
Ultimate Alpha Male System (Dropped)

Drake Cross, above average looks, new head surgeon at the NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital in New York City, and the Youngest Doctor in the last few decades being only in his early 20’s and having such skill. The heart throb of many nurses because of his age, looks and skills, but was always cold and indifferent to any who tried to come after him. Why? Drake-“3D women are not as great as my Waifus!” He shouted to himself, he was in love with anime women that any real woman couldn’t compare. A Otaku to say the least. ???- “Then do I have a deal for you!” Come watch as his dreams come true going from one anime to next with many women and wives that follow after him as he becomes the next Alpha Male. Worlds 1st World- Monster Musume 2nd World- Rosario+Vampire 3rd World- Corruption of Champions 1 & 2 (Current) DISCLAIMER! You can probably tell this is a very Wish fulfillment type of story, there will be both plot and ‘PLOT’ in the story, if there was a Smut tag, or if there is I couldn’t find it, it would be in this story for sure, there’s gonna be sex, lots of it so don’t be shocked that it happens alright? (8/26/22) SECOND DISCLAIMER! There will be incest, mind you the family he does it with are in one way or another not genetically related to him even though they are his daughters do to reasons explained in the story, if you don’t like that then this story ain’t for you. (9/13/22) THIRD DISCLAIMER! He gets ridiculous amounts of women just like catching Pokémon so a good chunk of his women that aren’t his main wives or lovers are just his sexually full of lust with no real love in it, so if you also don’t like that then we’ll this is still not for you. Also even if he goes to new worlds after the first one there will be a separate space that all his women can come and go to from their worlds to meet his other women and spend time with him even if he’s away from there worlds. Note I don’t have an editor, if there are grammatical mistakes here and there I may or may not go back and fix them later. Also I have 2 other stories that will be my main primary focus so don’t be surprised I post chapters on this one only once or twice a week or maybe not at all during a week depending how I feel Original Cover was from Alpha Lyrae on Pinterest, Don't know if he made the picture but that's where I got it from New front cover is made by 0Nashiro (Edit 6/29/22) I guess I should point this out, at the beginning even if he has the system he doesn’t automatically become an Alpha Male, some people are born into that, but some have to grow into it and develop into ones, people say right now he would be a Beta instead of an Alpha, and that’s true for the most part, it’s not until he meets one of the future girls in his first world that genuinely helps him become and Alpha male, it doesn’t help that no matter how strong he is in the first world most women there are much stronger than the average human so it’s suppose to be hard for him to take the reins without being tossed around like a Ragdoll.

OneMoreScore · Anime et bandes dessinées
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114 Chs


After our first night together I completed one of my many quests, ones specifically aimed towards having sex with my women.

(Quest Miia's First Time Complete!)

Calculating rewards…

Xp/Sp gained for completing the quest is 10,000, and for the multiple continuous times having sex with her an additional 15,000 has been added for a grand total of 25,000 xp/Sp

You have leveled up 19 times!

Level 24 700xp/25,000xp

You now have 3 stat increases!

*Set my stat points to 2 in STR and 1 in Endurance*



Drake Cross


Lvl 24



STR- Average-> Elite

END- Above Average-> Elite

INT- Genius

CHA- Elite

AGI- Average

LCK- Divine


After that was all said and done I suddenly felt the muscles in my body become more defined and stronger and my skin became much tougher, and my stamina increased immensely as well.

Currently my member was still deep inside her as we were still cuddled up with each other.

We spent a good chunk of the morning just cuddling with each other before we had to reluctantly get up and get some food to eat.

Soon after we both decided to go into the bathroom and take a nice hot bath together, and maybe fool around as well.



Later on I was taking care of the laundry and was hanging it out to dry because it's such a nice day today.

"It's a beautiful day outside, the birds are singing, the flowers are blooming, man on days like these-" but suddenly.


A huge bird talon gripped on my clothes.

"Ehh?" And before I could react I was suddenly pulled hard and brought up in the sky.

"WHAT THE HELL!!!" I shout out as I'm being flown away, but Miia heard my shout and came outside to see me hoisted away by a….

BirdWoman, no a harpy.


*System what the hell is going on?! Isn't this a bit to on the nose with the original story?!*

(Host has taking the fate of the original protagonist of this worlds story, so events that happened in the orginal story are more likely to occur while meeting all of the future girls that will live in your home.) the system explained to me.

*Great… just like him I'm gonna be thrown around like a rag doll by these girls, at least my endurance is great now….* is all I could think to console myself.

