
The Legend of The White Wolf

In a world where mythical creatures, dwarves and elves roam, a man famously known as The White Wolf, born as the son of a god, Death, rises as a member of The Slayers. Tasked with hunting down monsters and beasts that threaten humanity, he embarks on a perilous journey with friends he made along the way as they go for battles, mysteries, and the discovery of his own divine lineage. As he navigates through an unbelieving revelation the White Wolf must confront his destiny, face the evil truth, and ultimately choose between the path of darkness or the light of his true purpose.

Isaac_Nwajei · Fantaisie
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7 Chs

Shalltear Bloodfallen

Amadi and Elisha stood in the main square, because Amadi sensed that the beast would be there. Suddenly they heard a low voice of a female say...

" Well, well, well... Who do we have here "

She was a little bit taller than average height, She wore a pink and black jumpsuit as she had a black bow on her silver hair.

And also on her eyes was written


Amadi's POV

I told Elisha to go and help the civilians to safety while I fight the demon.

"Who are you?" I asked

"Hahahaha. I am Shalltear Bloodfallen" She replied chuckling.

"What is a lowly human like you doing here?" She asked

"I am here to slay you" I replied

"Who are you?" She asked

"I am Amadi Uche, The White Wolf" I replied

" So you, he is the White Wolf, he has made my job easy by coming to meet me himself " She said to herself.

"Time to die human.. Argghh!" She screamed as I noticed that tentacles made from blood came out from her waist side of her cloth behind.

"Now die mice" She Said, as she ran towards me.

I noticed the tentacles were coming from different directions, which made it hard for me to dodge them.

But I had no choice but to attack or else I would die. So I took my black steel sword as I ran towards her.

" Raargh!! " I yelled as I began deflecting the tentacles she sent towards me, but as I was about to reach her she disappeared from my front and appeared at my back and sliced me from behind.

I just stood on one spot bleeding from head to toe, I couldn't move as I was shocked. But then I heard the demon's voice saying

" Demon Style: 360° Blood Drive "

Immediately she said those words I saw her tentacles everywhere killing people, as she killed, she absorbed their blood into her tentacles.

The more she absorbed blood the more she became stronger, crazy and angrier.

When I saw the massacre and the blood of innocent people, I lost my sense of thinking and immediately my black aura burst out of me enveloping me as my black steel sword became as dark as charcoal and there were black marks on my face and body.

My golden eyes became black that even black veins were on my hands.

" You'll pay for your sins!! " I yelled with and enraged voice.

With that rage I held my sword with a very strong grip, then I ran with a mighty speed towards her.

"He will still die" She said

" Demon Style: Twelve Division" She said.


Immediately her tentacles formed twelve blood shaped arc that was everywhere coming down to cut Amadi to pieces.

Amadi ran towards her with his dark aura around him and flowing everywhere, he didn't care about the tentacles, as he then held his sword's grip tightly and said...

" Dark Rings "

Immediately, his dark aura around him formed ring blades that cut all of her tentacles.

She screamed in pain as she said

"How is that possible"

Amadi's POV

With speed I ran in an oblivious pattern confusing her. All she could see was a dark aura everywhere, then I showed up in front of her about to cut her head off.

She released one of her tentacles to stab me, but I moved with great speed due to my dark aura and showed up at her back as I sliced her head off.

I was surprised she wasn't fading away, and then I heard her crying and shouting saying

" Brother!! Brother!!! A little mouse did this to me, brother!! ".

Immediately, I heard a sonic boom sound heading towards me, I couldn't see where it was coming from, all I could hear was the sound.

Until suddy I saw someone, a male figure in my front with a kind of a red sickle already close to my eye about to penetrate into it.

And I also noticed on his eyes the inscription was also written


I couldn't move away, because he was already too close. This was probably the end of me, because I couldn't react or think of a counter. He was already in front of me, very close as he wore a insane and creepy smile
