
The Last Blood Elf (Completed)

Cross is the last of his kind, an extinct species wiped out long ago. Blessed with a strange power, he shall make a name for himself and make everybody remember the Blood Elves once more! https://www.pat reon.com/MonkeyGodking (BTW I suck at writing these! Just read it if you're interested!)

Monkey_Godking · Films
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259 Chs

Void Battle Body

Cross continued killing when he suddenly stopped and looked up to see Enpuda and a thin man while countless black figures were coming out of a hole in the void. Cross looked at the void hole and pointed at it. The hole trembled and changed into a killing hole, who knows how many people just died trying to go through.

Enpuda glared at Cross and said "I will kill you!" Cross looked at him silently, not saying a word. He made a symbol with his hands and the world started shaking, the void hole closed and two giant red ringed eyes appeared in the sky, looking down at the entire battlefield.

Abisukira started shrinking down, the 4 arms moved back and the head and body merged with Cross' body. The scythe in Abisukira's hands separated in the middle, the lower half turned into a heavy spike, a chain connected the spike to the upper half of the scythe and the arms spun the spike in a circle.

Cross grabbed the air and his scythe appeared in his hands. He had 6 arms now along with a black flaming halo and a full crown. The halo and the crown merged into one and formed a gold crown-halo covered in black flames, hovering in between the Horns on his helmet.

He looked terrifying, like a real demon. Cross muttered "Void Battle Body... Open..." his breath sky rocketed and the armor sank into his flesh, turning into scale-type armor on the arms and legs, staying the same on the rest, but the helmet disappeared, leaving just the horns.

There were pink, bright purple, silver, and blue rings at the base of his dark purple horns, white fur lining his neck, golden patterns on his armor, and a red cape coming out from the bottom of the chest plate.

On the bottom of his pitch black scythe, there was a string with 7 colored beads hanging.

A Blackhole opened behind him and fused itself to Cross' back, spinning slowly, distorting the space around it, but not affecting Cross at all.

Cross opened his eyes and said "The Void is mine, leave." the eyes in the sky glowed and all the assassins hiding in the dark suddenly were revealed. Cross looked at everything and copied all their methods. He looked behind Long Chen and stepped, disappearing.

He reappeared behind Long Chen and pinched the air, revealing a woman with a dagger. He looked at her and copied all her arts before saying "Annoying..." before the weighted spike pierced the void and stabbed her abdomen, leaving a hole and a mark.

Cross' 4 extra arms were constantly moving, piercing the void and killing people from far away. With the eyes in the sky, he could see everything. All the disciples fighting were in his vision, his attacks saved countless disciples.

The blackholes in the air started appearing all over the place and shooting out weapons at the black assassins from the Nine Hell Hall and Blood Killing Hall. Long Chen grinned and said "I can't fall behind, can I?" as he exploded out with power and started slaughtering.

Cross looked at the woman and said "Your blood... Interesting... I want it." her eyes widened as countless chains pierced the void and shot towards her, she started running but more and more black chains flew out of the void.

There was nowhere for her to escape, she gritted her teeth and coughed up blood before forming into blood mist. A hand reached into the blood mist and pulled the woman out by her neck as Cross said "No one escapes from me."

He pulled her to him and sealed her body completely, she couldn't even move to kill herself, not to mention escaping. Cross pressed on her forehead as his eyes glowed, he read her soul and pulled it out of her body.

The woman's body was useless now, he took her ring and weapon before throwing her entire corpse into the blood pool. The blood boiled and her body sank inside, never to be seen again. The blood pool, has pretty much everyone's blood in it. All the beasts, his own, his wives, Bai Xiaole, Bai Shishi, Long Chen, a drop of each of the Divine Beasts' blood he had, Xu Zixiong, and countless other nameless individuals from the beast region.

Cross held the soul in his hands and condensed it into a ball, before locking it in a black shell before keeping it in his Inner World for later torturing. He could feel the Nine Star grief from her soul, who knows how many she's killed, well not anymore surely.