*System, when can I go to another world?*

(Host will be able to go to another world when either host completes one of the worlds main quests, or reach the minimum of human peak grade in this world with all stats)

*Haaa…. I'm gonna be here for awhile arent I? But that's fine by me* I think to myself as me and the Harpy, Papi, reach the public park nearby.

As we got close we went into a tree where she let me go, and let me fall on a huge tree branch where I was barely able to hold on to properly.

"Guh! Man even if I'm strong that hurt…" I say holding myself up on the large tree branch.

"Wow! Your pretty strong for a human aren't you?" She says as she flys and keeps herself afloat with her wing like arms.

"And who are you?" I had to ask unless I sounded weird to her.

"A Harpy! Papi's a Harpy, is what Papi is!" She said cheerfully.

Though it sounded confusing but I still got it, "So your name is Papi right?"

"Mhmm! I'm Papi!" She said happily as she landed on the same tree branch as me, making it bend a bit under our weight.

"Hey Papi, can you help me down to the ground?" I say as a fear the branch is gonna break soon, i maybe real durable but I don't want to risk it after all.

"Hmm? Oh okay!" She says as she grabs my shirt with her talons before lifting me up and letting me down.

Then I reached the ground, "Thanks, then again why did you snatch me up again? Shouldn't you be with your host family or something?" Since it is a bit weird for her to be out like this, with how she was acting she's not used to being around humans so I assumed that she was in the cultural exchange program still in this altered version of this world.

"?" She tilted her head, "But that's why I have you here right?"

*…. She really does have a birds brain….*

"But I'm not your host though…." But suddenly I see her look at and see a ice cream truck nearby.

She then grabs at me and starts dragging me to the but ice cream truck, "Hey! Doe that have food! I'm hungry!"

*What are you? Luffy?!?!* but after a few steps she turned and looked at me and how she was holding my arm before looking confused as she moved away, "Who are you again?"

*She really is a Bird Brain?!?!*

"Haaa…. Papi do you want ice cream?"

"Ice Cream! Yes I'd love some!!!"



"Right! That Cultural something said I can't be alone outside, but that's hard to remember, but when that lady wasn't looking I took off and now I'm here!" She said happily licking her ice cream.

"You know…. You shouldn't do that right?"

"It's fine! I've done it a bunch of times with no problem before! Though they said something like about…. Import me somewhere???" She said all confused like as she rubbed her chin with one wing.

As she was doing that I saw her ice cream wobbling and almost falling out of her wing hand which I quickly caught.

"Careful, you almost dropped it!" I said holding it up for her.

"Ahh! Thank you!" She said happily as she began to eat it all up.

*Im not letting that stupid ecchi scene from happening.*

Soon enough we ate up all of our ice cream, "Thank you!" She says as she hugs me all happily for getting the ice cream.

"Oh your welco-"

"DARLING!!!" I heard a familiar shout from nearby.

"Miia!" I say as I wave her over, but then her tail wips out and grabs me by the neck with her tail as she drags me right over to her.

"Guh! Miia!" I said as I tried to get her tail to let go of my neck.

"How dare you take my darling away from me you BirdBrain!!!" She shouts as she looks accusingly at Papi.

"Oh you wanna fight?!" Papi said as she flew in the air with her talons at the ready.

But before things could get out of hand I forced Miia to let me go as I got between the two of them.

"Alright both of you break it up!" I say as I hold them both back from hurting each other.

"Oh? What are you guys doing here?" We all hear as a certain coordinator showed up.

"Ms. Smith!!!" X2



"So why we're you there?" I asked after handing Ms. Smith her coffee.

"Well I was looking for Papi after all… she tends to run away from every type of host family and does whatever she wants… so I was thinking about thro- I mean asking you nicely to take care of her."

"…. Smith, your really not reliable are you?"

"What? You have a problem with that? Then again *Sniff Sniff* you are enjoying yourselves here aren't you? Now you wouldn't mind taking care of her." She says as she pushes up her sunglasses that shine menacingly, "Right?"

Both me and Miia blush a bit, specifically Miia hides her face as she blushes hard.

"But I digress, Papi, this will be your new home from now on okay?"

"Yay! Ice Cream! And a nice husband too!" She said happily as she hugged my arm.

Ms. Smith just smirked before Miia looked absolutely livid!

"Stay away from my Darling!"

"No! He's nice and good looking! He's gonna be my husband!"

And with that said another fight broke out with me in the center of the chaos.

While this happened Ms. Smith just kept drinking her coffee.

"Ahh, youth."

"Ms. Smith! Save me!!!" I shouted as I was being dragged around like a rag doll but she just smiled mischievously as she watched all the fun.

*How did he survive all this?* is all I could think about as I was being dragged around.

(Quest Complete Papi's Soul Mate!)