it was wrong, but I read some anyway because mom got pregnant with me in high school, and I thought it would be cool to find out how she and dad got together. how romantic it must've been. so, I read some only to find out it wasn't romantic mom was with dad but... she was in love with this other guy, and he got her pregnant. she told dad it was his and that's why he proposed senior year."

Tara begins to overthink about what the sister was implying.

Tara: " Sam, what are you talking about"

Sam: " I'm sitting here in this attic and I'm 13 years old finding out that my dad isn't my dad" she begins to cry as she carries on.

Sam: " so I find mom in her bedroom, and I was screaming at her and shoving this diary in her face. I didn't even realize dad was standing right behind me, he didn't know he found out then from me. he left that night." she broke as Tara watched her not knowing what to feel.

Sam: " I'm the reason he left" she cried as Tara lets go of her hand not believing what she was hearing.

Tara: " no, no Sam it's not your fault" 

Sam: " mom never forgave me. then she made me promise never to tell you because you were so young. and that's why I changed and got distant with you. and I went out and started doing every drug I could get my hands on until I couldn't take it anymore, I just ran. I couldn't be around you anymore, Tara. its only because I destroyed our family that night, it's because those diaries told me who my real father was and now someone knows, and I think that's why you got hurt, and I'm sorry that I never told you and ran away."

Tara's shocked expression turned into that of fear and anger.

Tara: " are you serious, who the fuck was it then" she raised her voice.

Sam: " my father is Billy Loomis" she cried.

Tara: " stay out" she grumbled.

Sam: " Tara"

Tara: " you were gone for five years...five whole years and then I get stabbed and then you come back and drop this shit on me?" she yelled with her eyes tearing up.

Sam: " I thought I was protecting you"

Tara: " protecting me from what?! the truth?"

Sam: " no, no I please, Tara"

Tara started to cut her off.

Tara: " Sam, SAM I need you to just stay out of my life"

Sam: " I'm so sorry"

Tara: " Sam"

Sam: " please"

Tara: " just stay the fuck out!"

Tara storms out the door and walked into Richie and Y/n.

Richie: " hey do you think i can see her"

Tara ignores him as she limped back to her room with her I.V stand where Y/n followed her.

Tara flopped on the bed as Y/n came into the room and startled her. he walked over and sat on a chair as she gave him a strong sad smile.

Tara: " you always know when to come and save me" she says letting out her tears.

Y/N: " huh yeah I guess I do" she chuckled. 

Richie knocked at the door to which Tara invited him in

Richie: "your sister is too weak to help, and the police aren't gonna be much use so what's our next move"

Y/N: " well I'd say we go to an expert."

Richie raised an eyebrow.

Tara: " Dewey?" she says trying to remind Richie of the previous attacks.

Richie: " I'm sorry mi from Modesto I haven't seen or heard of the stab killings" he says.

Tara: " well you two have fun i guess"

Y/N: " what you're not coming."

Tara: " well neither of us should be going giving how bad our injuries are, like the most sudden movement could rip our stitches"

Richie: " she's right, don't worry I'll go but I have an idea"

Y/N: " oh?"

(Cut to Dewey in his trailer)

Dewey prepares a coffee whilst a news report plays on a low volume in the background.

Dewey sits himself down on his couch and switched the channel to see a familiar on the screen it was good morning: with gales weathers.

Gale: " good morning. I'm gale weathers,"

Dewey watched her and smiles to himself remembering his ex-wife eventually this moment was ruined by a knock at his door.

Dewey: " go away!" she shouts uninterested.

Richie: " sorry to bother you Mr. riley we just want to ask a few questions"

Dewey: " I don't give interviews and whose we, I only see one of you"

facetime Sam: " we're not looking for an interview."

Dewey: " what the hell, give me one good reason as to why I should talk to you"

facetime Sam: " I'm Billy Loomis's daughter."

Dewey suddenly opens the door.

Dewey: " that's a terrible reason for me to talk to you wait why are you in a hospital"

Facetime Sam: " my name is Samantha carpenter. I was attacked last night at the hospital, the night before that my sister was stabbed 4 times. I know you know what that's like. I'm just trying to protect family five minutes that's all I'm asking."

Dewey: " I'll give you two minutes. I'm missing my show."

he invites Richie in who still had Sam on the phone Dewey turned the television off.

Richie: " gale weathers? weren't you two?"

Dewey: " yeah"

Richie: " oh hi, I'm Richie her boyfriend"

Dewey: " how long have you known him"

Sam: " six months?"

Dewey: " did he know about who your father was when you met? express any interest in Woodsboro or the Ghostface killings"

Richie: " what the hell are you talking about"

Dewey: " the killer is obsessed with stab movies right, there are certain rules to surviving a stab movie. believe me I know."

Richie settled down a bit as Sam leaned in closer to her phone.

Dewey: " rule number one, never trust the love interest. they seem sweet, caring, supportive and then welcome to act 3 where they now try to rip your head off."

Richie: " I was in Modesto with Sam when her sister was attacked as well as Y/n"

Dewey: " wait what? Y/n? as in the Judy's son Y/n Hicks is he alright?"

Sam: " ah yeah he was stabbed 6 times after beating up the attacker"

Dewey: " and let me guess when you were attacked, he was in another room"

Richie: " actually I wasn't at the hospital"

Dewey: " well rule number two the killer's motive is always connected to the past"

Sam: " I'm related to Billy Loomis"

Richie: " right, but then why kill that random Vince guy?"

Dewey: " that's for you to figure out"

Dewey: " and finally rule number three and this is the most important rule the first victim always has a friend group that the killer is a part of, does your sister have any close-knit friends"

Sam: " yeah, she does"

Dewey: " then looks for the killer there, if you can find out why they're doing this, you can figure out who's next."

Richie: " so help us, help us figure out who is behind this"

Dewey: " are you kidding me? I've been stabbed 9 times. I've got permanent nerve damage and a funny little limp, you think I want to do that? "


also as far as the killers go i hope you guys are smart enough to put two and two together and sort it out i have changed a few things