The void trembled and a bunch of Underworld men stepped out, Cross looked at the men but didn't make a move. The man looked at Long Chen and said "Hey! Lord Long Chen!?" Long Chen looked over and said "Hey!" the man laughed and said "I can't believe you're here! What a coincidence!"

Enpuda and the thin man were stunned and Long Chen smiled, the man said "What do you need us to do, Lord?" Long Chen grinned and said "Kill everyone except the Terrans, also keep that fat man, and the skinny guy next to him, here. They're enemies." the man patted his chest and said "No problem! Let's go boys!" as the underworld people started killing beasts.

Cross looked at the man Bai Zhantang was fighting. He stepped and disappeared into the void, he reappeared behind him and stabbed him in the back with his scythe before disappearing again, Bai Zhantang took the opportunity and sped up his attack, reversing the situation completely.

He reappeared behind Long Chen and slashed with his scythe, colliding with a dagger from the skinny guy next to Enpuda. The man clicked his tongue and said "You're annoying." Cross stayed silent and his 4 extra arms started moving faster, killing assassins 4 at a time.

Cross suddenly hooked the skinny man's clothes and spun him around into Enpuda's dagger. The skinny man blocked the dagger and shouted "Fatso, what the fuck!" Enpuda snorted in annoyance and disappeared. Cross looked at the void and his crown spun, tilting into a circle before releasing a black beam into the void, making an explosion and forcing Enpuda out before going back to normal above his head.

Cross was fighting Enpuda and the skinny man by himself, Long Chen threw something at Cross, who caught it and switched places with Long Chen as he disappeared.

Cross stabbed the man fighting Bai Zhantang right through the heart with the dagger. The man froze and slowly fell to the ground, Cross flashed over and slashed the dagger across his neck, cutting his head clean off. He pressed his palm on the man's head and sucked out his soul before locking it in a ball and throwing it to Bai Zhantang, knowing that this is the man that attacked and injured his wife.

The battle stopped and everybody looked at Cross who was holding the man's head and body in two separate hands, draining his blood into a bucket like a pig. Enpuda shouted in extreme rage "That's The Great Brahma's Disciple and a member of the Shura Clan! You-" Cross ignored him and stole his belongings before draining all the blood from his head, throwing it to Bai Xiaole.

The man attacked Bai Xiaole's mother when she was pregnant with Bai Xiaole resulting in his decreased intelligence, without Long Chen maybe Bai Xiaole would never awaken his 3 Flower Pupils because of this man.

This hatred was extreme.

Cross held the corpse by the ankles and drained his blood into the bucket as he said "I knew his blood was different." he finished and sent the bucket of blood into the Inner World before stripping the corpse of it's clothes and stabbing a spike through it into the ground like a scarecrow as he carved into the flesh 'Puppy of the Brahma Doggy'

The stake was right at the entrance of the 7th Branch Academy, Cross turned around and said "Thank you, for the gifts. The birds were becoming a problem..." it was a joke, which was extremely strange because his face was completely blank and his tone was flat.

Long Chen burst out laughing and Enpuda's eyes exploded with rage. The skinny man flashed in front of Cross, only to have his throat gripped and his body slammed into the ground. Cross looked at him and said "Another gift.. I will take your faith from this clone, thank you." he slapped a palm on the skinny man's forehead and sucked out all the faith from the clone body, turning it useless.

Enpuda escaped and Long Chen came to Cross and the clone body. Cross gave him the dagger and propped up the clone body, after stripping its clothes, right next to the headless corpse devoid of blood. He carved 'Nine Doggy Hall Master' into the body of the clone before turning around.

Long Chen looked at the ruins and his heart was bleeding from the amount of money that would have to be used to repair everything. He sighed and said "Repair the Cornerstone, formation, and barriers. Continue Re-building the Academy!"

Cross got a big boon this time and went to his residence to lock up.

He took out the golden elephant chariot and a bunch of other King Weapons before smelting them all into a liquid and letting Aurora devour them all. The necklace finally glowed and became a King Weapon!

