
The Legend of The White Wolf

In a world where mythical creatures, dwarves and elves roam, a man famously known as The White Wolf, born as the son of a god, Death, rises as a member of The Slayers. Tasked with hunting down monsters and beasts that threaten humanity, he embarks on a perilous journey with friends he made along the way as they go for battles, mysteries, and the discovery of his own divine lineage. As he navigates through an unbelieving revelation the White Wolf must confront his destiny, face the evil truth, and ultimately choose between the path of darkness or the light of his true purpose.

Isaac_Nwajei · Fantaisie
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7 Chs

The Beginning of The End

The day broke, Dawn was here as by the bank of a lake in a village called Illah, there was a man kneeling by the bank dripping with blood.

He looked up facing the sunrise inhaling and feeling the cool breeze, opened his golden eyes remembering who he was.

Nnamdi's POV

I remembered back then in the year 1680, when I found a baby boy in a basket floating on the river. I rescued him and took him as my son.

He had white hair, light skinned and black eyes.

Also unfortunately back in the 1500s, the great collision happened, where by the realms; humans, monsters, demons, dwarves and elves realm collided causing a fusion between the realms.

After the collision, the dwarves and elves lived freely with humans, creating their own country like Edorel, Elamoire, Emon, and many more.

But in a village called Aboh, monsters and demons were spotted there first killing everyone in sight. These killings and appearances of monsters went on for over 100 years.

Then the three judges of the Igbuzo Empire made a decree saying

" The people of Kwale should form a group of warriors to kill the monsters".

But the warriors strength where in vain.

So one day while I was with the boy I rescued; I named him Amadi Uche.

We found a dead corpse of a monster and I took samples of its blood, skin e.t.c. and took it back home, then I tried a crazy experiment that I later noticed only worked for children between the age of 12 and 16.

And I also noticed the experiment worked on me partially but not fully.

The experiment made use of the monsters skin and blood and blood of elves from Edorel ( The Elders) .

Then I injected it in the children I found including Amadi. Most died from it but the ones that survived were; Amado, Jax, Onyeisi, Keyleth, Onyeka and Damilola.

The substance increased their physical and mental abilities. So I trained them on martial arts, stealth, magic and swordsmanship.

Then I forged silver and black steel swords and knives for them because only black steel blades could kill demons.

Then I noticed something that the experiment made them not to age quick, they can be like the size of a teenager but they will still be between the age of 50 and 70.

Later, I also noticed that the experiment only changed the color of Amadi's eyes to gold.

When they were all grown up to be able to fight monsters and demons, I made elixirs and magic potions to support them in their hunt, also made armors from the skin of high class monsters for them.

Then I went to see the judges at Igbuzo, I told them that I have people who can slay the monsters and demons, the judges approved my request and said when they slay a monster or demon they should bring souvenirs to any nearby court and they'll be paid in gold coins.

We were given a small castle to live in and the equipment we need we needed and we were called "The Slayers".

The name The Slayers spread round the World, that even the world government usually hired us to do some tasks and missions.

The type of magic I thought my children The Slayers was a common magic like wind, ice and fire magic and special grade magic.

Special grade magic gives it's user an aura. The color of one's aura is based on the person's personality and nature.

I dubbed the magic " Aura Magic " , because for it to be used or casted, it's user but bring out his or her aura which helps them concentrate on the flow of magical energy.

My son Amadi Uche grew and fought so hard in any mission he went on, and he was recognized for his bravery, skills, good looks and self respect.

He was known nationally in Nigeria as " The White Haired Slayer " but I called him

" The White Wolf "

And overtime he became famously known as The Blessed One, The Strongest Slayer... The White Wolf.

Years later, my younger brother Nwadike Became greedy and started creating very high advanced versions of the monsters that existed with the help of some mages in a hidden laboratory in Illah.

When I found out I journeyed to Illah To stop him. I got there and saw him with two monsters who were protecting him from me.

"Why are you doing this brother?". I asked

"We will make a lot of money from this and we also have slayers who can kill the monsters". He replied back.

" Stop this or I will force you to stop!". I yelled back at him.

" Go ahead, brother I dare you". He responded sending these two monsters to kill me.

I quickly pushed one away with wind so I can be able to kill the other first. I took my silver sword and sliced one of the monsters legs and I jumped up on its back and sliced its head off.

But unknown to me Nwandike Was escaping with the three mages. Before I could run I felt something pierced me from my back through my chest and I fell on the ground creating a pool of blood.

And then through the ceiling of the roof a man burst down to the ground and killed the monster that stabbed me, I recognize him, and he was Amadi.

He gave me an elixir to drink to heal myself.

" Stay here father and rest, while I go take care of Nwadike" He said.

" Please be careful my son" I replied back.

Amadi's POV

"Nwadike!!" I yelled while walking towards him.

The three mages held swords protecting him

" Surrender to me and I'll give you a painless death" I said as my dark aura began to flow out of my body as I clinched my silver sword with rage.

The mages ran to me and I sliced one into two from the bottom to above, I slashed one's head off and stabbed one through the heart.

I walked towards Nwadike who was trembling in fear, I first of all cut off both of his legs so he won't run.

"Why did you do this?" I asked

"For money obviously, you fool" He replied as he asked

"Who do you think you are huh?"

Then I replied saying

" I am Amadi Uche, The White Wolf"

I knelt down in front of him and said

"I am very sure your death is obvious"

Then I sliced his head into two and burnt his body with fire magic.

Present Day, 1710, In Illah

"When will we carry out our master plan? " Fola asked

"Very soon honey, just be patient… very soon" Eniola replied
