
The Legend of The White Wolf

In a world where mythical creatures, dwarves and elves roam, a man famously known as The White Wolf, born as the son of a god, Death, rises as a member of The Slayers. Tasked with hunting down monsters and beasts that threaten humanity, he embarks on a perilous journey with friends he made along the way as they go for battles, mysteries, and the discovery of his own divine lineage. As he navigates through an unbelieving revelation the White Wolf must confront his destiny, face the evil truth, and ultimately choose between the path of darkness or the light of his true purpose.

Isaac_Nwajei · Fantaisie
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7 Chs

A Friendly Foe

Amadi's POV

I went to my room put on my armor and sheathed My silver and black steel swords, then I went to the horse stable and took my horse Hush.

Hush has been one of my favorite horses, and he has been very useful. I sat on Hush and rode to Elaimoire. But before I could go I had to cross a lake.

I was sensing a weird being it was not a monster, it was a demon. It came out having the form of a human with black hair but his body was covered with red and blue stripes. I quickly took my black steel sword.

I ran towards him as I was about to slice his head off but he used his hand to shield his neck.

I noticed his hands were as strong as steel, so I pushed him with wind then I ran and was able to slice his leg off making him stumble, then I jumped up into the air to avoid his ground attacks.

But I noticed he had regenerated his leg back, so he moved so fast that he was behind me in the air and tried to punch me through the chest.

But I pushed him away with wind, then I pushed myself towards him with air, freezing him with ice magic then I heated my black steel sword with fire magic and then immediately I cut of his head.

I landed on the ground as I continued my journey to Elamoire.


At Elamoire

"Welcome to Elamoire, a city created by elves as a free city for humans, elves and dwarves to live peacefully and freely" A town crier announced.

Those who boarded ships from other cities to Elamoire arrived and those who boarded ships to other cities left.

Amadi's POV

I came down from the ship and began my hunt for the beast that caused havoc in this peaceful land.

I asked the citizens for any sight of the beast until I met this guy named Elisha, who showed me around Elaimoire and took me to his little home offering me shelter.

Elisha's POV

I am Elisha Ige, I am from Illah, my parents were the King and Queen of Illah and they were killed by the Adebayo's.

When I was escaping from their clutches with my sister Larry Ige, she was shot in the back by three arrows.

From that day I promised to kill the Adebayo's and the people that supported them to kill my parents.

I worked on a device called "The Blackbox". It was an instrument of destruction. It was like a gun, but a modified version of a gun. It took me six years to design it.

And during that six years, I noticed I could harness and bring out a black smoke, that can serve as both a defensive and offensive mechanism and it has always been my comforter and help.

And now my taste for revenge has increased.

But, today I found a guy named Amadi Uche, who literally looks like a guy who doesn't have friends.

And he turned out to be the famous Slayer, The White Wolf.

Something told me to befriend him and I did. He said he is on a mission to kill the beast causing havoc in this city.

At night, we both stayed at home to rest so he can continue his hunt tomorrow. After we ate, we both retired to bed.

In my room while I slept, I heard a voice saying

"Wake up Elisha, go outside through the front door and take the blackbox with you"

I woke up immediately and did as the voice said.

When I was outside I saw Dr. Anders. He was my father's special advisor. He betrayed my dad and supported the Adebayo's. He was on my kill list.

I took the blackbox and followed him behind.

"Doctor Anders" I said as a black smoke began to flow out of me and enveloping me

" Who's there?" He asked

"Remember me??" I asked with a deep voice

"Elisha" He responded

" You're alive, I will make sure the Adebayo's find out" He added

" Yes, you will if you're still alive" I said as I put on my raven mask and then my black smoke increased as I pointed the blackbox at Anders.

"Please no, stop Elisha, you don't want to do this" he said as he begged for his life.

Suddenly, his name appeared on the side of the blackbox.

I shot at his hand, scattering it to pieces as he fell down, then I knelt down in front of him as the black smoke covered both of us, then I aimed at his head as he asked

"Who are you? You're not Elisha"


"Yes, you're right, Elisha is my vessel, but there's one thing you need to know, we are ORTHAX"

A deep dark voice spoke through Elisha as he immediately pulled the trigger, blowing his head off as his name faded from the side of the blackbox.

After that Elisha came back to his senses not remembering what happened, all he knew was that he killed Doctor Anders and then he returned home.


The Next Day

"Thanks for the hospitality" Amadi said

"No problem, anytime" Elisha replied

"Ehmm, wait, can I come with you?" Elisha asked

"No, it will be too dangerous" Amadi replied

"Don't worry, I have the blackbox to help me with any danger" Elisha suggested as Amadi agreed and said

"Fine, you can come along, but always be prepared for anything"

"Sure. I got you" Elisha said.


In The Igbuzo Empire

The three judges gathered at their court to have a meeting.

"I am glad the both of you could make it here" Chiamaka said

"Yeah" Anthony and Awolowo responded.

"So, the reason why I called for this meeting was because, there has been rumours of The White Wolf in Elamoire, He was sent to kill our tool, our instrument of destruction, all in the name of a mission" Chiamaka narrated

"He mustn't, he can't, she's a very precious tool, that has helped us have control over our empire, she cannot just be taken from us!" Anthony said in rage

"There is no need to make a fuss about it, if he refuses to surrender and leave Elamoire We will send our first instrument of destruction to support and join her to kill The White Wolf" Awolowo said

"That is a good idea, let's just sit back and enjoy the show" Chiamaka added.