Aurora tole Cross that everything came into one and new powers were made. The Armor and Scythe were King Level Weapons, any energy he gets into his body will be sent to the other necklaces and bracelets completely purified, the speed of cultivation will increase by 1000x, and because of the Chariot, the necklace can turn into a small boat, but that wasn't all. It could also send things to other necklaces and bracelets.

The sending items was only because they were all connected to the Inner World. Using it as a medium, items could come and go, but not people... for now. Cross nodded and patted the necklace beads in encouragement.

Cross started digesting the power of faith he consumed from the skinny man's body and his cultivation increased to 3rd level Divine Lord Realm. He went to Long Chen and asked him for some black soil, Long Chen have him a ton and Cross went into the Inner world, letting it out.

The World buzzed and the Black soil was absorbed before a giant area appeared with a black bowl in the middle of it, but the black bowl looked like smooth stone. Cross had seen Long Chen do this before and he threw the corpses of some beasts into the black soil.

The corpses were devoured and the black boil started filling with a strange white liquid. The sides of the bowl were sending the blood from the beasts into the blood pool.

Cross touched the white liquid and felt his entire being relax. He drink a bit and his body changed from the inside out, he quickly went to the bathroom.

A while later

Cross walked out of the bathroom, his beard was gone, his hair was down to chin level again and his entire body felt 'Pure'. Naturally, all the impurities of his body were washed away and his strength felt like it directly doubled!

Cross was in awe and threw millions of corpses into the black soil before collecting the white liquid into a gourd. He left the Inner World and went to find Long Chen.

Long Chen was talking with Bai Shishi, when Cross appeared. Long Chen looked at him and said "Eh? You shaved?" Cross didn't speak and poured the white liquid into Long Chen and Bai Shishi's mouths. Long Chen and Bai Shishi were both stunned and they both disappeared.

A while later

They returned and looked completely reborn. Cross threw the gourd to Bai Shishi, his face was expressionless as before as he said "For the rest." Long Chen said "What was that?!" Cross said "No name. Black soil made it." Long Chen clicked his tongue and said "Lucky, lucky."

Bai Shishi held the gourd and looked at her sparkling skin in awe before leaving to the rest, there was enough in the gourd for the entire Academy and then some! Long Chen looked at Cross and said "Still not good?" Cross looked sad as he shook his head, Long Chen patted his shoulder and said "Come out with me when the Academy is finished re-building. Maybe a trip around the world will help?"

Cross nodded, he had nothing better to do anyway, he might as well. Outside he could find treasures and following Long Chen, there will definitely be a lot of strong people, which could lead to a lot of Faith power for him to absorb.

It was a win-win!

Half a month later

The entire Academy had drank the mysterious white liquid and Bai Shishi said it was in the Brahma disciple's storage ring. That's what she was told anyway, it didn't really matter where it came from, just that it was there and there was plenty to go around. In the end the rest of it was given to the man from the Wine God's Palace and made into Super Wine.

Cross got a lot of it and poured all his old wine into one gourd before pouring all the new wine into another gourd. He kept them both on him at all times. From all the corpses the big bowl filled up and after it filled the excess started dispersing into the air of the Inner World.

The entire Aura of the Inner World was constantly getting richer and purer by the corpse. Cross borrowed a few Divine Wood Fruits and planted their seeds to make trees in his world too, replacing the forest by the castle with Divine Wood Trees.

The herbs flourished, the earth was richer, the water was purer and tastier, the entire realm was dripping with vitality and life. The Castle was slowly absorbing a bit of the Life in the air and the Sect was expanding by the day.

During the Half month, Cross went out and slaughtered demons crazily, throwing them into the black soil that had now expanded. Long Chen and Cross found out that their Black soil's were connected so half of the vitality went into Long Chen's Inner World and half stayed in Cross'. It was literally a win-win for both of them.

Finally the time came and Cross and Long Chen both quietly left the Academy.

Stones or else.

Monkey_Godkingcreators' thoughts