
Thrown Out

Subasa could barely contain her laughter as she saw a pale-skinned boy running from her in pain, limping. He was rolling on the floor sometimes to douse the flames. While he was running, he slipped on the ice and fell down the slope for a long time. As he lay still there for some time, she grew anxious if he died. She wasn't allowed to kill any of their future cadets. If he got himself killed in the forest or was killed while running away, she wouldn't receive a pay cut. "Ryan should get rid of rats himself. Why should I get my pay cut?" She planned to kill the boy after he tried running. She would have doused the flames herself. While the flames wouldn't do much harm, the boy will surely start panicking and start running away, and she would get the license to kill him. She had done this quite a few times before, so she was sure she would have no problem this time around too. But the boy reacted before she cast her spell, which made her misdirect the fire, and a huge chunk of his face was burnt. Now, when she was ready to undo the spell on him, he suddenly started running away. Maybe he had sensed that it was the right thing to do or he completely resigned to his animal instincts. Either way, Subasa thought it was pretty disgusting.Glenn was nothing but a part of the yearly script where they would kill one of the seemingly useless cadets to show their dominance and mesmerize the children. He would probably die a terrible death that would make him prefer being burnt to death. As she was contemplating what to do, a kid called her and asked her, "What sort of sorcery did you do?" Although it sounded rude, Subasa didn't care as she saw the excitement in the kids' eyes. She inwardly sneered and thought, "So, they don't care about the kid they just saw being nearly burnt to death, they are curious about the fire that burned him... What a fucking shitshow... Well, they are just kids..." While some kids were curious, many were terrified of what had just happened, but Subasa soon threw the bait. With a flick of her wrist, she pulled all the children towards her and said, "These are all things which you all will soon be able to do... so buckle up, we are going to start doing really cool things from tomorrow. We will teach you how to do these things."

The children soon became engrossed.