
The Legend of The White Wolf

In a world where mythical creatures, dwarves and elves roam, a man famously known as The White Wolf, born as the son of a god, Death, rises as a member of The Slayers. Tasked with hunting down monsters and beasts that threaten humanity, he embarks on a perilous journey with friends he made along the way as they go for battles, mysteries, and the discovery of his own divine lineage. As he navigates through an unbelieving revelation the White Wolf must confront his destiny, face the evil truth, and ultimately choose between the path of darkness or the light of his true purpose.

Isaac_Nwajei · Fantaisie
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7 Chs

Welcome Home Brother

Eniola's POV

I am Eniola Adebayo and my husband's name is Fola Adebayo.

It all started in the year 1570, we got married in Elamoire, We were poor and had nowhere to live and couldn't find shelter.

Until I met an old female mage who gave me a book with a skull on the front cover,. Immediately I took the book, she disappeared.

I took the book to the horse stable where me and my husband lived. I found out my husband was sick and was dying slowly.

I remembered the book I collected from the old mage, I opened it and found out it was a spellbook, I searched for anything that could help and I saw one.

I followed the instructions and I said the spell

"Kina kana kohit"

Immediately I said it there was a dark purple aura that formed the face of a skull on the ceiling and from the mouth of the skull came out a dark aura that entered my husband and me.

Then suddenly my husband's skin became pale and then two fangs came out from his mouth, turning him into a vampire, it made us not to ever grow old.

With the power we had we decided to form a country but then I heard a voice saying

" sethempai"

Then I told my husband that we should take over Illah And he agreed.

We killed the king and queen, and all those who refused to surrender. We captured their children, Elisha and Larry. But Elisha Escaped when he turned 16.

But still we had his sister in our clutches we mind controlled her to obey us.

In my room while I was sleeping, in my dreams, I saw a figure who wore a black hoodie coat and his face was a skull and I asked

"Who are you"

It replied saying

"I am The Whispering One"

It spoke to me in foreign words that only I could understand.

The next morning, I went under the castle and I saw a ziggurat beneath. I entered it and I took my spellbook and read it on how to bring back The Whispering One.

What I needed was someone with elder blood, the skin of a monster and the white wolf.

The only materials I have gathered were just the skin of a monster. But I still believe I will find what I need.

In The Slayers Castle, Illah

A man opened the doors of the castle and said

"I'm back"

"Jax!" Keyleth screamed

"Welcome back brother" Onyeka said

"Ha! You didn't die" Damilola said

"Where's Amadi?" Jax asked

"I'm over here" Amadi replied While resting on a wall.

"Always the proud type" Jax said

"So what monster did you kill?" Amadi asked

" I fought a Kishlin, But I couldn't kill it but I took one of its hands" Jax replied

"That's my brother, go freshen up, I'll prepare something for you to eat" Amadi said

Jax's POV

On my back I got stabbed by the kishlin. A kishlin It's a kind of tree like monster. It can take the form of any tree as a disguise and camouflage.

"I better treat myself of this wound" I said to myself.

At night while I was sleeping I noticed that something was growing from my back, it's like I am turning to a kishlin And this is bad.


The next day, in the slayers castle. Everyone was at the dinner table except Jax.

"Where is Jax? " Nnamdi asked

"I think he is on his way" Damilola replied.

Suddenly there was this vibration and ring in everyone's head and that means that a monster is nearby.

"Everybody gear up, we don't know what it is out there" Nnamdi said

"I'm going up" Amadi said

Amadi's POV

I climbed the staircase upwards, as I was getting close to the monster I could feel it.

I sensed the monster at the laboratory.

When I entered what I saw was surprising. It was Jax That transformed to a kishlin. He was trying to fight it but he couldn't. His mind was already controlled to kill me.

He threw some large thorns at me but I pushed them away with wind. I continued pushing him away with wind, until when Nnamdi entered the room, the kishlin or Jax tied Nnamdi and lifted him up strangling him.

I had no choice but to fight back. I took my steel sword, used fire magic to heat the blade of my sword so that I can penetrate through the kishlin skin.

I first of all cut off the legs of the kishlin, then I heard Jax's voice telling me to help him. But there was nothing I could do to help him, so all I had to do was kill him so he won't turn any other person.

I ran towards him dodging all the sharp thorns he was sending towards me, I cut some of the thorns with my sword then I pushed myself upwards into the air with wind and I cut the hand he was using to holding Nnamdi off.

Then from his back I sliced him downwards from his head to the ground.

The next day I and Nnamdi Went to the mountains to bury Jax.

"Wolf, don't worry we'll find the kishlin that did this to him" Nnamdi said

" Yeah, I know, I will leave that to you" I replied

" Yeah come on let's head back to the castle, I and Keyleth will investigate it" Nnamdi added.


At The Castle

"Listen up slayers, there are missions for you guys." Nnamdi said

"Onyeka and Onyeisi to Osubi, Keyleth and Damilola to Koko and lastly Amadi to Elamoire. " Nnamdi added

"Come back alive children" He said

"Yes father" They all replied

And so The Slayers got theirselves ready for their missions, took the necessary weapons, magic potions and elixirs they needed for their various missions and they all headed out.
