
Unrelenting (Tara carpenter x Y/n Hicks, (scream 5)

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What is Unrelenting (Tara carpenter x Y/n Hicks, (scream 5)

Lisez le roman Unrelenting (Tara carpenter x Y/n Hicks, (scream 5) écrit par l'auteur FixatedWiriter publié sur WebNovel. Tara Carpenter and y/n Hicks have been seeing each other for a little while now but haven't fully gone public about it because Tara was afraid people would think differently, but they were later forc...


Tara Carpenter and y/n Hicks have been seeing each other for a little while now but haven't fully gone public about it because Tara was afraid people would think differently, but they were later forced to come out when she was attacked, and their group started to gang up on Y/n for being the killer that had suddenly appeared to kill Tara, later they are desperately fighting for their lives against the killer or killers. Y/n is brothers with Wes and a son to sheriff Judy Hicks. the killer only became more UNRELENTING.

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PantheonsPavoris · Fantaisie
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5 Chs


Selene, a beautiful name that once belonged to a very beautiful moon goddess that now belongs to a beautiful college student with flowing and long shiny black hair and beautiful brown eyes who tries to balance her life as a student by day and as a quick-rising author by night. She did her name justice as she was as serene, graceful and beautiful as the moon. She's always been very attracted to the night, especially when it's full moon, often admiring it at its full glory. For nineteen years, she lived a fairly normal life but a few months after she started living by herself, never once did she thought that her life and routine would change in one night. After going to a batchmate's party, Selene had an encounter with a small and injured husky, feeling bad for the poor creature, she took it home and took care of it, bathed it, fed it, treated its wounds and even naming it. After a few days when she was sleeping with the small puppy beside her, she was more than surprised when she woke up to a sleeping tall and handsome muscular male comfortably snuggling into her chest instead of the small husky she just took in. Telling her he had been cursed by a wicked wizard and that she managed to break the spell, she started realizing that she now had to live with a werewolf, not just a werewolf but an alpha and that she got way more than she bargained for with such an attractive male now being her housemate. Although the two may bicker and quarrel from time to time, no one can deny that the two had chemistry. As time passes by, Selene realizes that she somehow got herself entangled in Night's business and that she is now being targetted by Night's Pack's enemies as well, not only that but another revelation has unfolded and Night, his parents, his pack along with the world she grew up in that she's always believed to be normal is not really what it seems and that there is always more to it than meets the eye. How will Selene go back to her normal life? Or can she even go back to her normal life and see everything the same as before now that her life has changed? How will she react now that the truth started to unravel itself? Will she once again turn a blind eye like she did as a child? Or will she finally accept her fate despite of her stubborn personality?

BlackHeart_Uni · Fantaisie
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absolutely amazing this story is I want more so bad


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General Audiencesmature rating