
The Legend of The White Wolf

Auteur: Isaac_Nwajei
Actuel · 215 Affichage
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What is The Legend of The White Wolf

Lisez le roman The Legend of The White Wolf écrit par l'auteur Isaac_Nwajei publié sur WebNovel. In a world where mythical creatures, dwarves and elves roam, a man famously known as The White Wolf, born as the son of a god, Death, rises as a member of The Slayers. Tasked with hunting down monster...


In a world where mythical creatures, dwarves and elves roam, a man famously known as The White Wolf, born as the son of a god, Death, rises as a member of The Slayers. Tasked with hunting down monsters and beasts that threaten humanity, he embarks on a perilous journey with friends he made along the way as they go for battles, mysteries, and the discovery of his own divine lineage. As he navigates through an unbelieving revelation the White Wolf must confront his destiny, face the evil truth, and ultimately choose between the path of darkness or the light of his true purpose.

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  • Mise à jour de la stabilité
  • Développement de l’histoire
  • Conception des personnages
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